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Should Von go Solo?

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 13:54
by Erudite
It occurs to me, listening to Vision Thing, that Eldritch could probably produce a very fine album in a similar vein to Leonard Cohen.
Something Fast and I Was Wrong are very Cohenesque, with their acoustic guitar and wry/knowing/cynical lyrics.

It would possibly take some pressure of Eldritch as well, not technically being a Sisters record.

I'd certainly queue up for a copy - what does anybody else think?

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 18:32
by James Blast
I always though Mr. E was a solo act!

as for the acoustic stuff I'm not so keen, I prefer the amphetamine powered drum machine attack.

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 18:56
by Silver_Owl
The Andrew Eldritch Experience perhaps?

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 19:20
by zigeunerweisen
Why not?
Lose the rock n' roll thing for while, do a more <<elegant> thing and i'd happily buy it.

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 19:37
by claws
yes, he should go solo, and release a record under the name "The Sisters of Mercy"

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 20:29
by Erudite
I should clarify, I don't mean this as a permanent move, more a side project, something to re-invigorate Von. Seems to me he's become a bit jaded in recent years.
Perhaps he should also shove out a few techno records.
I think he needs to find something that makes him want to prove himself again.

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 21:09
by Andy TG
I remember reading "somewhere" :eek: around 92/93 that Von wanted to do small gigs, with just him, a piano and small backing band. It would appear the record company (Warners/Electra?) disagreed and would not allow to do this. Can anyone confirm this "information"?

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 22:52
by Black Planet
claws wrote:yes, he should go solo, and release a record under the name "The Sisters of Mercy"
yes. and wasn't it Floodland? Well we need another. :wink:

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 22:54
by Quiff Boy
AndyTheGoth wrote:I remember reading "somewhere" :eek: around 92/93 that Von wanted to do small gigs, with just him, a piano and small backing band. It would appear the record company (Warners/Electra?) disagreed and would not allow to do this. Can anyone confirm this "information"?
waybe beat him to it. he'd never do it now, on principle...


Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 22:56
by claws
Black Planet: yes, we need another record, and I have thought of a name for it: "Floodland II"

And one of the tracks are "Flood III" :P :lol: :P

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 22:59
by Silver_Owl
I demand "That Corrosion (again)"
and "Second and last and sometimes"

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 23:45
by Black Planet
Quiff Boy wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:I remember reading "somewhere" :eek: around 92/93 that Von wanted to do small gigs, with just him, a piano and small backing band. It would appear the record company (Warners/Electra?) disagreed and would not allow to do this. Can anyone confirm this "information"?
waybe beat him to it. he'd never do it now, on principle...


Holy fckking sh*t!

If Andrew ever did that kind of gig, you'd find me gagging myself with spoon outside the stage entrance.

That's not even funny. It's disgusting.

Wayne solo makes me want to puke.. Properly it's a full Mish gig with bass and guitars, and drum kit and NO f**king Piano!!!~!!!! Sorrry been there done this rant before at MWIS.

piano gig

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 23:55
by hippie-bullsh-t-hater
Are you pulling my leg? You must be jokin if you wanna tell me
that von can play the piano! Apart from that, everyone knows that
von is extremely shy on stage. How does anyone want to play a piano on a mist flooded stage with very few lights and vodka drunk (like andrew often does on stage??

Posted: 27 Oct 2003, 05:44
by nodubmanshouts
I'd love to see Andy do something like this...

Of course, I also love the way the way that a piano tune (1959) and a Jim Steinmen rock epic (This Corrision) can sit side by side one another on the same album... :)

Posted: 27 Oct 2003, 12:04
by MrChris
I'd pay many roubles to see it. Or buy it. Yes, please!

Posted: 27 Oct 2003, 14:14
by Loki
It's an interesting concept. If this is the man who single-handedly wrote/performed/produced, classics such as the RH EP and Floodland, then there is no doubting his talent or ability. I know he's not the most prolific (read fast) writer, but apart from the 'new' live stuff he must have loads of new songs, scribbled on the back of Marlboro fag packets and stuffed in a box under his bed. Next to the box of DD singles he slips onto ebay occassionally (see seperate thread).

I think he wants to make a classic rock album (voice/guitar/bass/doktor) in the true sense of the 'rock' word. Something that's gonna stay up there and stand the test of time. Something your grandchildren will listen to. He wants to leave his mark. But on a wider audience. Floodland, I class as 80's techo/dance/pop and a classic of it's genre, but outside Sisters fans circles who knows it? How many times does it appear in the top 100 (or even 500) albums of all time? And there's some right garbage that does.

I also think VT (album) knocked him back. Up to then he'd always come out on top. Yes there were 'difficulties', but he always regrouped and came back fighting. This time I think he thought it would lauded, as it was the next incantation of TSOM. Personally I don't like it. Too american rawk. Some well dodgy monotous tunes. But some classics. I know it was also the death knell crossover period between vinyl and CD but only eight songs. Gives the muso-journos more ammunition.

Solo, he would have the ability to write/produce/play anything, but also the guitar? Yes, I know his guitar playing ability has been well documented. When sitting down. And not singing. So ultimately if he did go down this road, he'd only have to hire a 'band' for live gigs and then probably find that the guitar parts he'd written too difficult for the hired axe and we'd end with cannibalised intros, riffs, solos and not the recorded work. Ulitimately he probably wouldn't have the patience (or desire) to sit in a studio by himself (maybe he is anyway) with no-one to bounce off (read hire/fire).

Who knows?

Posted: 27 Oct 2003, 15:45
by MrChris
Hear hear. Still, if he did an album of lionel ritchie covers, i'd buy it. I'd rather it was leonard cohen covers, but still...

Posted: 27 Oct 2003, 16:12
by Loki
MrChris wrote:Hear hear. Still, if he did an album of lionel ritchie covers, i'd buy it. I'd rather it was leonard cohen covers, but still...
Let's be honest here ...KYLIE covers and we'd buy it ... :urff: :innocent:

Re: piano gig

Posted: 27 Oct 2003, 17:07
by pikkrong
hippie-bullsh-t-hater wrote:Are you pulling my leg? You must be jokin if you wanna tell me
that von can play the piano! Apart from that, everyone knows that
von is extremely shy on stage. How does anyone want to play a piano on a mist flooded stage with very few lights and vodka drunk (like andrew often does on stage??
well, grand piano is the ideal place to a bottle of vodka :von:
just like a bar counter.

Re: piano gig

Posted: 27 Oct 2003, 17:23
by Quiff Boy
hippie-bullsh-t-hater wrote: everyone knows that von is extremely shy on stage. How does anyone want to play a piano on a mist flooded stage with very few lights and vodka drunk (like andrew often does on stage??
thats a good point actually. i hadn't thought of that...

on stage, eldritch hides behind the smoke, lights, shades and his little barbed comments at the crowd. on a bare stage with just a guitar and/or piano(!) i think he'd feel very uncomfortable... his whole "stage" persona screams that this would be the case.

von's a lot more stand off-ish than hussey and i dont think his nature would come across as well as waynes with that kind of gig.

the personal intimate gigs are more suited to the heart-on-the-sleeve kind of approach hussey adopts. von's much better off on a big stage, lots of lights, lots of smoke, and with a big fat doktor pounding away behind him.


Posted: 28 Oct 2003, 00:16
by James Blast
Andy Partridge of XTC is so stage frightened he shat his pants once, I am not suggesting Mr. E tries this, but at least XTC release albums.

Posted: 28 Oct 2003, 00:45
by Serendipityhaven
today has been truely gruesome,stressfull and one long endurance test....and that last post just made me laugh.

pleasant change :)

Posted: 28 Oct 2003, 21:10
by James Blast
Thanks Seren, I think ;)

Posted: 29 Oct 2003, 02:30
by Black Planet
Serendipityhaven wrote:today has been truely gruesome,stressfull and one long endurance test....and that last post just made me laugh.

pleasant change :)
Sorry you have been stressed..
But to my point.. where have you been? I for one have missed you. And been a bit worried about your absence.

Hope your well and so with your children.


Posted: 29 Oct 2003, 02:48
by dead stars
Come on, let's face it. The Sisters of Mercy are a SOLO act. :roll: