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Simon Gallup

Posted: 18 Aug 2021, 09:27
by Silver_Owl
What's all this I hear? Leaving?

Pista - You know about all things Cure related. What's occurring? :eek:

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 18 Aug 2021, 09:50
by Pista
He posted a message on his farcebook thing the other night to say he was no longer a member of The Cure because he was "tired of betrayal". That has since been removed.
But there are all sorts of conspiracy theories buzzing round on social media and speculation like you wouldn't believe. I saw one idiot suggesting Bob issued a law suit which made Simon take the post down.
Porl/Pearl even weighed in at one point with an ultra cryptic message that everyone assumed was a direct barb at Robert. Despite it not even mentioning the bloke at all.
Roger also made a joke about Lol being spotted buying a bass guitar resulting in a lot of stick and setting Roger off on a Twitter blocking spree.
Bottom line, it seems he's not been entirely happy for a while. For what reason(s) nobody other than Simon knows.
If it's true, then that's just something fans need to live with. He's dished out so much happiness over the past 40 or so years so a huge thanks to him for that and all the best in whatever he does in the future.

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 18 Aug 2021, 09:59
by Silver_Owl
Pista wrote: 18 Aug 2021, 09:50 He's dished out so much happiness over the past 40 or so years so a huge thanks to him for that and all the best in whatever he does in the future.
Totally agree with this. :notworthy: Along with Hooky he's been my favourite bass player for the last 30+ years (not quite the 40 they've been around!).
Always seems like a good lad. As does Bob to be fair. Who knows what goes on behind the closed doors of the studio. :?

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 24 Aug 2021, 18:30
by Swinnow
Oh bugger, I've been a bit busy and so have only just re-entered the digisphere. Sad news indeed.

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 30 Aug 2021, 19:20
by bearskin
Silver_Owl wrote: 18 Aug 2021, 09:59 Totally agree with this. :notworthy: Along with Hooky he's been my favourite bass player for the last 30+ years (not quite the 40 they've been around!).
Awesome bass player. I remember my 16-yr old head imploding one night in Brighton at the first notes played. Been a fan since.
(Although i do recall voting for Robbie Shakespeare as the best bass player in a poll somewhere around here once).

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 15:04
by Pista
Seems he's had a change of heart

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 21:02
by Swinnow
Ooooh, G*th overlords recruit groovy bass player has a nice ring to it. Let's hope it's habit forming.

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 21:12
by emilystrange
Is it his right leg he's got in at the minute, or the left one?

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 21:18
by Swinnow
Is that the Hooky cokey?

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 21:20
by emilystrange
*high five*

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 21:22
by Swinnow

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 15:09
I had seen THE CURE concert just once.
However another Gallup played bass at that time... (2019)

Re: Simon Gallup

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 16:15
by Pista
SONYPA10 wrote: 18 Oct 2021, 15:09 I had seen THE CURE concert just once.
However another Gallup played bass at that time... (2019)
Yep. Eden stepped in for his old man at Fuji Rock.
He did a second time at their Austin City Limits gig the same year.
Did a mighty fine job too :)