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Alice 7" Black and White not Black and Gold cover

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 21:49
by CellThree
Anyone have any more info on this. I'm searching now, but havent found anything yet. Is this an official release or a boot? I know I've read about it in the past but can't remember what was said about it.

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 21:51
by CellThree

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 03:04
by Y
:D I guess you already answered your questions... but it's a mispressing, just like the German 12" for Body and Soul.

There are also different variations of the sleeve:

- Cut (4.0 x 0.6 cm) or no Cut
- Cut at the Front or at the back

...and the record:

- With or without beads (ribs) arounds the label.
I have one with one side A with beads and side B without beads.

(If you are interested in the different variations, let me know and I will send scans).

I did hear some fakes were made, but not really sure about this.

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 03:06
by CellThree
It was an ebay thing I was keeping an eye on, but I've decided to save my money as there are some other things I have my eye on...

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 10:14
by surexform
I just won the auction on the above item :)

Thanks again to "Y" for his great reference site. Would have assumed a fake item if I hadn't seen a copy there :)


Posted: 23 Nov 2003, 23:12
by khepri II
so there are still bargains to be had on Ebay :innocent: ;)

Posted: 23 Nov 2003, 23:33
by CellThree
I just got the Detonation Boulevard, Tour Thing 91 and I Was Wrong promos for 55 quid total! Quite happy about that I can tell you!

One of the reasons I let the Alice one go...

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 00:02
by pikkrong
CellThree wrote:I just got the Detonation Boulevard, Tour Thing 91 and I Was Wrong promos for 55 quid total! Quite happy about that I can tell you!
You are lucky :)

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 00:06
by taylor
Y can supply me the list of every version of the white sleeve exist ?
white on front only ?