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RIP Sir Clive

Posted: 16 Sep 2021, 20:22
by Pat ... T5rHFqKivQ

Upto 3am most mornings writing crappy programs and then work at 8am. Drawing the TOL cover on the ZX Spectrum, yeah good times . Cheers Clive.

Re: RIP Sir Clive

Posted: 16 Sep 2021, 23:04
by czuczu
Yep, wrote my first stuff on a 48k Speccy - proper childhood hero.

Re: RIP Sir Clive

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 09:48
by markfiend
I'm sure we all remember the huge waiting times when the Speccy first came out? What was actually going on was that Sinclair was using the money from the pre-orders to pay to build the computers themselves. Slightly dodgy computers and slightly dodgy business practices. But yeah without the ZX family (I had a ZX-81 before the Spectrum) I would not be doing the job I do.

RIP Sir Clive.

Re: RIP Sir Clive

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 21:02
by Big Si
markfiend wrote: 17 Sep 2021, 09:48 I'm sure we all remember the huge waiting times when the Speccy first came out? What was actually going on was that Sinclair was using the money from the pre-orders to pay to build the computers themselves. Slightly dodgy computers and slightly dodgy business practices. But yeah without the ZX family (I had a ZX-81 before the Spectrum) I would not be doing the job I do.

RIP Sir Clive.

As our Dad worked in Computers (for British Steel on Teesside) we also had a ZX81. I still remember that horrible Touch Pad, how on ours you really had to press hard in order for the characters to appear on the Monitor Screen. Our next Computer was a BBC Micro Model B. Everyone else at school had the ZX Spectrum (and all those fantastic games....) :roll:

Re: RIP Sir Clive

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 22:06
by GC
Had the Spectrum +..... what absolute fun (and absolute frustration - 5 min loading and crash)

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