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Hey, Mr Samplehead!

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 13:43
by Major de Coverly
There is a thread on this forum wishing you Happy Birthday. As a regular poster on this most esteemed of message boards, I thought you might like to know.

I've done a spot of research, and discovered that you have infact made two (yes, two) posts (the first was hello, the second was I am going on holiday), 3 months ago, since joining the board. So I was just wondering, how was the holiday? have you come back? are you having a good Birthday?

I am a big hearted man of a generous disposition, but isn't this wishing Mr Samplehead Happy Birthday not dissimilar to randomly posting a happy birthday card through a stranger's door because they have balloons tied to the letter box? Which does seem a bit excessive.

So, Mr Samplehead, for the sake of all the warm, welcoming and kind heartlanded ladies, gentlemen, producers, directors and runners of this forum, please reply to this post, and I will then hang my head in shame, and apologise profusely to you all for not loving my fellow man as much as I should.

But please note that if you do reply, you will lose the record you hold of having the highest

posts about you : posts by you

ratio on the board.

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:05
by Jim
In fairness he might be a lurker, and they've got as much right to be here as the rest of us, and therefore theres nothing wrong with wishing them happy birthday.

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:13
by Black Planet
Only 53 more posts my Dear Major... until that fateful 100th post for you.

And I was thinking, Samplehead is a better name than Simplehead. :wink:

Anyway, Happy Birthday to you.

Re: Hey, Mr Samplehead!

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:26
by Andy TG
Sir Major Sir!

It was very late last night Sir - when I started the Happy Birthday "Samplehead" Thread Sir - I should have done more research! Sir

I stand corrected Sir and have shot myself in the foot as penance! ;-)
Major de Coverly wrote:There is a thread on this forum wishing you Happy Birthday. As a regular poster on this most esteemed of message boards, I thought you might like to know.

I've done a spot of research, and discovered that you have infact made two (yes, two) posts (the first was hello, the second was I am going on holiday), 3 months ago, since joining the board. So I was just wondering, how was the holiday? have you come back? are you having a good Birthday?

I am a big hearted man of a generous disposition, but isn't this wishing Mr Samplehead Happy Birthday not dissimilar to randomly posting a happy birthday card through a stranger's door because they have balloons tied to the letter box? Which does seem a bit excessive.

So, Mr Samplehead, for the sake of all the warm, welcoming and kind heartlanded ladies, gentlemen, producers, directors and runners of this forum, please reply to this post, and I will then hang my head in shame, and apologise profusely to you all for not loving my fellow man as much as I should.

But please note that if you do reply, you will lose the record you hold of having the highest

posts about you : posts by you

ratio on the board.

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:34
by Major de Coverly
@ Jim, I agree, and don't question his right to be here at all, or to be wished happy birthday. But call me an anti-social cold hearted b*st'rd, but in my book I restrict my birthday wishes to those who I have more than a passing acquaintance with. And so these random ones would, if from me, be insincere. But it isn't fair to attribute my jaundiced views on this to the rest of the happy folk here.

@ BP. Interesting question. Having a simplehead makes things quite easy in a tricky world, so I'm tempted to say I'd prefer that. Everything seams pretty straight forward to, say, Georger Bush, and that must be a nice feeling. But then again, sample head might be quite nice too if what it means is that it is a sample only, and you can take the head back if you don't like it: Some kind of sale and return thing. I could see it catching on.

I'll just be sprouting the first hairs on my chest by the time I get to 100 BP. I'll be here a long time after that...

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:35
by Loki
Black Planet wrote:Samplehead is a better name than Simplehead. :wink:
'Samplehead'? Strange name. I'm reminded of that little bottle you fill up and take to the doctors when the plumbings on the blink. Maybe he thought calling himself 'Pisshead' would get him banned before he started.

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:37
by Jim
Fair point, but when I'd barely been here a month I remember the many birthday wishes from people I'd never met putting a great big smile on my face. Encouraged me to stay. It's all about community building.

(christ, I'm turning into a f**king hippy)

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:39
by Black Planet
Major de Coverly wrote: I'll just be sprouting the first hairs on my chest by the time I get to 100 BP. I'll be here a long time after that...

:eek: :eek: :eek:

No don't tell me you have hair on your chest!!!


Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:40
by Major de Coverly

Damn you! You are one of the unfailingly nice people on this forum who make me feel guilty for my petulant outbursts. It is I who should apologise to you. For (i) my slur on your good name, and (ii) for also thinking your avatar was a particularly poncy photo of you (I have been corrected). A thousand lashings on my back in penance*.

*But whip supplied and administered by BP.

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:42
by Black Planet
Major de Coverly wrote:@ATG

Damn you! You are one of the unfailingly nice people on this forum who make me feel guilty for my petulant outbursts. It is I who should apologise to you. For (i) my slur on your good name, and (ii) for also thinking your avatar was a particularly poncy photo of you (I have been corrected). A thousand lashings on my back in penance*.

*But whip supplied and administered by BP.
You want handcuffs with that Major? :wink: :wink:

Or do you prefer the stilletto heel to your back?

:twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:42
by Major de Coverly
Just the three BP. I've named them Andrew, Mindwarp and Zodiac. Still want me to pluck them out?

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:44
by Big Si
Jim wrote:In fairness he might be a lurker, and they've got as much right to be here as the rest of us, and therefore theres nothing wrong with wishing them happy birthday.
:wink: :D

(From an ex-member turned Lurker!)

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 14:45
by Black Planet
Major de Coverly wrote:Just the three BP. I've named them Andrew, Mindwarp and Zodiac. Still want me to pluck them out?

Oh my god, that's funny. Yes get rid of them, I'd rather we were alone. :twisted:

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 15:14
by Quiff Boy
"samplehead" first approached me on soulseek, asking if i'd mind if he downloaded some of my sisters stuff (i forgot i was sharing that lot too! oops!) - he was very polite and very considerate :)

we got chatting and he turned out to be a big sisters fan/collector and seemed ok, so i mentioned this place to him - he joined a couple of days later :)

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 15:18
by khepri II
Never the least stir made the listeners, :wink:

best wishes :von:

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 15:30
by Major de Coverly
PAY:PBY ratio now 10:1. Impressive stuff. I want to meet the man. He shall be inducted into the heartland hall of fame.

Now there's an idea. Who else? I would suggest CP (most eloquent heartlander), but not sure I could take another acceptance speech, ATG (most pleasantly returned), Mr Eddy (most sadly departed), MM (least sadly departed) and Pikkrong (best foreign solo artist). I'm sure a list could be worked up, with a free HL T-shirt and ticket to a Sisters of Murphy gig for the last HL to be voted off it.

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 15:37
by Guest
Major de Coverly wrote: I would suggest CP (most eloquent heartlander), but not sure I could take another acceptance speech.
I won't be doing any more acceptance speeches, since Quifflet puked all over my last one. Control yourself, man.

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 15:38
by Major de Coverly
11 : 1

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 15:50
by Guest

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 15:54
by khepri II
Major de Coverly wrote:11 : 1
he has a way to go 'till he beats Jan's record :innocent: :innocent:

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 16:09
by Jim
CorpPunk wrote:
Major de Coverly wrote: I would suggest CP (most eloquent heartlander), but not sure I could take another acceptance speech.
I won't be doing any more acceptance speeches, since Quifflet puked all over my last one. Control yourself, man.
I'm still glad that was only sick.....

Didn't like the idea of Quiffy disgracing himself like that in public.

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 16:14
by Quiff Boy
Jim wrote:
CorpPunk wrote:
Major de Coverly wrote: I would suggest CP (most eloquent heartlander), but not sure I could take another acceptance speech.
I won't be doing any more acceptance speeches, since Quifflet puked all over my last one. Control yourself, man.
I'm still glad that was only sick.....

Didn't like the idea of Quiffy disgracing himself like that in public.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 16:55
by Guest
Quiff Boy wrote:
Jim wrote:
CorpPunk wrote: I won't be doing any more acceptance speeches, since Quifflet puked all over my last one. Control yourself, man.
I'm still glad that was only sick.....

Didn't like the idea of Quiffy disgracing himself like that in public.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think I've decided just to be flattered and leave it at that. :roll:

Posted: 21 Sep 2003, 00:55
by samplehead
oh my god, 2 posts and now 2 threads

in one congratulations

and in this one discussing from who am i, my nick and why i didn´t answered etc.

the last thing i answered in the original post

i don´t why i should call me "pisshead" `?

for whom it may interest where the name comes from

years ago i made music myself and sampled everything and used it in my music. i made a tape and gave it to someone who was interested in the song and wanted it for an va tape. He asked me for my name.
And so i answered him "samplehead" and the nick was born.

Anyway my holiday was quite fine and the next holiday stands in front of the door.

btw don´t expect much posts from in the near future. But i think some of you will meet me at this or another place

so best wishes to all of you

Posted: 21 Sep 2003, 15:14
by Black Planet
I met Samplehead last nite....sampling my Sisters that Other place... :) Nice person.