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Floorshow/ Body Electric/ Temple of Love

Posted: 20 Oct 2003, 03:53
by nodubmanshouts
This was kind of common-law in Leeds at the time, but I don't know if this is known outside town...

The Warehouse in Leeds used to be home to the major "new wave/ punk" night in Leeds. Claire used to DJ and Andy would hang out next to the DJ booth, because he was dating her, couldn't dance and wasn't too good at socialising (?). The DJ Booth is about 20ft above the dance floor, and the legend is, Floorshow is written from this perspective.

In a similar vain, I hear Body Electric is written about The Phono (Le Phonographique at the time), a club located under (yes, under!) a shopping center in Leeds.

As with many nightclubs, these were good places to find somebody to wake up with on Sunday morning. Sarcastically, these places could be a called a "Temple of Love"...

(should also point out that at both clubs, it wasn't unheard of for people to be doing a lot of speed (ok, A LOT of speed) or the occasional acid, which also fits in with the lyrics to Body Electric in particular).

Posted: 21 Oct 2003, 16:29
by pikkrong
Thanks for this info :notworthy:

Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 20:36
by Thrash Harry
Very interesting. I've always associated Body Electric with the Phono and Floorshow with the Warehouse but thought this was due to the lyrics rather than any grapevine rumblings. Always thought the bathroom walls referred to the mirrors on the pillar in the middle of the Phono dancefloor, and "death with walls" and "too much contact not enough feeling" was one way of seeing things. As for Floorshow, it definitely conjures up images of the Warehouse's huge dancefloor when it was a go-go. The lines "For the facile futile totally blind" and "Mundane by day inane at night" are just the bitter mumblings of a man who can't dance!

Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 22:45
by nodubmanshouts
I'd never thought of the "bathroom walls" as being the mirrors in the Phono, but now I can see it... :notworthy: