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let's end this once and for all...

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 19:11
by RicheyJames
the great soft drink debate. cast your vote now!

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 19:22
by rian
What the hell are you..........

That was my vote ;D

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 19:38
by Big Si
Irn Bru! It cures hangovers and makes vodka taste even better (not forgetting Buckfast :twisted: )

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 19:40
by Black Planet
I'm in the What the hell are you .... category.

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 19:40
by Padstar
Vimto at a push......


Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 19:41
by James Blast
Strawberry Cresta, it's frothy man!

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 22:01
by Angelchild
Red Sunsets wrote:Strawberry Cresta, it's frothy man!
So I'm not the only one.Yummy stuff :) Will you be serving it in the soft drinks if the bar ever reopens Blast?

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 22:04
by emilystrange
coca cola. its the only one to give me a sugar high.

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 22:08
by CellThree
Tizer coz it's red. Irn Bru is just grim.

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 23:13
by James Blast
Angelchild wrote:So I'm not the only one.Yummy stuff :) Will you be serving it in the soft drinks if the bar ever reopens Blast?
If I have anything to do with the running of this new place it will be on draught Angel.

ex Barman Blast/soon to be licence holder Blast

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 23:15
by Gripper
Chocolate milkshake.

With an amusing bendy straw where you can watch it do loop-the-loops. And hear it coming.

So it's the only true 21st century multimedia, sensory overload experience, in my book.

Mmm...chocolate milkshake...

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 23:45
by Thea
diet coke or diet vanilla coke. both are good.

i refuse to drink anything else. ever.

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 00:27
by Thrash Harry
Lucozade for me. I remember when it was the only good thing about being poorly. Now it's a high energy drink for athletes. Those marketing people are geniuses. ccompanied by a Mars bar, it's my hangover cure of choice.

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 01:24
by Black Planet
Red Sunsets wrote:
Angelchild wrote:So I'm not the only one.Yummy stuff :) Will you be serving it in the soft drinks if the bar ever reopens Blast?
If I have anything to do with the running of this new place it will be on draught Angel.

ex Barman Blast/soon to be licence holder Blast
:D :D :D
Well said Sir Blast. Now, when you open your establishment please remember me. I won't wait tables...just intall a nice pole. I'll dance for tips. :wink:

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 10:01
by hallucienate
I'm glad to see the non-Poms are winning this one.

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 10:30
by Loki
hallucienate wrote:I'm glad to see the non-Poms are winning this one.
Maybe because the choice of 'drinks' is s**t. Nobody drinks them. Except small children. And Richey. Obviously.

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 11:32
by Quiff Boy
Johnny Boy wrote:
hallucienate wrote:I'm glad to see the non-Poms are winning this one.
Maybe because the choice of 'drinks' is s**t. Nobody drinks them. Except small children. And Richey. Obviously.
i beg to differ!! vimto rocks a fat one.

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 11:58
by Black Shuck
Iron Bru. it's fantabulous.
and it's impossible to drink a can without adopting a p*ss-poor Scottish accent.

'pparently, the secret ingredient is some sort of seaweed extract (seriously)

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 12:05
by Quiff Boy
Black Shuck wrote:Iron Bru. it's fantabulous.
and it's impossible to drink a can without adopting a p*ss-poor Scottish accent.

'pparently, the secret ingredient is some sort of seaweed extract (seriously)
i thought it was gurders? :o

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 12:13
by Silver_Owl
d00mw0lf wrote:diet coke or diet vanilla coke. both are good.

i refuse to drink anything else. ever.
I'm opting for diet vanilla coke. good call.

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 12:34
by CellThree
Diet? Full fat Vanilla coke is the only way to go. Don't you like the fizzing of the sugar dissolving your teeth?

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 14:03
by Thrash Harry
Quiff Boy wrote:
Black Shuck wrote:Iron Bru. it's fantabulous.
and it's impossible to drink a can without adopting a p*ss-poor Scottish accent.

'pparently, the secret ingredient is some sort of seaweed extract (seriously)
i thought it was gurders? :o
Or even GURRRDERS. (Think Taggart).

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 14:16
by Black Shuck
Quiff Boy wrote:
Black Shuck wrote:Iron Bru. it's fantabulous.
and it's impossible to drink a can without adopting a p*ss-poor Scottish accent.

'pparently, the secret ingredient is some sort of seaweed extract (seriously)
i thought it was gurders? :o
Sir, you misunderstand me.
I'm not disputing the fact that Iron Bru is made from steel girders, melted down and poured into a can. but there is a secret ingredient added to the mixture, and apparently it is seaweed, found on Scottish beaches.

I've always wondered what makes the stuff orange?
I have a few theories, but they are too gross to discuss here...

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 14:32
by mayhem
Although I try to avoid products from the evil empire I make an exception for Pepsi Max which is the next best thing to coffee.

Coke is disgusting & Diet Coke is like water with saccharin added.

Can't stand sugary drinks, they make me feel sick ( and more thirsty)

But I like sugar free Vimto cordial.


Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 14:45
by Izzy HaveMercy
WE do not have Vimto, WE do not have Irn Bru, WE have the occasional Tizer.
But WE are Belgian. And WE drink Belgian beer, Belgian coffee, German sparkling water and Irish whiskey.
Applause. :-D