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Dont tell anyone but....

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 12:31
by Padstar
Im going to post up the photo of acne'd hunchback moose that no-one would touch with a barge pole, and log a new user as Henrietta just to see if everyone says.... "ooooh your so beautiful!!!"

feeling naughty, naughty, naughty.

im off to a dark room now to lie down.



Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 12:33
by Black Dahlia
Padstar wrote:Im going to post up the photo of acne'd hunchback moose that no-one would touch with a barge pole, and log a new user as Henrietta just to see if everyone says.... "ooooh your so beautiful!!!"

feeling naughty, naughty, naughty.

im off to a dark room now to lie down.


Love it Pads! Knew they were all fibbing (ref my pic at least)

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 22:19
by Padstar
On reflection, i just cant believe i posted that...... Muhahaha...cough........cough.

Then again.


@Dahlia - Your loveley my dear !!!! and if you look i aint written that about everyone (though you are all aesthetically pleasing).... doh!

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 23:40
by James Blast
I hear the sound of a grave being dug.... Bury Me Deep, anyone?

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 23:43
by Black Planet
Barman Blast your avatar is Blasphemous!!!

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 00:31
by James Blast
Never BP,
Hal IS as I describe him above, I think ATG will concur?

If not, I will lose no sleep, wish I could get my Barman's Job back tho' :D

regards BP
Blast formerly of PP&G

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 00:57
by Big Si
Red Sunsets wrote:
If not, I will lose no sleep, wish I could get my Barman's Job back tho' :D

regards BP
Blast formerly of PP&G
I thought it was only closed for refurbishment! :wink: :D

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 01:44
by James Blast
naebuddy tells me anything!

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 03:03
by Black Planet
f**king A

Where's the new place...? I got money for at least a months rent..then I go a whoring....LOL well a girl does what a girl does!

Barman Blast..Big Si man... where are we going? X

Posted: 05 Nov 2003, 12:02
by Black Dahlia
Padstar wrote:On reflection, i just cant believe i posted that...... Muhahaha...cough........cough.

Then again.


@Dahlia - Your loveley my dear !!!! and if you look i aint written that about everyone (though you are all aesthetically pleasing).... doh!
@Pads - you rock! LOL

Now BP , can I have my waitressing job back if you get a new establishment?...........