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When You Don’t See Me

Posted: 25 Aug 2023, 04:35
by Esoterica
In earlier concert videos, Eldritch was almost entirely shrouded by billowing smoke onstage, which made it easy not to have to interact much with the audience. The only thing spoken besides a song title was “Bye.” These days, things have changed a bit, and I wonder how many people have noticed. For example:
“America, we thought we fixed you. Then you f**ked it up. We’re here to fix it again.”
Now what do you suppose that means? Any similar experiences?

Re: When You Don’t See Me

Posted: 25 Aug 2023, 07:39
by paint it black
I was there and assumed it meant, in a round about way, and ignoring the financial bung, that the Sisters were last in America under the presidential election pre Trump. Didn't attend in the Trump years, and were now back again.

The only useful thing I ever witnessed was "normally we play gigs, and .... gigs are okay... but tonight......... tonight was a party. thank....... you.

Oh and he also said "we'll see you when the zombie apocalypse is over" as his way of cancelling the tour. 😂😂

Re: When You Don’t See Me

Posted: 25 Aug 2023, 14:37
by sultan2075
Hasn’t Von always been a relatively talkative (and at times quite hysterically funny) frontman?

Re: When You Don’t See Me

Posted: 27 Aug 2023, 02:46
by Esoterica
Zombie apocalypse, read Covid. Some say it ended in May of this year, but “some of us are not so sure.” I lost an uncle and a cousin. Hideous bastard nuisance of a disease. That said, I think it’s great when Eldritch, or any star for that matter, talks to the audience. Gives a nice, warm sense of inclusion. You know, enjoying a joke, instead of being one?

Re: When You Don’t See Me

Posted: 07 Sep 2023, 23:29
by Damaged+Done
I guess it depends on mood etc. There are many instances of him being hilarious usually as an odd the cuff remark to the audience, a heckler or a recent significant event - like with Trump.
I remember one gig in Dublin where he gave us an update on the football score because Ireland were playing that night!

Re: When You Don’t See Me

Posted: 08 Sep 2023, 22:09
by Rise891
He spent more time talking onstage this last US tour then I have ever heard him. Mostly about the trump indictments.