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Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 14 Feb 2023, 17:21
by afroheadwes
Apologies if this has been asked before but has anyone been able to find the various techno albums that Eldritch was involved in? Or was this just a reference to the SSV?

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 15 Feb 2023, 15:13
by Being645
The Sisterhood - Gift or
SSV - Go Figure or
stuff that never got released ...

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 17 Feb 2023, 16:15
by Dan
Is this the theory that Eldritch has a whole other career making techno albums?
...And if we ever found out what name he was putting them out under we'd probably hate them, but then Eldo would say "Well, they're not for you!" :lol:

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 17 Feb 2023, 17:32
by paint it black
Only Leeds Underground and Paris Riots

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 17 Feb 2023, 18:21
by Pista
afroheadwes wrote: 14 Feb 2023, 17:21 Apologies if this has been asked before but has anyone been able to find the various techno albums that Eldritch was involved in? Or was this just a reference to the SSV?
Have you read this thread?

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 03:53
by H. Blackrose
Virgin.Net interview 1997 wrote: Rumour has it that you've produced a couple of techno albums under various pseudonyms - any truth to this?

You are very well-informed. That is a rumour I will not deny (although I prefer the description "ambient-pop-industrial-techno hybrid with tunes and intelligence"). Nor would I confirm it if it were true - because rumour has it that I actually performed the albums in question. My contract with East West prevents me from being a featured artist in any other arena, and East West are prepared to spend a lot of money in court to uphold their belief that the contract is still in force. Even if I had a pathological need to openly perform on records, I would need an awful lot of money to assert my freedom. I have neither, so it's not much of an issue.

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 12:30
by markfiend
My contract with East West prevents me from being a featured artist in any other arena, and East West are prepared to spend a lot of money in court to uphold their belief that the contract is still in force. Even if I had a pathological need to openly perform on records, I would need an awful lot of money to assert my freedom. I have neither, so it's not much of an issue.
This does make one wonder about the lack of new Sisters material. Do East West still believe that :von: is under contract to them? Are they still "prepared to spend a lot of money in court"? And now I think of it, hasn't someone on this board mentioned this as a possible impediment for new Sisters releases?

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 16:54
by sultan2075
markfiend wrote: 20 Feb 2023, 12:30
My contract with East West prevents me from being a featured artist in any other arena, and East West are prepared to spend a lot of money in court to uphold their belief that the contract is still in force. Even if I had a pathological need to openly perform on records, I would need an awful lot of money to assert my freedom. I have neither, so it's not much of an issue.
This does make one wonder about the lack of new Sisters material. Do East West still believe that :von: is under contract to them? Are they still "prepared to spend a lot of money in court"? And now I think of it, hasn't someone on this board mentioned this as a possible impediment for new Sisters releases?
It has been mentioned recently, though I think it was speculation without evidence. It's plausible though.

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 19:08
by Planet Dave
sultan2075 wrote: 20 Feb 2023, 16:54 speculation without evidence
There you go Von, a title for your next album. No charge. ;D

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 22:46
by Being645
Planet Dave wrote: 20 Feb 2023, 19:08
sultan2075 wrote: 20 Feb 2023, 16:54 speculation without evidence
There you go Von, a title for your next album. No charge. ;D
Seconded ... :lol: ...

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 21 Feb 2023, 11:04
by markfiend
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 25 Feb 2023, 08:10
by Fallon
sultan2075 wrote: 20 Feb 2023, 16:54
markfiend wrote: 20 Feb 2023, 12:30
My contract with East West prevents me from being a featured artist in any other arena, and East West are prepared to spend a lot of money in court to uphold their belief that the contract is still in force. Even if I had a pathological need to openly perform on records, I would need an awful lot of money to assert my freedom. I have neither, so it's not much of an issue.
This does make one wonder about the lack of new Sisters material. Do East West still believe that :von: is under contract to them? Are they still "prepared to spend a lot of money in court"? And now I think of it, hasn't someone on this board mentioned this as a possible impediment for new Sisters releases?
It has been mentioned recently, though I think it was speculation without evidence. It's plausible though.
I don't think it's that plausible. The contract with WEA was fulfilled with the delivery of SSV. If he'd been lying about their acceptance of that as a Sisters record and Warner still believed they were owed a record, then they would have sued him for failure to deliver by now (or alternatively he would have delivered an album to them, I suppose).

He didn't just fling that record at them to end the deal, he also did so to avoid defaulting on the deal. If the contract was still active, he'd still owe them a record and he'd still be years past deadline. And if they'd chosen not to sue him over it for this amount of time, then this many years later the courts would pronounce the contract dead.

The reason we aren't getting new recorded Sisters material is because Our Friend In The North doesn't like his songs to have a definitive version against which the live performances will be compared forever. That recent Brooklyn Vegan interview hinted at what we've all suspected for a long time: that the idea of a song being 'finished' doesn't really sit well with him.

The evidence was always there. You can hear him messing with the songs live as far back as those 84 radio appearances. He made a record which has never been performed live the way it was on record (and, indeed, can't be). The new songs are amorphous and ever-changing. Sisters songs are perpetually being re-arranged.

Take out everything to do with the legal side of it, everything to do with the financial side of it, and I think you're only left with the artistic part. And I think that as an artist he just doesn't want to freeze his music in time by recording it.

Re: Andrew’s unofficial techno albums

Posted: 16 Oct 2023, 05:20
by eastmidswhizzkid
paint it black wrote: 17 Feb 2023, 17:32 Only Leeds Underground and Paris Riots
that's all ive ever been able to dig out as well and ive gone into it from every possible techno avenue instead, using my connections on both the underground and now mainstream scenes, the DJ's producers, venues and the ilegal raves the anarchist scene and right down to the relevant drug scenes.