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Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 01:01
by Gripper
Just about to start on the telly.

Not specifically Goth, but definitely 's**t-your-pants-scarey'.


Re: Ring

Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 01:06
by Big Si
Gripper wrote:Just about to start on the telly.

Not specifically Goth, but definitely '****-your-pants-scarey'.

In 15 mins on Channel 4.

But Blackadder omnibus is on UKGold :|

Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 01:15
by Padstar
Ring is one of the best horror films ive ever seen......

Watch it ..... or Saddako witll come for you !


Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 02:31
by Black Planet
@ Gripper

Love your avatar..He's lovely.

Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 02:45
by DerekR
Black Planet wrote:@ Gripper

Love your avatar..He's lovely.
So is mine :)

Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 03:02
by Andy TG
And dont forget Horror fans - Ring 2 (1999) is on Channel 4 at 2.30 AM Friday Night/Saturday Morning! (October 31st)

Knew You'd Be Scared......

Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 04:54
by cocoamix
The original Japanese movie Ringu is just as scary. The storyline is a bit different, but it's just as creepy.

Incidentally, here is a very scary movie that should be out in non-Asian theaters soon:

I've seen it and it has a high creep out factor as well.
From what I hear, there's going to be a US remake of this one too.

Posted: 01 Nov 2003, 19:14
by James Blast
think I'll snuggle up with some Pingu if you don't mind :D

Posted: 02 Nov 2003, 00:41
by Andy TG
Having watched Ring (usa version) - Ring (japanese version) and Ring 2 - I suggest that you watch Ring 2 in order to completely understand the events in "ring" - I went to bed quite scared and at easy last night! ;-)

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 16:00
by randdebiel²
the japanese version + ring 2 are scary...but if you really want scary.....
Audshoon (the audition) is what you should be looking for...saw that one a couple of months ago, and we went for a walk afterwards because we were just too scared to go sleeping right away :eek: first time in my life that happened....

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 20:48
by Ginger
Audition was on Channel 4 on Sunday night...taped it but haven't seen it yet

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 21:49
by emilystrange
i'm not scared. i didn't watch it.
isn't that avatar you in former days?

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 22:26
by Gripper
emilystrange wrote:i'm not scared. i didn't watch it.
isn't that avatar you in former days?
I had the body
Noone brought me the head of Eldritch, though

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 22:27
by emilystrange
now what would you want that for? you don't need two.

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 00:08
by Planet Dave
Audition is most certainly creepy-as-hell, more so than Ring, indeed it's as bad as Alien was to my 10 yr old eyes way back, and remains just about my only memory of those times, along with losing 3-2 to ArsewipeFC in the cup final, oh, and wanting to do unspeakable things which I didn't fully understand to Daphne (no offence Ginger). I dunno, the things that leave their mark...

But yeah, all of you, watch Audition.

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 17:46
by mugabe
cocoamix wrote:The original Japanese movie Ringu is just as scary. The storyline is a bit different, but it's just as creepy.

Incidentally, here is a very scary movie that should be out in non-Asian theaters soon:

I've seen it and it has a high creep out factor as well.
From what I hear, there's going to be a US remake of this one too.
The Eye is good as well. For fans of the genre, I also recommend "Suicide Circle", "Kaïro - Pulse" and "Dark Water".

is a nice site for more info. Check it out.