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Posted: 29 Oct 2003, 22:22
by Mrs RicheyJames
Will be gone from here for a while :cry:
I'll be back, hopefully soon
take care peoplexxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted: 29 Oct 2003, 22:33
by Quiff Boy
bye :cry:

and whatever it is that keeps you away from the internet, i hope it goes well :)

Posted: 29 Oct 2003, 22:34
by 6FeetOver
Noooooooooooooooo!!! :cry: I hope everything's ok, SG! Plase take care of yourself, and hurry back! :( :kiss:

Posted: 30 Oct 2003, 10:26
by Black Dahlia
Snub Nose wrote:ummmm...
sometimes I really do think people need to get out more on this list..
What, like you you mean?! ROTFL !! :lol:

(sorry SN you know I love you :kiss: xx)

Take care SG , I'll miss you. :(

Posted: 30 Oct 2003, 10:32
by hallucienate
WTF? where is she going?

Posted: 30 Oct 2003, 10:33
by Quiff Boy
Snub Nose wrote:ummmm...
sometimes I really do think people need to get out more on this list..
its a fair cop :urff:

Posted: 30 Oct 2003, 11:32
by Black Dahlia
Snub Nose wrote:change that to
"sometimes I think we really do need to get out more on this list"

Quiff, have you ever seen the Lonely Planet thorn tree forum?
Ive noticed that people on there actually meet up now and again,
go to a pub, get drunk, and slobber all over each other, once in a while.

Obviously I wouldnt condone (or conduct) such behavior myself...
Yeah Right. :lol: :innocent:

And who says people on this forum arent doing that ......?

Posted: 30 Oct 2003, 11:49
by Black Dahlia
Snub Nose wrote:if there is any slobbering going on round here I feel a free single man
like me should be involved. You're not doing any, are you?
Why? You askin'? LOL!

Posted: 30 Oct 2003, 12:05
by Black Dahlia
Snub Nose wrote:no - you look like you havnt finished your previous meal yet!
Oh that'll be Barman Blast. Stick around - you could be next ... :twisted:

Posted: 30 Oct 2003, 12:05
by Quiff Boy
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 30 Oct 2003, 12:17
by Black Dahlia
Snub Nose wrote:Oh, quiffys flirting with you Dahlia....move in, move in..
"Nurse the screens, SnubNose is out of bed again..." :roll:

Posted: 30 Oct 2003, 12:36
by Black Dahlia
Snub Nose wrote:touched a nerve there I think..
* picks up two by four and bludgeons SN with it until he stops talking bollocks *


Posted: 30 Oct 2003, 20:20
by James Blast
Blast shows up-------->

What's all this then you ne'erdowells?
Don't worry Snub, there is plenty of Barman Blast to keep Dahlia feasting for a while yet :urff:

A big TTFN to SG see you soon
