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Posted: 21 Sep 2003, 13:56
by Erudite
Anyone planning on catching the upcoming Motorhead tour next month?
The Mrs and I will be a the Barrowland's gig in Glasgow on Oct 10.

Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 09:57
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Oooooh yes - I'm doing Leeds - but I'm going as much to see the Wildhearts as Motorhead.

Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 10:49
by Scardwel
I'll be doing Leeds as well.

Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 11:01
by Mrs RicheyJames
I'm gonna try for Leeds...but oct will be such an expensive month as it is.......<sobs uncontrollably>

Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 16:06
by Ed Rhombus

They were fantastic last year!


Posted: 23 Sep 2003, 10:34
by moonchild
Porto... 31 October... what a great halloween night it will be.

Posted: 23 Sep 2003, 18:39
by Andy TG
From what I understand Moterhead (Along with "Dio") may be supporting "Iron Maiden" at the CIA on December 15th - I could of course be completely wrong ;-)

Posted: 23 Sep 2003, 21:12
by Mrs RicheyJames
Ed Rhombus wrote:Leeds

They were fantastic last year!


Ha!!! was very impressive...did find ourself saying, "WHAT?" for about a week after though!!!!

Posted: 23 Sep 2003, 22:05
by Planet Dave
Yeah, they had that affect at the T & C the other year, 98 I think. Tinnitus never sounded so good. There were a few Sisters shirts kicking around that night, always good to see.

Unfortunately all my income will have been disposed of over the weekend of the 10-12th in the Dam. Can't have it all ways, I suppose.


Posted: 24 Sep 2003, 00:35
by karin
Dave Whelan wrote:Yeah, they had that affect at the T & C the other year, 98 I think. Tinnitus never sounded so good. There were a few Sisters shirts kicking around that night, always good to see.

Unfortunately all my income will have been disposed of over the weekend of the 10-12th in the Dam. Can't have it all ways, I suppose.

So you're going to miss Killing Joke at the Astoria !??! Tsk... Philistine :wink: :roll: :D

Posted: 24 Sep 2003, 11:08
by Planet Dave

you think missing the KJ gig makes me a philistine? Crumbs, whaddya gonna think when I let on that I haven't even got round to buying the album yet?

But hey, I don't get chance to go shopping these days. Nor have I got to any of the films I intended watching this summer (Tomb Raider 2, Pirates of Penzance, T3, Freddy V Jase etc etc). Might have to make that extra effort for the House of 1000 Corpses, though.

Besides which, I assume you mean the London Astoria, which would be quite a trek from Leeds at best. So far only the Sisters have proved worthy of such distances.

However, have a top time at the show, I'll try to remember to toast the gig from whichever coffeehop / bar I'm languishing in at the time.



Posted: 24 Sep 2003, 12:55
by karin
Dave Whelan wrote:Karin,

you think missing the KJ gig makes me a philistine? Crumbs, whaddya gonna think when I let on that I haven't even got round to buying the album yet?

But hey, I don't get chance to go shopping these days. Nor have I got to any of the films I intended watching this summer (Tomb Raider 2, Pirates of Penzance, T3, Freddy V Jase etc etc). Might have to make that extra effort for the House of 1000 Corpses, though.

Besides which, I assume you mean the London Astoria, which would be quite a trek from Leeds at best. So far only the Sisters have proved worthy of such distances.

However, have a top time at the show, I'll try to remember to toast the gig from whichever coffeehop / bar I'm languishing in at the time.


Dave the elpee is f**king amazing. Forget all the over blown s**t they did in the nineties this is pure KJ at their best - like they're now doing tunes they wrote twenty years ago which fell down the back of the sofa and they've only just found them again.
The control freak in me says forget about seeing tomb raider and jason and dooh dah and use the money to get the elpee instead. I doubt you'll be disappointed.
Hope you have a great time in the Dam. Smoke one for me but one without the baccy. :kiss: :D