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Black Francis talks about new album and the sisters of mercy

Posted: 12 Sep 2019, 21:44
by g44fr

Posted: 12 Sep 2019, 22:24
by zaltys7

Posted: 12 Sep 2019, 23:18
by Being645
Do you think so? I don't know The Pixies all that well, but the remark about the opera sort of approach (or what I caught of it) is not all bad, IMHO.
Of course, it doesn't work for every band, but some it might really benefit fron it... and their audiences, too.

Concept concert or not, that's about it. And there are quite some bands with big pre-planned shows, loads of effects and so on. Sometimes it works very well.
Also, I don't see much difference to fantasy gaming there, which has a lot of fans.

Not me, though. And on the other hand, during the Serious Moonlight Tour Bowie tried to do something similar ... and it was never as good as his "free" concerts ...

Posted: 13 Sep 2019, 11:17
by czuczu
Saw them last night, they were brilliant and doing all the things that a certain other band can't be bothered with - you know, making an effort, releasing stuff, being properly loud etc.

Posted: 13 Sep 2019, 12:00
by Norman Hunter
czuczu wrote:Saw them last night, they were brilliant and doing all the things that a certain other band can't be bothered with - you know, making an effort, releasing stuff, being properly loud etc.
Off to the Leeds gig, next week :D