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Weeding / Me being daft as a brush!!!!

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 20:37
by Padstar
Doh! Doh! and thrice Doh!

Ive now popped them in the right place...... too much coffee on my part (lynchfanatic.... back me up here!!!)
That and me being ginger... im suprised ive kept it together this long!!!!

Feel free to abuse me on this thread (cept Richey as i know it will hurt and i know where you live !!!!)

Ill get my coat.....

Once lovable,

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 21:06
by RicheyJames
you muppet paddy!

now, come and find me if you think you're hard enough...

(sorry mate but that was a red flag/bull type situation)

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 21:51
by Padstar
now, come and find me if you think you're hard enough...



Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 23:52
by Ginger
What's the difference between a redhead and a terrorist?

You can negotiate with a terrorist!

Posted: 01 Oct 2003, 01:42
by CorpPunk
Ginger wrote:What's the difference between a redhead and a terrorist?

You can negotiate with a terrorist!
That is SO true! (I know from experience... :wink: )

Posted: 01 Oct 2003, 10:18
by Jim
You'll never make grand supreme leader when Quiffy passes at this rate.

Posted: 01 Oct 2003, 16:15
by Padstar
I know.... a musician who moderates!


Posted: 01 Oct 2003, 16:54
by Jim
Padstar wrote:I know.... a musician who moderates!

Theres no such thing as "moderation" where ROCK is involved.