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27th Feb 22 one from my rag mag collection

Posted: 27 Feb 2022, 22:08
by gothboy
There don't seem to have been too many jokes recently and i accept these are sombre times but we all need light relief on occasion

To pass the time during lockdown I started buying Rag Mags from ebay and going through pulling out the rarest of things a joke that was both reasonably amusing and not actually offensive, to make an advent joke book for friends. One reproduced below

A newly qualified airline pilot was coming in to land on his first flight since earning his wings
He turned in to land and it took all of his skill to bring the passenger aircraft to rest within the limits of the runway.
“Phew that was a tricky one,” he remarked to his co-pilot, “I thought I was certain to overshoot there, I’ve never had to land on a runway so short before.”
“Yes but just look at how wide it is,” his co-pilot replied.

Re: 27th Feb 22 one from my rag mag collection

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 19:54
by eastmidswhizzkid
Ba-dum Tish! :lol: