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ebay madness MKIII (for those againist the boot)

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 13:24
by taylor

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 13:33
by Silver_Owl
Are any of them genuine does anybody know? (Not that I'd consider buying).
The last one looks like it may be(?)

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 14:41
by surexform
Just to play devils advocate.

This seller also has on acution a signed original Damage Done.

And from what I can tell a genuie TOL test pressing.

Although I can't vouch for the validity of the signatures, it is a genuie article as is the TOL test press.

As for the Boots, who knows but it would seem that he is a genuine collector and therefore not a crook.


Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 15:22
by Y
The seller is a well known collector. I did buy a few nice items from him in the past.

As for genuine... I agree with surexform.

Some of them ended recently...
$800 for Kill the Lights :eek:

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 16:20
by Silver_Owl
Shame he hasn't got any of them lighters! :lol:

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 17:20
by Izzy HaveMercy
He is a really great guy, this seller. A coppola years ago he went by a different name. I bought some very nice stuff from him, and I believe he is to be trusted.

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 17:28
by Quiff Boy
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:He is a really great guy, this seller. A coppola years ago he went by a different name. I bought some very nice stuff from him, and I believe he is to be trusted.
and he's well and truly loaded now :urff: :o