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A Thread JUST for Khephri

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 12:26
by Debaser
I'm off to Rock City to see The Cramps tonight.....*insert smuggest emoticon*

Despite being told that thye'llbe off by 10.30 I don't want to arrive too early just in case I get to see Queen 'feckin Katie-jane' Adreena.

Will attempt to have far too much fun than is strictly p*ss Khep off :wink:

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 12:38
by Scardwel
See you there Debaser! :D
and I'll be getting there early(ish) to see Queen Adreena 'cause I like 'em! :P

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 12:39
by khepri II
:cry: :cry: :cry:

have a good time :twisted:

you crazy kids :notworthy: :notworthy:

on first glance i thought it was a threat just for Khepri .....Phew :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 13:17
by hallucienate
Have you guys seen Blood Diner? It's got The Cramps performing in it.

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 13:34
by khepri II
Oi get off my thread :P

Oh the power, i could make my own valentine thread :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm a GodMonster :roll: :wink:

but no, Hal I haven't, is it good?

you are allowed to reply :wink:

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 14:20
by hallucienate
wow, thanks for the permission.

If by good you mean bad then it's excellent. Cheap, bad horror.

Re: A Thread JUST for Khephri

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 14:42
by moonchild
Debaser wrote:I'm off to Rock City to see The Cramps tonight.....*insert smuggest emoticon*

I was about to go to Bilbao to see them and to see also Iggy Pop and The Stogges... but i needed to work and i couldn't go....
The bad thing was that they just played few old songs.....

I wait more then 10 years to see them in Portugal... i'm gonna wait now more 10 years to see them again... :?

HAVE FUN... ENJOY IT.... :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 15:31
by Panther
me and mine are rather looking forward to it too...

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 16:30
by Thrash Harry
Oooo you luck monkeys. Now I'm gonna have to dig out my Off The Bone vinyl and play it very loud when I get home. Do the crusher for me!

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 18:38
by Serendipityhaven
i like Queen Adreena.
kitty Collar was fantastic.

Rock City-top venue.
hope you all have fun.

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 21:37
by pikkrong
they did Jolene, did they?
this was a great cover.

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 21:48
by khepri II
bloody hell, everyones pinching my thead now!

go and get your own :twisted:

All aboard the drug train :wink:

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 22:42
by moonchild
khepri II wrote:
All aboard the drug train :wink:
Pooo Pooo (portuguese drug train)

here i am, not in the concert, but listening to the Purple Knif Show... Radio Cramps... with Lux Interior... the Master of Ceremony... yeahhhhh...

Posted: 26 Sep 2003, 00:45
by dead stars
moonchild wrote:
khepri II wrote:
All aboard the drug train :wink:
Pooo Pooo (portuguese drug train)
What? Honey, how come I don't know what you're talking about? :eek:
Pooo Pooo? :?:

Posted: 26 Sep 2003, 00:49
by Black Planet
Leave Romi be...she's just overdosed on Andrew! Easily sweetie?

and many more hugs!


Posted: 26 Sep 2003, 10:47
by moonchild
dead inside wrote:
moonchild wrote:
khepri II wrote:
All aboard the drug train :wink:
Pooo Pooo (portuguese drug train)
What? Honey, how come I don't know what you're talking about? :eek:
Pooo Pooo? :?:
eheheheheheheh ;D :oops:

You don't know that sound cause it's the sound of the drug train from Gaia...eheheheheheh.... :roll:

The joint was really tasty and powerfull... 8) eheheheheheheheh

Posted: 26 Sep 2003, 10:48
by moonchild
Black Planet wrote:Leave Romi be...she's just overdosed on Andrew! Easily sweetie?

and many more hugs!

You are the only one that understand me... :wink: :notworthy:

many many many kisses and hugs

Posted: 26 Sep 2003, 10:48
by Scardwel
Queen Adreena rocked last night (although we didn't get 'Jolene' unfortunately) as did the mighty Cramps - hghlights included 'Garbage Man','The Hot Pearl Snatch','Paint Me Black' (a tribute to Johnny Cash) and 'Surfin' Bird' - Lux Interior climbed the speaker stack during the latter. Poison Ivy looked cooler than ever. The bootleg sounds pretty good as well :wink: :innocent:

(@ Debaser - I looked for you, but couldn't find you... :? )

Posted: 27 Sep 2003, 14:38
by Debaser
Panther wrote:me and mine are rather looking forward to it too...
Aye we saw you in the carpark didn't we?

As mentioned I did manage to miss QA oh and it would seem the first Cramps track too!! LOL

Probably coz I was stuck at the back I never really got into it for me a mediocre gig (but gazing a psychobillies MORE than made up fer it! PPWWWWWOOOAAARRRRRRRRR

Ivy and Quiff must have both sold their souls to the age-defying gods....sickening really....

Oh and when you've seen da Ramones do Surfin Bird live then no one else comes close I'm afraid.

Posted: 27 Sep 2003, 22:26
by khepri II
when i got to the pub last night, was shown text message for me.

It read the Sisters of fuckin' who.

The Cramps rocked, I'm here and you're not

:cry: :cry: :lol: :lol:

so, "mad daddy" did make it afterall :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 15:14
by Panther
Debaser wrote:
Aye we saw you in the carpark didn't we?
well, possibly I guess :? - the car park was rather full both ends of the gig!! took an age to disappear from too, and, inevitably, by time we got to the barrier thingy we had exceeded the 10 mins or whatever from when we pay to when you can get out... but still, was a good gig, despite me being rather ill with NQTitis!!