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MS-DOS and all that

Posted: 19 Oct 2003, 08:18
by nodubmanshouts
Met the man once, in a bar, about a year after Vision Thing... of course I had to say hello :lol:

Two gems stick with me -

- he said "Vision Thing" was a commercial failure and he wouldn't release a new album until "the time was right"... how prophetic...

- he was looking for a new band member, somebody who knew sequencers and MS-DOS. Of course, I offered my services... he declined, stating, matter of factly, that I lacked two essential qualifications for the job as he saw it... breasts.

He really is as dry and funny in person...

Re: MS-DOS and all that

Posted: 19 Oct 2003, 09:25
by dead stars
nodubmanshouts wrote:Met the man once, in a bar, about a year after Vision Thing... of course I had to say hello :lol:

Two gems stick with me -

- he said "Vision Thing" was a commercial failure
Commercial failure? :eek:
- he was looking for a new band member, somebody who knew sequencers and MS-DOS. Of course, I offered my services... he declined, stating, matter of factly, that I lacked two essential qualifications for the job as he saw it... breasts.
What??!??! :eek:

So he thinks breasts sell the product?! :eek: Good Lord!

What breasts sold "f&L&A"? Or it didn't sell at all? "Floodland" sold more? Breasts are easy to find. THAT'S NO EXCUSE! :evil:

Posted: 20 Oct 2003, 03:41
by nodubmanshouts
I was surprised to hear Vision Thing could be considered a "bomb"... perhaps his expectations were higher?

As for the "breasts" thing... maybe he felt Patty had helped the image of the band... perhaps he decided that after the all-male VT line up, it was time for a more varied line-up. I'm sure that that "breasts" weren't really what he was looking for, more that he wanted a female in the band. Guess it never panned out!

Few other things I remember, which really belong in the "useless trivia" box;

His alcohol choice is based on his diabetes. Can't for the life of me remember what he was drinking, but it was pure and un-mixed (no soda)

He is/was still friends with Claire. She was there and they chatted a while, at least until he made a quite witty sarcastic remark about her then-boyfriend (La Costa Rasa head honcho, Andy) "where's Mr Personality?"

He went down The Phono (spawning pit of Goth in Leeds) at the height of Floodland and nobody recognised him... instead people were walking up to another guy at the bar, a few feet away, dressed in FLA Eldtrich hat+shades, and asking him if he was the man. He said he found the situation quite amusing.

Posted: 20 Oct 2003, 03:50
by dead stars

I don't know how many copies which album sold but "Floodland"s success could also have been related with the music... :twisted:

Posted: 20 Oct 2003, 04:01
by nodubmanshouts
I absolutely agree... but maybe some execs at Warner didn't?

Posted: 21 Oct 2003, 13:01
by khepri II
welcome to HL 8)

Claire was DJ @ Leeds this year 8)

didn't know he was diabetic. hope they don't f uck it up like they have with my dad . In theory then he should be eating more than lettuce :lol: :lol: :lol:

liked your comments on floorshow too. Guessed it was a pisstake didn't know it was the phono :notworthy: :notworthy:

Floorshow, more so than most, fits the definition of metaphysical poetry perfectly

Their work is a blend of emotion and intellectual ingenuity,
characterized by conceit or "wit" -- that is, by the sometimes violent
yoking together of apparently unconnected ideas and things so that the
reader is startled out of his complacency and forced to think through
the argument of the poem. Metaphysical poetry is less concerned with
expressing feeling than with analyzing it, with the poet exploring the
recesses of his consciousness. The boldness of the literary devices used
-- especially obliquity, irony, and paradox -- are always reinforced by
a dramatic directness of language, whose rhythm is derived from that of
living speech.

luv it :von:

Posted: 21 Oct 2003, 16:38
by pikkrong
Big welcome, Nodubmanshouts :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 21 Oct 2003, 17:19
by Black Planet
:innocent: :von:

I'm glad to know Von appreciates the finer parts of woman's body. But as an Intellectual Love God, I shouldn't be surprised at his remark.

I would take any comments on female band members with a grain of salt. It's been years since VT and no female in the line up.

And welcome to HL.

Posted: 21 Oct 2003, 17:26
by Chairman Bux
I would guess the breast remark was intended to get rid of you - a polite way of saying you will never be able to join the band, and so go away and leave me to my cigarettes/vodka/letching/ex-girlfriend *

* Delete as appropriate

Nonetheless, welcome to "Hearty". Bring your good self in, leave your prejudices at the door, and make yourself comfortable.

What's your poison? Quiffy's buying. :kiss:

Posted: 21 Oct 2003, 18:40
by nodubmanshouts
Thanks for all the welcomes!! I feel at home now :)

Chairman - I suspect you may be correct :)