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mornin' all

Posted: 14 Oct 2003, 09:52
by RicheyJames
i'm off to the canteen - anyway wanna bacon buttie?

Re: mornin' all

Posted: 14 Oct 2003, 09:54
by Big Si
RicheyJames wrote:i'm off to the canteen - anyway wanna bacon buttie?
Roll n' Lorne Sausage, Tattie Scone, Black Pudding and Fried Egg with Brown sauce pliz Pal!


Posted: 14 Oct 2003, 09:56
by moonchild
hummm... if you don't mind it can be green tea, lil bread with butter and yes a lil of bacon pls. Thank you.

Posted: 14 Oct 2003, 10:25
by mh
Just a coffee will do, ta.

Posted: 14 Oct 2003, 10:48
by Tinkerbell
Im seriously hungover so a very large coffee for me too, please.

Posted: 14 Oct 2003, 11:25
by Padstar
uuummmmm... what day is it ?


Posted: 14 Oct 2003, 12:22
by Big Si
Tinkerbell wrote:Im seriously hungover so a very large coffee for me too, please.
You'd be better off with an Irn Bru, Caffeine and Fairies don't mix, just ask the Tooth Fairy!


Posted: 14 Oct 2003, 12:49
by Tinkerbell
Big Si wrote:
Tinkerbell wrote:Im seriously hungover so a very large coffee for me too, please.
You'd be better off with an Irn Bru, Caffeine and Fairies don't mix, just ask the Tooth Fairy!

Yeah, the 4 espresso's dont seem to be kicking in ........

Posted: 15 Oct 2003, 01:02
by Andy TG
Just a Diet Coke for me - thankie!

Posted: 15 Oct 2003, 10:23
by Silver_Owl
20 fags, a columbian coffee and a shot of adrenachrome por favor.

Posted: 15 Oct 2003, 11:19
by Nancy_78
Padstar wrote:uuummmmm... what day is it ?

;D ;D ;D
