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JOTD 07-OCT-03 - badgers!

Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 11:45
by Quiff Boy
in the finest tradition of germanic industro-goth nonsense, turn up your speakers and "git down" to this:

a prize of a small punnet of strawberries goes to the first person that can correctly guess what drugs they people that did that were on at the time...

blimey. :urff:

Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 11:55
by ryan


Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 20:24
by James Blast
Initially I thought, very good drugs, after 30 seconds I thought very bad drugs!

Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 21:48
by Izzy HaveMercy
Andeeehh... remember this one? :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:


Posted: 07 Oct 2003, 22:36
by Andy TG
I have a theory as to what drugs the "badger" people had taken - they had read the entire "Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas" screen play - listed the drug references, scored them, consumed them and Voila'

"Its was the summer of 1967 - There I was, Mother of God - There I am"

Mrs Goth was VERY entertained by this "Ditty" ! :-)

Posted: 08 Oct 2003, 10:17
by MrChris
That was grate. How long does it go on for?

Posted: 08 Oct 2003, 10:37
by hallucienate
I had to install a new version of flash for that.

Posted: 08 Oct 2003, 10:46
by MrChris
It was worth it!

Posted: 08 Oct 2003, 11:21
by CellThree
I had the damn thing going round my head all night at work...AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!

Posted: 09 Oct 2003, 01:14
by Andy TG
MrChris wrote:That was grate. How long does it go on for?
FOR EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Posted: 09 Oct 2003, 09:38
by surexform
OMG! You PPL need help.

Please go immediately to for "decent" stuff.

Badgers! Pfff!

Why do drug addicts feel they have to dazzle us with their creativity.

Boy I'm glad none of the Sisters ever did that :))
