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Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Guest
Just to start a thread which is more in keeping with what this is all about?

If we all knew the address etc...What birthday pressie would you get for vote currectly is on a box of those biccies from Chicago

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
a year's supply of nicorette patches and a handbook from alcoholics anonymous! ;D

or else a nice pair of pointy boots. bet he would love them... ;-)

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by sam donut
Some of my pointy boots have gone mouldy!

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
On May 3, 2002 2:13pm, sam donut wrote:
Some of my pointy boots have gone mouldy!
having seen the contents of your jacket pockets, i can well imagine how your boots owuld come to go mouldy...! :grin:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by sam donut
On May 3, 2002 2:18pm, Quiff Boy wrote:
having seen the contents of your jacket pockets, i can well imagine how your boots owuld come to go mouldy...! :grin:
:smile: :???: :sad:

Hey! What's wrong with bus tickets and Mars Bar wrappers?


... from 1992. *cough*

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
it wasnt a mars bar, it was a marathon. and this was last year.

yeah, a marathon.

not a snicker.

a marathon.

they havent been called marathons in years...

that is just disgusting!!!

and a bus ticket from 1992.

sam, you truly are a filthy individual! (or at least your jacket is...) :grin: :wink:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by sam donut
OBJECTION your honour!

I draw my learned be-quiffed friend to the fact, that as I am allergic to peanuts, the likelihood that, on the night in question, my jacket pocket contained the wrapper of said Marathon (or, indeed, any confectioned bar of nut laden snack), is, I'm sure you'll be forced to agree, unlikely.

I rest my case.

(also, to be fair, I possibly hadn't worn the jacket since 1992 (or again since the bus ticket/choc wrapper incident), so it's not as if I'm filthy- I'm a text book example of personal hygiene! )

:grin: :grin:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy

i'll have a think on that one. you put up a good defence, young donut, but there may be untruths in your statement.



Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by sam donut
Anyway, I'm sure you noticed I was wearing a much newer jacket last week!

Sorry, for hijacking Mikey's thread.

I'd get him a copy of the last m****n album.

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Lars Svensson
Marathons became Snickers (*spit*) in 1989/90 as far as I remember. (sad bastard or just a long memory. you decide) So, if Mr D DID have a Marathon wrapper in his pocket, then that casts his personal habits into even worse light...

Me? I only have train tickets from about 2 years ago hiding in the torn lining of my jacket...

Plus...errr...bits of that 'Sisters on Cake' bun from the Feb 2001 York gig which keep emerging. Yum! furry...And I jest not, rather worryingly...The evidence has been observed by third parties.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
Plus...errr...bits of that 'Sisters on Cake' bun from the Feb 2001 York gig which keep emerging. Yum! furry...And I jest not, rather worryingly...The evidence has been observed by third parties.
but hopefully not injested by any of the aforementioned third parties? :eek:


Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Guest
quote I'd get him a copy of the last m****n album

nah its alright matey, I'd rather have some of Lars's fluffy cake

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
will this one make it 43 then?

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by sam donut
On May 3, 2002 3:17pm, mikey wrote:
quote I'd get him a copy of the last m****n album

nah its alright matey, I'd rather have some of Lars's fluffy cake
Heh heh! Either way, it takes the emphasis of the thread away from my scummy jacket!

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Guest
I still have hardened tomato ketchup in my leather jacket from where a sachet burst in 1986 when I was removing it from a mcRubbish...uuurrrghgh

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by sam donut
;D ;D

Don't tell Quiffy! He's very sensitive about these things!

;D ;D

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Guest
what leather, ketchup or mcRubbish?

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
On May 3, 2002 3:29pm, mikey wrote:
what leather, ketchup or mcRubbish?
leather & mcRubbish :roll:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
On May 3, 2002 3:33pm, Quiff Boy wrote:
On May 3, 2002 3:29pm, mikey wrote:
what leather, ketchup or mcRubbish?
leather & mcRubbish :roll:
but especially mcRubbish :evil:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Guest
ok, change mcRubbish to Bugger King

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by sam donut
Was actually referring to old stuff in jackets!

But... aye!

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Guest
old stuff in jackets...oh that's me isn't it????

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Guest
I'll show ya me pockets if you really want QB...ooooohhhhh mother

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
i'll pass on your very kind offer, if thats ok :smile:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Guest
well if your interested, remember 6'2" leather jacket, MR logo and sisters of mercy on the back in green
only charge 10p a lick