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Cheap soundproofing

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 17:59
by Thrash Harry
Anyone know a CHEAP way to soundproof a garage? Feel bad every time I ask Junior to turn his amp down and don't want to quell his enthusiasm as it's the only thing he's ever stuck at. Also good to keep the bond during these difficult teenage years. I've heard egg boxes and cotton wool might do the trick. All suggestions welcome, as long as they're cheap and easy. Alternatively, pointers to good DIY sites that cater for Blue Peter style novices would be nice.


Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 18:44
by Padstar
Hi there,

well, we have done out our rehearsal room out... so here are some suggestions.... perhaps Ian Smurph might chip in too.

Cheapest way is to just soften all the surfaces. Put some old carpet down on the floor and if possible hang some on the walls.

Better yet, Buy some hardboard, a bit of rock wool and make up some panels that you can position for best results.


Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 18:46
by Debaser
I'd heard egg boxes covering the walls ...

but my middle name is gullable...or it might be gullible...

Posted: 05 Oct 2003, 00:37
by Thrash Harry
Paddy, you're a star! You'll definitely get a mention on Junior's first album! Good luck for next Saturday. Not sure if we'll be there, Mrs T's on Dad duty. He lives down Woodhouse way, so might be able to pop out and catch you. Either way, have a good one!

Posted: 05 Oct 2003, 00:55
by Carrie
Or polystyrene packaging's if you have the wodges from video or pc type stuff you've bought...

The original plan for my basement, aka Rhombusworld, was to stick poly foam panels on all party walls, windows & doors (well...actually, 'my' original plan was for me to have a dining room down there...grrrr). However, then Ed decided it'd be nice for the neighbours to more fully partake in the Rhombus rehearsal/recording experience... :urff: ...oh & he couldn't be arsed... :)