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Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 18:38
by claws
If Eldritch has no plans whatsoever to make any album, single or anything recorded at all, don't you think that we (the fans) deserve to know that? Like this is going, it feels like we could very well be waiting in vain. I need closure, so I can move on :) Normal rock bands usually let their fans know what is happening concerning the band.

On the official TSOM homepage it says there are plans to release "Summer" as a single... But for how long has that information been there? I think if there once were plans to release it, it probably isn't anymore. He's just too lazy to change the information on the homepage.

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 18:41
by longtrain
That has been there for about 4 years now.


Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 18:42
by Silver_Owl
Oh come now. Do you really think Von cares what we the people think?
I don't think he's lazy, he's onstinant but not lazy.
He wouldn't go to the trouble of writing new songs and gigging if he didn't think there was still life in the Sisters. Maybe, just maybe, one day soon, this forum will be inundated with posts about the new album or single.
He will be back, be patient - otherwise we'll all have to switch the light off.


Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 18:54
by claws
Steve303 wrote:Oh come now. Do you really think Von cares what we the people think?
I know he doesn't care what anyone thinks. But it would be nice if he could send the message: "I'm not going to make any more records". That way I wouldn't be waiting in vain anymore.

the absence of TSOM records is not bad from every aspect though. Because of that I have discovered much other great music, which would probably not have been discovered otherwise.

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 19:25
by Silver_Owl
Go and track him down and ask him. You'll find him every other Saturday standing on the terraces of St Pauli. I'm sure he'll be very nice about it. :roll:

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 20:04
by Black Planet
Claws, may I suggest an attitude change? What you refer to as *waiting in vain* can also be thought of in another manner:

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops, at all.

Or what about:

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.

Why give up your dream or your hopes that Von will record another masterpiece? It's on my list of hopes and dreams.

Just my perspective, rather naive and innocent I know, but I won't give up my blind faith in certain things. Nor my hopes and my dreams.

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 20:40
by claws
Black Planet: I'm sorry. I'll try to change

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 21:14
by Thrash Harry
Maybe I've missed something, but how exactly will a new Sisters album dramatically improve your existence? Will it make you a better person/ spouse/ parent? I don't think so.

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 21:18
by Big Si
Thrash Harry wrote:Maybe I've missed something, but how exactly will a new Sisters album dramatically improve your existence? Will it make you a better person/ spouse/ parent? I don't think so.
A better lover, Thrash! :twisted:

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 21:18
by claws
I estimate that the life quality would improve about 20%

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 21:23
by Silver_Owl
Thrash Harry wrote:Maybe I've missed something, but how exactly will a new Sisters album dramatically improve your existence? Will it make you a better person/ spouse/ parent? I don't think so.
Are you saying you don't want to see a new album materialise?
It may not drastically improve anyones lives in terms of world peace but it would be nice.
Come now, play the game. :lol:


Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 21:52
by Muppet Boy
I was only 5 when Floodland came out and only 11 when Under the Gun appeared, so I've had to get into this whole Sisters thing retrospectively (as it were).

Which is why I'd love another album/single to eventually appear. I want to experience a Sisters release first-hand! I want to hold the cd in my hot little mitts! I want to dance around like a freak to new industrial groove stylings!


Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 21:53
by Quiff Boy
Muppet Boy wrote:I was only 5 when Floodland came out and only 11 when Under the Gun appeared, so I've had to get into this whole Sisters thing retrospectively (as it were).

Which is why I'd love another album/single to eventually appear. I want to experience a Sisters release first-hand! I want to hold the cd in my hot little mitts! I want to dance around like a freak to new industrial groove stylings!

thats how i was about the vision thing era stuff - and i agree with your sentiments 8)

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 22:30
by James Blast
there is a Flux Of Pink Indians album called..... no, it's way too rude for us nice boys and girls on Heartland but I reckon that's how Mr. E treats his audience.

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 22:43
by Thrash Harry
Steve303 wrote:Harry
Are you saying you don't want to see a new album materialise?
Que sera sera. But why waste time on things you have no control over?
Steve303 wrote:Come now, play the game. :lol:
He's much better at it than me. For what it's worth, I reckon there would be more chance of him releasing something if this forum and others like it didn't exist. Personally, I'd rather have this place than a new Sisters record. But then I don't go around chasing bootlegs, so I'm obviously no fanatic.

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 22:46
by Quiff Boy
Thrash Harry wrote:
Steve303 wrote:Harry
Are you saying you don't want to see a new album materialise?
Que sera sera. But why waste time on things you have no control over?
Steve303 wrote:Come now, play the game. :lol:
He's much better at it than me. For what it's worth, I reckon there would be more chance of him releasing something if this forum and others like it didn't exist. Personally, I'd rather have this place than a new Sisters record. But then I don't go around chasing bootlegs, so I'm obviously no fanatic.
how do you mean? that he'd need to release something otherwise his fanbase would dwindle even more, due to lack of awareness and public interest?

cant say the idea had ever occured to me... ;)


qb (keeping the dream alive, as they say) :von:

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 22:54
by Silver_Owl
Jim Morrison once said something about "making the myths".
Maybe in keeping quiet he's building the myth up. The legendary "Sisters".
It doesn't quiet cut it for me, but it's a theory.


Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 22:56
by Thrash Harry
Quiff Boy wrote:
Thrash Harry wrote:
Steve303 wrote:Harry
Are you saying you don't want to see a new album materialise?
Que sera sera. But why waste time on things you have no control over?
Steve303 wrote:Come now, play the game. :lol:
He's much better at it than me. For what it's worth, I reckon there would be more chance of him releasing something if this forum and others like it didn't exist. Personally, I'd rather have this place than a new Sisters record. But then I don't go around chasing bootlegs, so I'm obviously no fanatic.
how do you mean? that he'd need to release something otherwise his fanbase would dwindle even more, due to lack of awareness and public interest?

cant say the idea had ever occured to me... ;)


qb (keeping the dream alive, as they say) :von:
I was thinking more along the lines of:

a) He'd miss the attention and seek the limelight again


b) He wouldn't be so worried about not living upto expectations

Depending on how charitable you're feeling.

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 23:05
by emilystrange
i agree with Mr 303.

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 23:23
by Silver_Owl
emilystrange wrote:i agree with Mr 303.
Shucks. Thanks Miss Strange. :P

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 23:28
by emilystrange
anytime. well, can't promise everytime, obv.

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 23:43
by Silver_Owl
emilystrange wrote:anytime. well, can't promise everytime, obv.
Bless ya. :P

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 23:54
by James Blast
Blast sits on the fence again...
a bit of what Steve said and a bit of Thrash's. As I have aged (and I have dear reader) I have found that life is not black + white, but several shades of grey.

Merry Christmas!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

Re: closure?

Posted: 07 Nov 2003, 17:45
by Lowrider
claws wrote:deserve to know that? Like this is going, it feels like we could very well be waiting in vain. I need closure, so I can move on :)
We're all waiting. And we're waiting in vain. Nine while nine and we're waiting for... the-next-sisters-of-mercy-album.

Hmm. good idea for a song... :wink:

Posted: 07 Nov 2003, 18:06
by mh
Believe it or not, this band actually meant something to some people once. You know, one of those great bands that offered that little bit more than just a few tunes to bop to down the dishca.

So yeah, people are right to be concerned about whether they are ever gonna release anything again, and the fact that some of the new tunes are stonking doesn't help matters much. We'd all love to hear good studio recordings of these, and I don't blame anyone for feeling flat-out frustrated by now.

We've been waiting 6 years since Summer and War On Drugs were first heard, 5 years for most of the rest, and it's only natural for some of us to start freakin out a bit.

On the liner notes of VT, Von thanked everyone who "stayed up late for this". Supposing there ever is a new LP, will he be thanking us for prolonging our natural lifespans for it?

Now, he doesn't have to commit to releasing one, he doesn't even have to commit to a release date, none of that, but some kind of update, a statement that yes, it is his intention to (should circumstances allow, and a statement of what those circumstances are would be nice too) release some kind of LP or other at some stage, or even no, he would rather sit on his ass surrounded by cats and nubile nymphettes counting his ever dwindling royalty cheques, would at least allow those people who still care to rest a bit easier.

At the end of the day, we pay his wages. It's totally up to him if he wants that arrangement to continue, but I for one think he should have the common courtesy to keep us in the picture. If Von even understands those words anymore, of course.