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Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 16:03
by Nightspawn
Well Congtratz, on reaching another year, in this forever "blissfull" thingy called life! ;D

Have a good one sis! :wink:

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 16:31
by 6FeetOver
Bappy Hirthday, sweetie! Hope it's a blast. :D

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 19:41
by CorpPunk

:kiss: :P

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 19:44
by Big Si

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 20:20
by Black Planet
Have a Happy Day! All the best.


Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 20:37
by Angelchild
Happy Birthday :) Hope you're having a good one :wink:

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 22:03
by pikkrong
Lynchfanatic, do you have 2 b-days in a day? :wink:
Well, happy b-day (again) 8) :kiss:

Posted: 12 Nov 2003, 01:05
by Andy TG
Greetings And Salutations And A Very Happy Birthday :-)

Did Mr Lynch send you a "Present"

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 22:39
by Lynchfanatic
Thank you all :wink: Yeah I had a pretty good birthday, not really celebrated it though. Dinner with family only :roll: I'll do it properly another day :wink:

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 23:15
by Nancy_78
H A P P Y - B I R T H D A Y


M A Y - A L L - Y O U R - D R E A M S - C O M E - T R U E !

Posted: 15 Nov 2003, 06:10
by Lynchfanatic
Thank you Nancy. Hey, keep hoping things for me. Cause my dreams are about to come true. I have just talked to David Lynch about meeting him in Stockholm, he really wants to meet me and talk and drink wine. He also said that if I needed anything I should email hes assistant. I'm not sure what he means about anything though, lol. I bet he will not pay my ticket.. :P

Posted: 15 Nov 2003, 11:37
by Dimehart
My turn to be late... Happy B-day!

Posted: 15 Nov 2003, 11:39
by emilystrange
me too. oops
XXXX anyway.

Posted: 20 Nov 2003, 00:28
by karin
Happy birthday Lynchie :D