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Wayne's Salad Daze

Posted: 01 May 2019, 11:58
by czuczu
Not seen a thread for this anywhere but looking forward to it now it has a release date. 8)


Not that impressed with the different options on the Mish store though, reckon he'll have some signed copies at the merch stand when the tour comes round?

Posted: 02 May 2019, 05:42
by shivarising
Trying to decide between buying this book or getting my a**hole waxed. :innocent:

Posted: 02 May 2019, 09:30
by markfiend
shivarising wrote:Trying to decide between buying this book or getting my a**hole waxed. :innocent:
:lol: :notworthy:

Aw, poor Wayne will think we're picking on him again.

Posted: 02 May 2019, 09:56
by sam donut
One can always do both.

Posted: 02 May 2019, 18:00
by Swinnow
The new Mish merch store option has an added download of a few mp3 demo's (and commentary) of tracks a Mish fan might know and one's you might not. Nothing of direct Sisters relevance but interesting although you can smell very early 80's in the first ones.

Posted: 02 May 2019, 21:26
by ruffers
I've preordered mine, hopefully to read on holiday. I also bunged a fair amount to the Paint My Name in Black & Gold so am feeling balanced...

Posted: 03 May 2019, 03:18
by Brad
At the risk of brewing a storm, it is pretty clear that listening to his demos from 1982 and 1983 he certainly brought a lot more of his own ideas to The Sisters than I ever thought he did as opposed to just stealing Eldritch's shtick.

Posted: 04 May 2019, 12:38
by jost 7
Nice idea to sell a book, and to boost sales by a music bonus.

Posted: 07 May 2019, 09:17
by markfiend
There's an excerpt of Salad Daze online and I have to say, it was a cracking read!

Posted: 07 May 2019, 09:41
by eastmidswhizzkid
markfiend wrote:There's an excerpt of Salad Daze online and I have to say, it was a cracking read!
i agree. i will undoubtedly end up buying it.

Posted: 08 May 2019, 14:21
by Swinnow
I've just caught up with the excerpt on the Mish UK site. A jolly little story and a good chuckle was had at the memory of Craig bumming fags, drinks and anything else he could :lol:

Posted: 08 May 2019, 14:35
by Pista
Swinnow wrote:I've just caught up with the excerpt on the Mish UK site. A jolly little story and a good chuckle was had at the memory of Craig bumming fags, drinks and anything else he could :lol:
Yeah. & this bit
With Andrew supporting Manchester United I should’ve known then that our relationship would forever be troubled.

Posted: 08 May 2019, 17:30
by Swinnow
I hear Von now claims to support Dirty Leeds. Now I was always told to never trust a man who changes his team :lol:

Craig was LUFC through and through

Posted: 08 May 2019, 22:42
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Ben Gunn was Chelsea.
Shocked at Von changing teams.
Wayne famously changed from Bristol City to Liverpool of course ...

Posted: 09 May 2019, 11:13
by Swinnow
Bloody splitters :lol:

Wayne's Salad Daze

Posted: 16 May 2019, 18:15
by MAndrews
I just did a long interview with Wayne about his book for Louder.

Out next week, I think

I put the "asshole waxed" quote to him. He most definitely has a reply ...

Re: Wayne's Salad Daze

Posted: 16 May 2019, 19:17
by mh
MAndrews wrote:I put the "asshole waxed" quote to him. He most definitely has a reply ...
Of course he does. :lol:

I see no reason to believe anything other than that Wayne secretly loves the attention.

Posted: 16 May 2019, 20:30
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Wayne put a second extract up last week where he's quite open in his self-appraisal. This section of that extract may be of interest to fans of TSOM, and should convince any remaining doubters that the book won't just be an extended act of self-aggarandizement :

" Where I fall on this spectrum of cool I have no idea. I long ago gave up trying to work it out, but when I was a guitarist in TSOM I was definitely cool and I knew it. Before TSOM being cool was something I aspired to. I craved to be invited to sit at the head table; the table at the bottom of the stairs at Eric’s on a raised dais where the local self-appointed royalty sat and held court, a table to which I was never invited. Instead of being Steve McQueen-like I was more Woody Allen. When I later became singer with The m*****n I lost my cool. I became too self-conscious, a caricature of who I thought I had to be; a persona I adopted to cover up my insecurities (and there were plenty); a mask I wore to preserve a little of my true self for myself."

Re: Wayne's Salad Daze

Posted: 16 May 2019, 22:50
by ruffers
MAndrews wrote:I just did a long interview with Wayne about his book for Louder.

Out next week, I think

I put the "asshole waxed" quote to him. He most definitely has a reply ...
I'm reluctant to google this... :lol: and am not familiar with the subject.
Tell me more, or point me somewhere please.

Re: Wayne's Salad Daze

Posted: 17 May 2019, 01:22
by shivarising
MAndrews wrote:I just did a long interview with Wayne about his book for Louder.

Out next week, I think

I put the "asshole waxed" quote to him. He most definitely has a reply ...

:lol: You know, I say that as someone whose 1st concert was the m*****n, 1987 in Hollywood. I came into the story at a strange time as I bought Floodland and Gods Own Medicine around the same time. I was 13, The Mish played here in Los Angeles every 3-6 months, whereas the Sisters wouldn't play here until 1991. I think I saw The Mish 6 or 7 times and even joined the fanclub.

But now, 30 years on, I still consider Floodland to be a unique and monumental album. The Mish, however... well, I've heard all the Zep and Aerosmith albums by this age, so... it all just seems a bit daft. Also, the few times I met Wayne, he was drunken mess, and not even in a funny way. :roll:

Re: Wayne's Salad Daze

Posted: 17 May 2019, 06:11
by Bartek
MAndrews wrote: I put the "asshole waxed" quote to him. He most definitely has a reply ...
To me, it looks like you were forced to do this interview and wanted to end it as quick as posible. :lol:

Re: Wayne's Salad Daze

Posted: 17 May 2019, 08:30
by MAndrews
Bartek wrote:
MAndrews wrote: I put the "asshole waxed" quote to him. He most definitely has a reply ...
To me, it looks like you were forced to do this interview and wanted to end it as quick as posible. :lol:
Not at all. I don't make my living writing about music, so I only write about things I think are interesting, and talk to people that I want to talk to.

I spoke to Wayne for nearly three hours; I'm no sadist. Unlike the person he encountered in Plymouth he mentions in his book. That bit is especially eye-watering!

Re: Wayne's Salad Daze

Posted: 17 May 2019, 18:12
by GC
shivarising wrote:
MAndrews wrote:I just did a long interview with Wayne about his book for Louder.

Out next week, I think

I put the "asshole waxed" quote to him. He most definitely has a reply ...

:lol: You know, I say that as someone whose 1st concert was the m*****n, 1987 in Hollywood. I came into the story at a strange time as I bought Floodland and Gods Own Medicine around the same time. I was 13, The Mish played here in Los Angeles every 3-6 months, whereas the Sisters wouldn't play here until 1991. I think I saw The Mish 6 or 7 times and even joined the fanclub.

But now, 30 years on, I still consider Floodland to be a unique and monumental album. The Mish, however... well, I've heard all the Zep and Aerosmith albums by this age, so... it all just seems a bit daft. Also, the few times I met Wayne, he was drunken mess, and not even in a funny way. :roll:
I think the drunken mess Hussey is a bit in the past. I never liked the Mish...tried really hard to get into them but never could. Just happy to see that Wayne is still an active artist as opposed to 'others' ... (not trolling by the way)

Posted: 19 May 2019, 12:06
by eastmidswhizzkid
Swinnow wrote:I hear Von now claims to support Dirty Leeds. Now I was always told to never trust a man who changes his team :lol:

Craig was LUFC through and through
here here. if you're gonna be a fucking manc at least have the courage to always be a manc. like anyone else would want you after that. :urff:

Posted: 19 May 2019, 16:47
by sam donut
As someone who was born and bred in Manchester, I'd just like to say that football is rubbish anyway. I'm much more interested in his cricket loyalties.