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Royal Albert gig - Eldritch's injuries?

Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 14:16
So what were Eldritch's injuries?
Cracked Ribs? Bruised.. Broken?
Did AE's movements seem stiff?
It must've been tough for Andy?

Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 14:32
by elamanamou
Poor Andy. I think his concerns were Hussey? Lol

Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 14:41
I heard he had cracked (or broken) ribs.
I have no facts, just stories that I heard.
Was it an accident while 'lugging' stuff?
Or... the jealous boyfriend of a groupie?

Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 14:58
by elamanamou
Too much amphetemines I think :von:

Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 15:07
by paint it black
yes, bandaged ribs, so yes, he didn't moved too much -

Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 16:55
by Being645
elamanamou wrote:Too much amphetemines I think :von:
Just enough to manage doing the gig at all, rather, I guess ... :innocent:

Btw, welcome to The Heartland Forums, GLOSSA ... :D ... what would you think: YCBTO - yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah or NO ... :?: ;D ...

Posted: 21 Mar 2017, 08:45
by eastmidswhizzkid
Being645 wrote:
elamanamou wrote:Too much amphetemines I think :von:
Just enough to manage doing the gig at all, rather, I guess ... :innocent:
according to my friend who was eldritch's bodyguard at the time he was quite f**ked up and in pain. his ribs were cracked, heavily bruised, and he had to be strapped up with bandages. it was mainly due to the huge amounts of amphetamines he was taking that he was able to perform at all. so much so in fact that they weren't intending to play another encore after 'Train'. it was Lemmy and the bikers drumming up everyones last bits of speed to give him that got him back on for Ghostrider/Louie, Louie.

Posted: 27 Mar 2017, 09:07
by An
So we still don´t know why the broken ribs. But isn`t it also nice to have some mysteries?

Posted: 27 Mar 2017, 10:40
by elamanamou
I do think AE keeps us all intrigued as he is a mystery man. He likes to keep us guessing. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for him during a gig his shades fell off for us all to see behind the mask!! :oops: :oops: :von:

Posted: 27 Mar 2017, 16:26
by mh
This was roundabout the time he used to walk around Leeds with an iron bar up his sleeve, wasn't it? And he had allegedly been beaten up by Brian Moss from Vicious Pink the previous winter?

Posted: 27 Mar 2017, 18:58
by copper
mh wrote:And he had allegedly been beaten up by Brian Moss from Vicious Pink the previous winter?
This guy?

Posted: 27 Mar 2017, 19:50
by mandrake
elamanamou wrote:I do think AE keeps us all intrigued as he is a mystery man. He likes to keep us guessing. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for him during a gig his shades fell off for us all to see behind the mask!! :oops: :oops: :von:
We have seen him without shades. That 85 shoot (looking good) the pre Eldritch livingroom shot and a few more. And he took his shades off once in the 90ies..can't remember which gig..

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 07:46
by metal on metal
mandrake wrote:
elamanamou wrote:I do think AE keeps us all intrigued as he is a mystery man. He likes to keep us guessing. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for him during a gig his shades fell off for us all to see behind the mask!! :oops: :oops: :von:
We have seen him without shades. That 85 shoot (looking good) the pre Eldritch livingroom shot and a few more. And he took his shades off once in the 90ies..can't remember which gig..
Leeds University 10th Anniversary gig in February 1991. During the encore if I remember correctly. He said he had a nosebleed.

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 09:20
by paint it black
'Almost human'

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 13:47
by An
Allright, so Eldritch was hurt badly, Hussey had a bad Hang over, don´t know what Adams had, maybe pneumonia. They had great medicine indeed, because the gig was still a masterpiece.

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 14:00
by Bartek
Dr A. Suplphate

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 14:04
by markfiend
It can come in handy, living above a chemist :lol:

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 14:11
by An
And I thought they took some black tea....

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 16:28
by redfish666

It can come in handy, living above a chemist Laughing
:D :D :D

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 16:51
by abridged
An wrote:Allright, so Eldritch was hurt badly, Hussey had a bad Hang over, don´t know what Adams had, maybe pneumonia. They had great medicine indeed, because the gig was still a masterpiece.
Interestingly in the light of arguments about contemporary Sisters gigs a few opinions I've heard have said it wasn't the greatest. Eldritch had to even be persuaded to play an encore. Of course I wasn't there so it's all second hand opinion and to be fair it does look great on video. :D

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 17:21
by Swinnow
It wasn't the best gig I saw that line up play. If memory serves (little chance of that) there was a wait for a second encore.

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 17:22
by Swinnow
Mind you I did laugh my thingy off at the Freebird prelude.

Posted: 29 Mar 2017, 08:24
by An
Swinnow wrote:It wasn't the best gig I saw that line up play. If memory serves (little chance of that) there was a wait for a second encore.
Yeah, of course there is a difference to hear it with headphones/or on video and to be there and feeling the atmosphere. And then you have each day a slightly different mind/mood, etc.

I think it was a powerful performance with Fix and Ghostrider/LouieLouie as bonus. When I´ve seen the video for the first time, I obviously didn´t know about the circumstances and didn´t notice any pain in Eldtritch, well, not the physical.
Of course it would be better if Marx had joined them, but so it was.

Posted: 29 Mar 2017, 08:38
by elamanamou
Agree An. Definitely a brilliant gig at their best

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 16:43
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:
Being645 wrote:
elamanamou wrote:Too much amphetemines I think :von:
Just enough to manage doing the gig at all, rather, I guess ... :innocent:
according to my friend who was eldritch's bodyguard at the time he was quite f**ked up and in pain. his ribs were cracked, heavily bruised, and he had to be strapped up with bandages. it was mainly due to the huge amounts of amphetamines he was taking that he was able to perform at all. so much so in fact that they weren't intending to play another encore after 'Train'. it was Lemmy and the bikers drumming up everyones last bits of speed to give him that got him back on for Ghostrider/Louie, Louie.
Thanks for the info. Who knows what really happened to AE's ribs before the show that must go on...

On a separate topic, I notice that EastMidsWhizzKid has a photo of TSOM in front of the the Sassy Cat Club (on Woodward Avenue) as his avatar. It's no longer a porn cinema, and Woodward has been cleaned up quite a bit. I used to go past there all the time, usually in the dead of night, eating my burger or whatever other s**t I was eating to soak up the alcohol, stop for a quick p*ss in the side streets (Sproat and Park) before returning home (Downtown) via Cass Avenue. After dark, Cass is still wild and woolly (only 'dog food' dealers are on the street after midnight on Cass) but Woodward is cleaned up. When that Detroit's Finest pic was taken, Woodward Avenue would have been a messy madhouse, LOL.