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Posted: 23 May 2017, 01:40
by UniversalRinging
Hello everyone. Just now reading about the explosion in Manchester. Hope all of you and your loved ones are safe. Heartbreaking. Bunch of kids and their parents.

Posted: 23 May 2017, 08:12
by Pista
Hoping all our Manc-landers & those near & dear are all safe

Posted: 23 May 2017, 08:31
by iesus
I believe everyone from here is safe. I didn't know that singer and googled to hear a song and couldn't make it to 4 seconds. :roll: :urff:

Anyway feel sorry for those kids and their families :(

Posted: 23 May 2017, 08:35
by Charlie
Pista wrote:Whoa!
Hoping all our Manc-landers & those near & dear are all safe
At the moment saying 22 dead, including children, terrible news to wake up to :cry:

Posted: 23 May 2017, 09:55
by markfiend
I am absolutely furious. What kind of cowardly f*ckhead targets children?


Posted: 23 May 2017, 10:04
by abridged
Yep. Hope everyone is ok. When somebody blows up a music concert of any kind, not to mention one that is mainly aimed at teens and kids it shows how joyless and dead this person must be. For the enjoyment of music is a joy and to attack it is appalling.

Posted: 23 May 2017, 10:27
by Bartek
Morning shock (when i read that news).

markfiend wrote:I am absolutely furious. What kind of cowardly f*ckhead targets children?

Those who want to get that kind of reactions. Driven by emotions attacks on minorities will drag societies in endless loop of voilence.

Posted: 23 May 2017, 10:49
by Microcosmia
I can't even imagine what those parents whose children are missing and injured must be going through. It must be every parent's nightmare for something like this to happen to your child at this kind of event and being helpless to protect them. My heart goes out to those families today.

Posted: 23 May 2017, 10:57
by million voices
To deliberately aim at kids. Absolutely f**king dreadful

Posted: 23 May 2017, 12:15
by Being645
Terrible and disgusting ... another concert and one for kids and teens ... :evil: :urff: :evil: ...
Those creatures want to fill all pleasures and habits of our culture with fear ... music, sports, public events, everyday purchases ...
I've heard that some people who were at the concert, didn't dare to go home by train afterwards ... probably because of the Brussels attacks last year...

And now a shopping centre is being evacuated ... the local cell of idiots is obviously having a take on Manchester ...

I'm very sad for all the victims and their families. Such a sudden loss under such circumstances is just incredible ... :( :( :( ... and all words of "We shall not have ourselves put under pressure and fear" must sound very, very empty ...

Posted: 23 May 2017, 12:51
by SmileySister
Microcosmia wrote:I can't even imagine what those parents whose children are missing and injured must be going through. It must be every parent's nightmare for something like this to happen to your child at this kind of event and being helpless to protect them. My heart goes out to those families today.
Yes, every parents worst nightmare.

It's horrific & you have said everything I wanted to say xxx

Posted: 23 May 2017, 12:55
by Swinnow
My heart goes out to those bereaved and hurt in Manchester last night, it's a venue that my sons and I have been to many times over the years. How can attacking a crowd, largely made up of kids, ever be considered as worthy in the eyes of any God?

Posted: 23 May 2017, 12:57
by markfiend
Swinnow wrote:My heart goes out to those bereaved and hurt in Manchester last night, it's a venue that my sons and I have been to many times over the years. How can attacking a crowd, largely made up of kids, ever be considered as worthy in the eyes of any God?

Posted: 23 May 2017, 13:42
by Swinnow
Youngest victim was a girl of 8 years old!!!!

Posted: 24 May 2017, 13:05
by Pista

Posted: 24 May 2017, 13:19
by markfiend
Pista wrote:Mozza keeping it classy :roll:
If Milo Yiannopoulos is supporting you, you're on the wrong side.

Look into his dead, dead eyes.

Posted: 24 May 2017, 13:46
by Being645
Being645 wrote:...
And now a shopping centre is being evacuated ...
Fortunately, at least that piece of information was wrong ...

Pista wrote:Mozza keeping it classy :roll:
It don't help to be one of the chosen ...

Posted: 24 May 2017, 17:01
by iesus
Pista wrote:Mozza keeping it classy :roll:
I agree on most with the post of Morrissey :roll:
Who is that Milo Yannopoulos? I don't like that look in his eyes, seems like a bad person in that pic. Ofc if bad people say they agree with what you say doesn't make you wrong always. Many times bad people agree with other people trying to seem better than they actually are.

Posted: 24 May 2017, 17:19
by Swinnow
Armed raids being carried out by special forces in central Manca

Posted: 24 May 2017, 18:49
by emilystrange
5 arrests made

Posted: 25 May 2017, 03:20
by UniversalRinging
This is a very political rant. I just can’t help it. I’m sad for all the people who lost their lives and their families. I’m scared for Muslims in the UK. I’m extremely worried about what Manchester will mean for the UK’s politics. And I’m disgusted by Morrissey. If anything I’ve written offends anyone, please feel free to PM me. I don’t really know the details of what all of you have been through in your lives and I’m open to being taught. I mean in no way to minimize the impact of terrorism. It’s an absolute cancer. And I hope that everyone, no matter where they live, stays safe from violence. That said, Morrissey, in his facebook post wrote something to the effect of, everyone’s scared to say openly what they say in private. Well in that spirit, and also because I find discussions of unity strangely neutered, here goes. Moderators, do what you must.

I am so f**king sick of Morrissey. By now, it’s not even a question that he’s a white nationalist. Terrorism is the legacy of colonialism. It’s a violent reaction. Powerful Western men can’t murder, enslave, rape, pillage, and steal all the natural resources of the entire world for hundreds of years and expect the people they’ve f**ked to remain docile, like good dogs. White men have continually humiliated non-white men, run their countries, intervened militarily, and rewarded only those who exploit their own people. The violent reaction of young, disenfranchised, consistently beat-down non-white men is a given. They are constantly shown that only white men win in this world. That is NOT to excuse murderous actions. That is NOT to excuse terrorism. Because ALWAYS, the victims of masculine violence are women and children. Those who are most powerless.

It is a sick cycle, where masculine competition devastates lives. You can’t foist the blame solely on immigrants. Those who have fled the homelands laid to waste by Western greed. Make them pariahs, unwelcome in Western countries, which are still the safest, least violent options for those who would rather live in their homelands if it wasn’t for the unlivable conditions. You don’t make the world safer by condemning ISIS. You don’t make the world safer by closing borders and vilifying people with non-white skin. You make the world safer by bringing free clean water to every corner of the globe. You make the world safer by distributing resources and medicine and information to women. You make the world safer by acknowledging powerful Western men’s roles in marginalizing the rest of the world population and by making attempts to repair the f**king atrocities committed in the name of progress, civilization and Christianity.

But this is something only powerful white men can do. The vast majority of every Western government and corporation leadership. Unfortunately, Morrissey is a powerful white man. Morrissey has a huge audience, of which a large part are kids who look up to him because his music speaks to those who are different, feel different. Hell, even I used to be a fan way back in the day. For him to use his reach for this s**t nationalist rhetoric is so f**king GROSS. You make the world safer by making every kid regardless of their race or gender or sexual orientation feel like the playing field is equal and the only thing that determines the course of their life is who they are, not what they look like or where they come from. By not allowing one single kid to grow up feeling like she or he is a member of a “subspecies� just because they aren’t white. By making sure no kid spends their life at school isolated and angry, unexposed to different ways of thinking, or kindness or inclusion. So that they don’t grow up believing that taking their own life and those of innocent kids is their only recourse for the indignity and humiliation they and their families have suffered for generations.

For those of us lucky enough to live in Western countries, but are not one of the “chosen,� all we can do is vote. Vote and stand up for one another. Call people out on their s**t. Call out race bullies. Call out queer-bashers. Call out misogynists. Advocate for others, not just yourself. Meet people who are different than you face to face. That’s what’s so funny about this “metropolitan liberal� slur. Cities are liberal because different people live hip to hip with one another. People with different opinions, different cultures, different lifestyles, different musical tastes, different cuisines. Try as you might, it’s hard to interact solely with your own group. And through experience, it’s hard to have solely negative interactions with any group. We should live closely with each other. We should go to the same schools. Ghettoized schools are a guarantee for inequality, for radicalization.

Like it or not, the world is a porous place. As long as there are some geographical regions where money and resources are withheld, people will always seek to migrate to Western countries. As long as the “chosen few� hoard wealth and seek to maintain their supremacy by race-baiting, fear-mongering and trying to divide the public, terrorism will thrive. We need to hold these fuckers accountable. We need to do the opposite. It is the duty of those of us who have more power than others, by dint of geography, or wealth or skin color or gender to extend solidarity and friendship and assistance to others who have less. Not viciously guard what fraction of the world’s ever diminishing resources belongs to US not THEM. It is our duty to welcome and stand next to those without white skin. Raise them up, listen to them. It’s not easy to acknowledge your own role in an argument, just as it’s not easy to be the first to apologize. It hurts. It involves looking inside ourselves and coming to terms with nasty s**t. But for the sake of innocents, we must. The olive branch is ours to pass. Not the other way around. f**k Morrissey.

Posted: 25 May 2017, 10:00
by markfiend
:applause: Well said Emily.
Morrissey wrote:Sadiq Khan says "London is united with Manchester", but he does not condemn Islamic State
Just because Morrissey hasn't heard Sadiq Khan's condemnations doesn't mean that they've not been made. It's not every British Muslim's job to make contrite noises just to placate Morrissey.
Morrissey wrote:In modern Britain everyone seems petrified to officially say what we all say in private.
What do you say in private then Morrissey? "Send all the P**is back"? Don't assume that you speak for all of us with your racist dog-whistles.
Morrissey wrote:Politicians tell us they are unafraid, but they are never the victims.
Remember JO COX you insensitive clod?

Morrissey you're a racist fuckhead.

Posted: 25 May 2017, 11:28
by million voices
I agree with what you say but to argue that "Terrorism is the legacy of colonialism" seems rather to miss the point.

We are all colonials one way or another. The USA being a fine example.

The history of the world is one of rise and fall of one Empire after another

Posted: 25 May 2017, 12:10
by Norman Hunter
Guy I went to school with had his daughters there. Both safe, luckily.

Posted: 25 May 2017, 13:45
by iesus