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Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 00:55
by Swinnow
It has also shown everyone just how useless both front benches have been. May has been awful but somehow Corbyn et al all manage to make her look good in comparison.

Roll on referendum v2.0 and a resounding remain vote.

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 10:51
by markfiend
I don't understand how MPs can reject her shít deal so overwhelmingly and yet not pass a no-confidence vote.

The yellow-jacket gammons protesting outside Parliament have me worried for the safety of MPs. All MPs - I wouldn't put it past one of these troglodytes to get the wrong target.

We've already had warnings in the tabloid press that backing out of Brexit would be "provoking the far-right" -- which to my mind is a threat of terrorism.

What we need is someone with the will to stand up and say "This is stupid and we're putting a stop to it. We're rescinding Article 50 and we're staying in the EU."

(What happens if there is a second referendum and Leave wins again?)

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 12:04
by Swinnow
I think the 'no confidence' vote might have stood a chance if there was a possibility of, say, Yvette Cooper or Andy Burnham fighting in the red corner rather than the current clown who misses open goal after open goal because he cannot actually think on his feet and debate or answer questions. The country needs leaders not one-eyed idealogues (of either the Islington or Somerset variety).

Rant over.... Agree about revoking A50, the sooner the better.

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 12:29
by Bartek
markfiend wrote:I don't understand how MPs can reject her shít deal so overwhelmingly and yet not pass a no-confidence vote.
Answer is simple: no one wants to be the the one who have to sort this mess, to deal with EU and British voters.
She wanted to be the who solve this, so she has to sink with this ship.

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 16:29
by zaltys7
markfiend wrote:I don't understand how MPs can reject her shít deal so overwhelmingly and yet not pass a no-confidence vote.

The yellow-jacket gammons protesting outside Parliament have me worried for the safety of MPs. All MPs - I wouldn't put it past one of these troglodytes to get the wrong target.

We've already had warnings in the tabloid press that backing out of Brexit would be "provoking the far-right" -- which to my mind is a threat of terrorism.

What we need is someone with the will to stand up and say "This is stupid and we're putting a stop to it. We're rescinding Article 50 and we're staying in the EU."

(What happens if there is a second referendum and Leave wins again?)
Firstly, an election right now would be an absolute disaster for this country. Who would you vote for Mark? As a life long labour supporter I wouldn't vote for Catweazle and his band of merry tramps (Thank you Stewart Lee) if my life depended on it. The man's a f**king menace. And a coward.

Secondly, there shouldn't be ANY f**king targets, unless your talking about those lying, treacherous bastards Boris and Nigel, conspicuous in their absence.

Thirdly, It's not provoking the far right at all, it's provoking anyone who believes in democracy. It was rigged, information was false, it's a f**king nightmare but 17 something million voted for it. Get it done.

Never mind this talk of a new referendum, if there is a vote it should be on whether we want to vote again, and I sure as f**k don't.

And lastly, if you did get another vote and leave wins again, well tough s**t, them's the breaks.

What a f**king mess.

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 16:48
by czuczu
zaltys7 wrote:I wouldn't vote for Catweazle and his band of merry tramps (Thank you Stewart Lee)
Stewart Lee wrote:It wasn't just racists who voted to leave...

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 17:06
by zaltys7
czuczu wrote:
zaltys7 wrote:I wouldn't vote for Catweazle and his band of merry tramps (Thank you Stewart Lee)
Stewart Lee wrote:It wasn't just racists who voted to leave...
:lol: It was also c**t. Couldn't agree more. (Sorry mum :lol: )

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 18:11
by Alex66
Swinnow wrote:I think the 'no confidence' vote might have stood a chance if there was a possibility of, say, Yvette Cooper or Andy Burnham fighting in the red corner rather than the current clown who misses open goal after open goal because he cannot actually think on his feet and debate or answer questions. The country needs leaders not one-eyed idealogues (of either the Islington or Somerset variety).

Rant over.... Agree about revoking A50, the sooner the better.
I think my dead dog could do a better job than Corco the Clown, but we should never have had the dumb referendum in the first place.
And I agree just cancel the whole thing we live in a representative democracy, MP's are paid to do what is best for the country not what people want if most think it is a dumb idea.

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 18:24
by Pista
Alex66 wrote: we should never have had the dumb referendum in the first place.

That cock-womble Cameron gambled when he didn't need to.
& then he left it to the Clownservatives to figure it out.
I note he's still cowering under his rock somewhere & keeping schtum.
I hope they do have another referendum now that people have a better idea of what the damage would really be if we left.
& if they do, then I find it perfectly reasonable not to deny millions of UK citizens living & working in the EU a voice.
Even if they have been in the EU for umpteen years, the outcome either way does impact them.

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 19:34
by emilystrange
The no confidence vote was won by the DUP, not anyone else. Only they are keeping the Tories in power.

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 19:40
by Swinnow
Yeah the referendum was so flawed and fueled with lies. Both sides were pandering to their lowest common denominators and consequently it was embarrassing and open to steering. Me, I'm a liberal left winger who is very pro the idea of European integration and free movement. We Brits are a mongrel race and this cultural assimilation has made us better and richer as a people. OK the EU has faults, it tries to run before it can walk, but it can only be changed from within and the UK has/had a loud voice within it. For all our sakes we should remain and use that voice.

Totally agree that ex-Pats in the EU should have a voice and vote as they too are directly affected too.

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 21:10
by emilystrange
The news coming out is that Tory constituency parties are sorting out candidates, especially in marginal areas. This apparently does not happen until a few weeks before an election. Tories are not ones to suddenly go against their usual methods.
Commentators beginning to rumble about a snap election.

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 23:16
by Swinnow
I cling to the fact that 45m could vote and 17m voted leave, so there is hope that some of the ones who couldn't get there or couldn't be arsed have woken up to what awaits. Maybe my blind hope/hippy optimism/or a share in Corbyn or Rees-Mogg's belief in Unicorns in reverse :lol:

Posted: 19 Jan 2019, 06:03
by eastmidswhizzkid
what does me is: we pay these cunts to perform the job of government. whatever your personal political persuasion this is a democracy and we abide by the majority vote as to which bunch of cunts we allow to ruin our lives for us for the next 5 years or so.

one of the jobs of governement is to work towards the countrys best interests vis-a-vis its economic frameworks and overseas interactions and to facilitiate any trade and politico-socio dealings with other nation states. so WHY THE FUCK did the great unwashed and blissfully opinionated-sans-information citizens of this cuntry get to decide something as important and vast as whether or not we leave the EU and whether we brexit/remain? SURELY decisions like that are what we pay these cunts to do on our behalf?
the last time there was a war we sent our incredibly professional and highly trained armed forces to fight it. i dont remember mr solanki from the fucking chippy marching off to Baghdad with his copy of the independent and a catapult to sort out the insurgency!

and having asked the plebs their ill informed opinion did our overpaid arseholes in westminster take that opinion into account as they carried on with their political machinations? NO! they let US tell THEM what to do! what are we paying for? oh of course- having allowed the clueless to decide our future (while parliament had a little rest) now our highly paid professional government will smooth it all out wont they thus earning their keep.....what's that? they wont/cant / have/ aren't going to??

So what is the point int them? Give me ONE GOOD REASON why they shouldn't all be swinging from lamp-posts by their piano-wired necks? Give the job to some f**ker who's prepared to do it!
fuck the pigs*defy aurthority*kill your parents*smash the state
:evil: :bat:

Posted: 19 Jan 2019, 16:37
by lordofthepies
All these mps are yours except Mhairi Black. Attempt no lynching there.

Posted: 20 Jan 2019, 20:44
by markfiend
Lee has it spot on. The MPs are supposed to govern in the best interest of the country. To be fair, I think that a lot of them are trying to, but we're being held to ransom by a few no-deal extremists in parliament.

The leave campaign said that we would stay in the customs union, nobody voted for a no-deal catastrophe. The electorate has been lied to, manipulated, and now that the mood of the country has clearly changed, ignored.

Posted: 20 Jan 2019, 20:54
by Swinnow
Am unsure as to why one largely anonymous, although young, SNP MP should escape any public probation. Though lynching does seem a bit harsh, even for Boris or Rees-Mogg.

Posted: 20 Jan 2019, 22:15
by emilystrange
she isn't anonymous. right from her maiden speech she's stuck it to them. she's the kind we need more of.