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GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 19:56
by emilystrange
Hmph. I typed most of this all out yesterday and the draft didn't save. Or I didn't save it. BAH in either case.
GW9! Yaay! and an early one, Arsenal playing only on Monday. Busy week with Bruce going and Ole on the edge. Saint-Maximin's tribute to Bruce was rather lovely. K, here we go with the fixtures:

Friday 22 October

Arsenal 20:00 Aston Villa Both teams up and down like whatever the latest Big Thing in rides is. Either a stalemate or a 5 all draw.
UK - Sky Sports

Saturday 23 October
Chelsea 12:30 Norwich Behind the sofa again
UK - BT Sport
Crystal Palace 15:00 Newcastle These two have bruises to poke from their last games, and one hasn't got a manager.
Everton 15:00 Watford Err... k. Caludio to the rescue?
Leeds 15:00 Wolves Wolves to win, if not it will be a pretty dull one
Southampton 15:00 Burnley Saints will prob win
Brighton 17:30 Man City Brighton, do your thing!
UK - Sky Sports

Sunday 24 October
Brentford 14:00 Leicester Brentford, you think? Leicester could do with a reVard
West Ham 14:00 Spurs Judging by the Vitesse result just now, Spurs will stay at home.
UK - Sky Sports
Man Utd 16:30 Liverpool Ole behind the sofa
UK - Sky Sports

Have a lovely time with all that! IGM are looking to GW9 for something, as we're not remembering GW8. Give it all!

Re: GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 20:22
by Pista
emilystrange wrote: 21 Oct 2021, 19:56
West Ham 14:00 Spurs Judging by the Vitesse result just now, Spurs will stay at home.
UK - Sky Sports
I can't quite believe Nuno fielded the team he did.

Re: GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 20:38
by Swinnow
We all want Ole fully involved, rather than hiding behind the sofa.

Well, as fully involved as the various Utd ego's (and their agents) allow him to be :lol:

Get into them Redmen

Re: GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 23 Oct 2021, 12:50
by Pista
I'm thinking Mendy in goal was a mistake on my part this week.
He's not going to have anything to do is he?

Re: GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 24 Oct 2021, 17:53
by Pista
Anyone watching the Untidy v Liverpool game?

................................Thought not :lol:

Re: GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 24 Oct 2021, 19:58
by Swinnow
They turned off early in Manca...


Re: GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 25 Oct 2021, 12:58
by Swinnow

Re: GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 28 Oct 2021, 10:48
by Planet Dave
Picked a good weekend to be working. Another hopeless gameweek I'm afraid, clearly it's time to pick a couple of scousers, doubtless though that the FPL Bandwagon-Jumping Curse will do its thing shortly thereafter. I'm not a sad or bitter person so I'll apologise now to Salah when he breaks his leg in fifteen places five minutes into his first game as my captain. Messi's Law, as The Boss calls it.

Re: GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 29 Oct 2021, 21:11
by emilystrange
Just don't ask, k? What with wifi meltdowns, dentist shocks, imminent inlaw arrival and HAVING TO CLEAN THE BATHROOM properly, this has not been an easy day. Then somehow all my Notes disappeared with the links on. BAH. So, I am cheating and giving you Steve's summary.
We watched the Norwich game. After that we went to visit me mam for a couple of days so it was Live Text only. Missed all the goals, Ranieri's comeback, Utd fans going home, Spurs messing up again and everyone else doing fairly normal stuff. I think. It was a good week to buy Salah and captain him. :innocent:
Anyway, here are the tables, so IGM look away:


The Yellow Jersey is oiled on to Benteke Fried Chicken


Steve nearly got the BSO and is still pouting a bit, but he's not crying any more so we'll take that. Deja Vu Twenty Two takes it with 106!


Over on the H2H, it all looks similar:


With the Crown on Benteke Fried Chicken's head still


So, a completely useless round up, but you should see how clean my toilet is!

IGM, score some points this week, k? xxx

Happy Halloween! :bat: :bat: :bat: :bat: :bat:

Re: GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 30 Oct 2021, 12:45
by Pista
Still waiting for pictures of your gleaming toilet :D

Re: GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 31 Oct 2021, 21:49
by emilystrange
I've never been asked for one of those before! Here you go. Bugger to clean, as you can see.


Re: GW9 - Deadline Friday 22nd October 18.30pm

Posted: 31 Oct 2021, 22:06
by Pista
:lol: :notworthy: