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Gigs you had a ticket for but didn't go to..

Posted: 07 May 2020, 19:52
by ruffers
So, I had a ticket to Swans a couple of years ago but had a headache and really didn't fancy it.

Lionel Ritchie - I like a good pop song but it was a Sunday night and I couldn't be bothered

Stone Roses comeback at Heaton Park - won a ticket on xfm phone in but never got my act together living in london

Underworld at Wembley late last year. Thought it was o2 and when i realised it was too late.

Just me?

Posted: 07 May 2020, 19:55
by sam donut
The Fall did something like 3 consecutive nights at the Witchwood in Ashton about 20 years ago. Had tickets for each night, every night thought "nah, I'll go tomorrow" and didn't go to any. It's bothered me ever since.

Posted: 07 May 2020, 19:57
by ruffers
I was a kid in Ashton - Holden Clough , Ashton Grammar, then went down south............

Posted: 07 May 2020, 20:18
by emilystrange
We didn't go to one British Sea Power gig. Cat died, wasn't really in the mood.

Posted: 07 May 2020, 20:23
by Big Si
Keep missing Wolves in the Throne Room due to them only playing Glasgow in the Winter Months whilst some bugger at work has passed me their Man-Flu :(

Posted: 07 May 2020, 20:24
by Swinnow
Years back the Fav was just too warm and cozy so we never took up our sign-in's to see U2 at LUU Refec.

Posted: 07 May 2020, 20:26
by emilystrange
Oh- Gary Numan last Oct as was feeling too poorly. gave ticket to colleague's sister

Posted: 07 May 2020, 20:54
by Planet Dave
Nirvana at GMEX :|

Posted: 07 May 2020, 20:57
by sam donut
ruffers wrote:I was a kid in Ashton - Holden Clough , Ashton Grammar, then went down south............
:D. Grew up in Littlemoss, and my mum still lives in Mossley!

Posted: 08 May 2020, 06:35
by splintered thing
Morrissey Perth September 1991 (I was 17)
My friends and I all had tix after sleeping out to get them.
We were so livid when he cancelled due to catching a cold, some of us never listened to him again. For the best really.

Posted: 08 May 2020, 10:06
by flakk13
Both New Order and Peter Hook and the Light a few years back.
They are both ok, but then I listen to Joy Divsion...

Posted: 08 May 2020, 10:36
by Planet Dave
sam donut wrote:
ruffers wrote:I was a kid in Ashton - Holden Clough , Ashton Grammar, then went down south............
:D. Grew up in Littlemoss, and my mum still lives in Mossley!
Mossley :eek: my folks live in Carrbrook (as did I), used to go watch Mossley AFC when I was a nipper, including a Wembley visit for the FA Trophy final :D (we lost but hey) :D

Small old world innit ;D

Posted: 08 May 2020, 11:56
by Pista
Had tickets for The Skeletal Family in Brighton (I think it was the Richmond).
The doorman told us they had spilt up earlier that day.
Went to see Sigue Sigue Sputnik at the Escape Club instead

Posted: 08 May 2020, 22:57
by sam donut
Planet Dave wrote:
sam donut wrote:
ruffers wrote:I was a kid in Ashton - Holden Clough , Ashton Grammar, then went down south............
:D. Grew up in Littlemoss, and my mum still lives in Mossley!
Mossley :eek: my folks live in Carrbrook (as did I), used to go watch Mossley AFC when I was a nipper, including a Wembley visit for the FA Trophy final :D (we lost but hey) :D

Small old world innit ;D
Ha! I had family in Carbrook for years, then they moved to Uppermill!
I'll say hello to Mossley for you when I'm next allowed to visit Mamma Mia! (Sorry I won't hi-jack this thread any more:) )

Posted: 23 May 2020, 01:39
by bangles
Sisters 2nd night at Wembly and NEC 93 - couldn't afford the travel.

Posted: 26 May 2020, 11:34
by hellboy69
Had guest list for Front 242 in the 90s but missed it cos I got the date wrong :lol:

Had tix for Hawkwind at Royal Albert Hall last year but couldn't go due to a bereavement, and couldn't even give them away!

Wasted gig tickets make me sad :(

Posted: 26 May 2020, 12:28
by eastmidswhizzkid
ive had an NMA ticket and didnt go cuz holmfield is almost impossible to get to and back from Leicester without your own car or a hotel. had a ticket to see the Sisters at Rock City in 2000 which i went to only to find that RC's water-tank had burst and the roof fell in. gig was resceduled for day after 20th anniversary gig which of course i attended. had a Motorhead ticket tthat i had to sell on the night due to a family emergency. and was on the guestlist for MH once but my Gran died. and a ticket to see lady Gaga in London that was permanently cancelled due to her fibro-myalgia. thats alll i think. :|

Posted: 26 May 2020, 21:02
by NickB
Wilderness Festival in 2011, sprained my ankle a few days before and couldn’t drive.

Posted: 30 May 2020, 09:40
by GC
Morrissey - and no not because he turned into a bit of a twit. This was in 2014 when he was still moderately acceptable.
Reason- had the flu. What was worse he cancelled the next night because he himself had flu....if he'd doen a day earlier I would have saved 70euros.

The Breeders in 2018 - just could not be arsed.

Posted: 31 May 2020, 23:32
by Phantasmagoria
New York Dolls in London when they reunited back in 2003 or so - had the flu and couldn't possibly make it, but I've been kicking myself ever since. I should've dragged myself from my death-bed for that one. Easy to say in retrospect!

Morrissey at St David's Hall, Cardiff in 2006 on the Ringleader tour. My daughter had the temerity to be born 3 weeks early, so I completely forgot about it and only realised a couple of weeks later that I'd missed it. Still, she had slightly better manners than her younger brother who later came along 3 months premature!

Johnny Marr in Cardiff last year or the year before - double-booked by mistake. The Decemberists were playing Bristol the same night and had to make a choice. Friends were joining us for the Decemberists show, so didn’t want to let them down. Sorry Johnny.

Missed Sleaford Mods around the same time - had a hangover and just didn't feel like it.

Have also mistakenly double-booked another night out later this year - Idlewild and Eliza Carthy - but the way things are going I doubt I’ll have to worry about that. Hopefully they'll both reschedule for different evenings.

Posted: 02 Jun 2020, 10:26
by radiojamaica
Some of the more dramatic ones:

Graspop 1993: Ramones headlining, Cramps just before them. Loved both bands a lot and had 2 tickets. Plans were made and everything was a go... until my +1 bailed on the day itself because of not recognising the importance of a line up like that. I couldn't get there myself and that was that. We both feel slightly bad about that uneventful day almost 30 yeards later :oops:

I believe in 2004 or 2005 there was a Virgin Prunes thing being held in the small club of the AB in Brussels. Both Gavin & Guggi were supposed to be involved, so I was more than interested. sadly the thying was sold out before I could get tickets. As I was working in a music chainstore back then I asked the labelguy about guestlist possibilities... Only the week after the event I got the okay for that :roll:

The Sisters in Paris last fall. Had to catch the early morning Eurostar, but woke up sick as a puppy. Ticket, train, hotel all for nothing :cry:

Posted: 02 Jun 2020, 10:38
by iesus
There are a few in this category, but mostly i lost concerts that i had an invitation or without ticket and not with ticket. Actually can't remember having bought a ticket and not go :roll:
Anyway the most important was George Clinton and his band in Athens, were i had invitations :( :?

Posted: 02 Jun 2020, 14:44
by Being645
I think we had that topic elsewhere before. But ok, for me there was only one gig I didn't/couldn't go to ...
Even after not going to Sisters gigs for two and a half years, the negative succeeded ... until June that year.


Posted: 02 Jun 2020, 19:15
by emilystrange
i vaguely remember DerekR having a ticket to see the Bunnymen and turning up the day after

Posted: 02 Jun 2020, 20:16
by Scardwel
My Bloody Valentine: Both times they played the Apollo in Manchester in 2008 (I was too hungover) and 2013 (I couldn't be arsed).

The Cult at the Royal Albert Hall in 2009. The most regrettable gig I missed (but had a ticket for) by far. Basically what happened was, on the day of the show some mates and I spent all day at a beer festival down in Eastbourne. The plan was to get a train back to London late afternoon/early evening, have a "quick" pint in a pub then head to the gig. That "quick" pint turned into several and before we knew it drunken apathy took over. The band had already hit the stage long before we got there and security wouldn't let us in. "You're trollied mate!" said the penguin on the door. I did get to see them in Leeds on that tour (playing "Love" in full) so all was not lost.

Wayne Hussey: London, early 2009. I boycotted for "political" reasons that were nothing to do with Wayne. I went to the pub over the road instead. :)