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Who loves the sun?

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 11:39
by Major de Coverly
Pa Pa Pa Pa

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 11:40
by Major de Coverly
Not everyone.

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 11:53
by Loki
Who loves the sun?

Ambiguous post. :urff:

Is the answer:

a) No, I prefer the Daily Express, or

b) No, it causes premature ageing of the skin and makes you look like Keith Richards?

(Two name checks for the great head-band wearer in 24 hours :notworthy: )

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 11:53
by Quiff Boy
I do.

Or at least I will as of Friday morning.... for two whole weeks. 8)

Yes indeedy folks, it's Quiff Boy's holiday time again :D :D

This thread seems as good a place as any to announce it: I'm going on my holibobs for two whole weeks - larging it up in the sun, as it were. Tenerife, actually - but not the grotty lager lout part. A nice part, full of sensible people and lots of irish pubs all called "Paddy Power". :?

Buxxy wuxxy :wink: :kiss: Pads and Sinny have all been notified, and Pads has even earned himself a little temporary promotion for teh duration, so behave! We'll have no trouble here... :P

The pool that I intent to be lounging by most of the time is right next to a cyber cafe so I will "pop in" every now and again to make sure you aren't giving my Mods a hard time. ;)

Sheesh. You kerrrazy kids.


Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 11:58
by Loki
Quiff Boy wrote:Yes indeedy folks, it's Quiff Boy's holiday time again :D :D:)
Enjoy. Mine's a sombrero and a stuffed donkey. Take precautions against the sun. Keith Richards. :wink:

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 12:06
by Black Dahlia
Right lets trash the place!

(only kidding Quiffy , as if we would ....................)

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 12:12
by hallucienate
Have a good one Quiffy!

I like the sun. Lots. Not the paper though, I like the big, hot beach ball thing in the sky. :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 12:14
by Quiff Boy
Black Dahlia wrote:Right lets trash the place!

(only kidding Quiffy , as if we would ....................)
don't you be having any parties while i'm away! i have my spies ;)

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 12:15
by Jim
I hate the sun. Roll on winter.

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 12:19
by hallucienate
Jim wrote:I hate the sun. Roll on winter.
goth boy :P :urff: :wink:

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 12:45
by Jim
hallucienate wrote:
Jim wrote:I hate the sun. Roll on winter.
goth boy :P :urff: :wink:
Never :P

You take that back. :x

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 12:51
by hallucienate
Jim wrote:
hallucienate wrote:
Jim wrote:I hate the sun. Roll on winter.
goth boy :P :urff: :wink:
Never :P

You take that back. :x
just don't go having any kids now, OK?

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 12:57
by Chairman Bux
Enjoy your time in the sun. I do. ;)

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 12:58
by Jim
hallucienate wrote:
Jim wrote:
hallucienate wrote:goth boy :P :urff: :wink:
Never :P

You take that back. :x
just don't go having any kids now, OK?

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 13:30
by Andy TG
@ QB - "Holidays In The Sun" EH! ;-)

Have a great time :-)

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 13:34
by Black Planet
I love the SUN. Being raised in a desert can't help but love it. Sunny blue skies can never be beat.