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Those daft Wayne & Mish filters... your vote counts!

Posted: 19 May 2017, 14:37
by Quiff Boy
As discussed elsewhere, in the light of Wayne's comment in this recent Quietus interview: ... -interview
Your autobiography…

WH: I’ve done a deal and have until next October to write it. I’ve already started. I’m going to write a lot and get someone to edit the best bits. I’m not writing it chronologically. I’m on my fifth chapter. The first is about my audition for The Sisters and the first few months up to my first tour of America. I’m not sure all Sisters fans are going to like it because it blows the lid a little bit. There’s a Sisters forum called Heartland where I’m not even allowed to be mentioned by name.
What do you think?

Currently we replace Wayne's name with That Guitarist and The Mish's full band name with The m*****n. :innocent:

It started as a gag aeons ago - playing up to the clichéd rift between Von and Wayne (and, to a lesser extent, between some Sisters & Mish fans), but well, it's 2017 and we're all grown ups and the joke (such as it was) was a loooooooong time ago.

So what do you think? Is it time to scrap either or both of those filters, or is it still funny (to us, at least)? :lol:

Posted: 19 May 2017, 14:41
by Quiff Boy
Never let it be said this place isn't run democratically :twisted: :innocent:

Posted: 19 May 2017, 14:51
by Pista
A Misherendum of sorts. :D

Posted: 19 May 2017, 14:53
by iesus
I say "Leave them both in place". :twisted:
Jokes are forever and i feel like 4*10year old instead of 40 :wink: :kiss:
Also if there was not that filter, our beloved place to be would not gather the lights of That Guitarist.
Added to this i 've put the *** in m**n for years when wrote it myself and didn't expect the filter to translate it to m***n :lol:

Posted: 19 May 2017, 14:55
by elamanamou
Remove them both! Probably Wayne and Von are best buddies for all we know?

Posted: 19 May 2017, 14:57
by iesus
To make things worst T**t Quit**t, he cancelled the Athens gig and has not make refunds yet :P :urff:

Posted: 19 May 2017, 15:10
by Charlie
Well i'm not bothered either way, i'm not here for The m*****n, i'm here for TSOM and he was a part of that like it or not so maybe it's time to put it aside.

Then again, it is funny, and let's face it, Von gets more ribbing on here than anyone so Wayne can hardly complain! :lol: :lol:

Posted: 19 May 2017, 15:38
by Quiff Boy
Charlie wrote:Von gets more ribbing on here than anyone
Very true :lol: :lol: ;D :von:

Posted: 19 May 2017, 15:55
by Being645
Charlie wrote:Well i'm not bothered either way, i'm not here for The m*****n, i'm here for TSOM and he was a part of that like it or not so maybe it's time to put it aside.

Then again, it is funny, and let's face it, Von gets more ribbing on here than anyone so Wayne can hardly complain! :lol: :lol:
Fully seconded ...
AND without these filters, the Heartland Forum would soon not only look like but become the m*****n forum ... and that is no place for me to be.

(And why? Just because they are too lazy to keep their own board tidy,
while running their Sisters f***book pages as closed shops, because we're
allegedly oh so bad towards the m*****n)

Posted: 19 May 2017, 16:18
by markfiend
I actually think that Wayne knows damn well that it's all meant in fun and that "not even allowed to be mentioned by name" thing is a bit of gentle ribbing of his own ;D

Well I hope so, at least!

But yeah on the whole I think I agree that the filters should go.

Posted: 19 May 2017, 16:21
by mh
Words are just dust - leave 'em.

Posted: 19 May 2017, 16:23
by Pista
Being645 wrote: the Heartland Forum would soon not only look like but become the m*****n forum ...
Not sure that would happen to be honest. This will not be a Mish forum, but for sure the band & Wayne will be talked about from time to time in the same way as other former members (some of whom also jumped ship, yet have no such filters applied).
I kind of got used to the filters & totally get the tongue in cheek-ness of it.
But if the majority agrees it's a joke that has got beyond threadbare, then by all means let's do it. :)

Posted: 19 May 2017, 16:27
by Quiff Boy

Interesting the extremes of reactions is provokes.

As already mentioned, I very much doubt removing the filters would suddenly make people talk about the Mish more then they do already. And if they did, well whatever. They're part of the lineage just like other bands that have past members of TSOM.

I'm happy to let the poll run it's course for 30 days and then take whatever steps are mandated by the results.



Posted: 19 May 2017, 16:36
by Swinnow
People know I'm a Mish fan as well as being a fan of the Girls. The filters always made me laugh 'cos they were playing on the silly spat from '85/6, so I say, leave them, they're a fine example of northern pishtaking.

Anyway, gotta get thinking about heading to Libpool tonight :innocent:

Posted: 19 May 2017, 16:52
by Quiff Boy
Swinnow wrote:northern pishtaking
that was always the (only) intention ;D

Posted: 19 May 2017, 17:00
by Chaotican
I think the filters are funny and I don't want to see change because anyone takes this stuff too seriously.

Posted: 19 May 2017, 17:08
by Pat
Now is not the time for a vote, we need strong and stable leadership.

Posted: 19 May 2017, 17:18
by elamanamou
My warped sense of humour. Have Eldritch filtered? :lol:

Posted: 19 May 2017, 19:56
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
I must confess that, as someone who was a fully-paid up member of the Von camp in the Great Split Debate, I found the filters most amusing when I eventually got online and read HL. However, like many I find "that joke isn't funny anymore" but that's probably partly because having researched the split in some detail, I now realise that my view of events in 1985 was somewhat naively one-dimensional, and the previous object of my derision has clearly matured and trimmed some of his more pompous excesses over the last fifteen years. I also think removing both may tempt back some great but currently lapsed HLers.

Posted: 19 May 2017, 20:30
by Being645
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote: I also think removing both may tempt back some great but currently lapsed HLers.
If their spite against The Sisters as they are now and against everyone who just doesn' like the m*****n could be removed like some asterisks within a word, I would fully agree.

Posted: 19 May 2017, 21:05
by Somekindadion
Fully Agree :)

Posted: 19 May 2017, 21:18
by mh
God bless us who have little better to be worrying about :lol:

Posted: 19 May 2017, 21:35
by jost 7
In the end it is up to everyone to write it down as desired.
That guitarist - do it
The m*****n - Its still possible, people
The joke - thats it!

Posted: 19 May 2017, 22:16
by eastmidswhizzkid
i wouldn't care either way if it wasn't for the fact that if we get rid of them it will be because of this interview. for starts, what wayne says in the interview isn't true. plenty of mission fans who have successfully trolled HL cann attest to that. the swear-filtering is an in-joke for the amusement of Heartlanders, and anyone dumb enough to take it seriously probably has a low opinion of us anyway; and maybe we shouldnt give a shit about those people's opinions. the swear filter is easily deceived using inserted BB code for those who want to see those name's displayed correctly in their posts.

on the other hand, i wouldn't want wayne, the m*****n, or their fans to think that they (wayne, the m*****n, and their fans) are more important than they actually are or that we really give a shit about any of them; being, as they are, yesterday's chip-wrappings. so ultimately i vote to get rid of them on the strength of that. but whichever way the vote goes is good enough for me.

for the record: i don't blame wayne for the Sisters splitting and if it was down to him so what? we got floodland which we wouldn't have if they'd stayed together and then we got a live band (vision thing era) that was in many ways superior to what we had after Marx had left.
that isn't the reason i have a problem with wayne. in fact apart from the unforgiveable atempt at stealing the name The Sisters Of Mercy -a name he had no right to- and the subsequent Sisterhood name fiasco -for which he was justly humiliated, both publicly and finacially- mostly every other problem i have with him comes down to the stupid/embarrassing things he has said and done since the sisters split; up to and including this interview.

Posted: 19 May 2017, 23:15
by Alex66
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:i wouldn't care either way if it wasn't for the fact that if we get rid of them it will be because of this interview. for starts, what wayne says in the interview isn't true. plenty of mission fans who have successfully trolled HL cann attest to that. the swear-filtering is an in-joke for the amusement of Heartlanders, and anyone dumb enough to take it seriously probably has a low opinion of us anyway; and maybe we shouldnt give a shit about those people's opinions. the swear filter is easily deceived using inserted BB code for those who want to see those name's displayed correctly in their posts.

on the other hand, i wouldn't want wayne, the m*****n, or their fans to think that they (wayne, the m*****n, and their fans) are more important than they actually are or that we really give a shit about any of them; being, as they are, yesterday's chip-wrappings. so ultimately i vote to get rid of them on the strength of that. but whichever way the vote goes is good enough for me.

for the record: i don't blame wayne for the Sisters splitting and if it was down to him so what? we got floodland which we wouldn't have if they'd stayed together and then we got a live band (vision thing era) that was in many ways superior to what we had after Marx had left.
that isn't the reason i have a problem with wayne. in fact apart from the unforgiveable atempt at stealing the name The Sisters Of Mercy -a name he had no right to- and the subsequent Sisterhood name fiasco -for which he was justly humiliated, both publicly and finacially- mostly every other problem i have with him comes down to the stupid/embarrassing things he has said and done since the sisters split; up to and including this interview.
This, for someone who writes lyrics that would embarrass a 13 year old he has a mighty ego about himself. Pity as some of the music is good but the words are just an embarrassment.