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Sisters Convention

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 19:46
by Erudite
Having one of those flashbacks - anyone remember a Sisters convention held back in about 88 / 89?
It was, as reported in the inkies, a dismal affair (I was too young and too skint to go).
I seem to recall rarities on show were crud like a telephone from the MR offices!
There was also a look-a-like contest.
I recall the Patricia Morrison one was won by some bloke, and rather cruelly renamed PM's pet pig.
The Eldritch clone was quite close, though the journo in question felt the need to comment that he was taller and more smug looking!

Was anyone there?
Were you that pet pig?
Enquiring minds want to know.

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 20:47
by nodubmanshouts
I was there, I think - it was held at the Camden Ballroom right? I'd completely forgotten about it.

I remember very little going on, but plenty of stalls selling stuff. I bought my Damage Done fake single there (I knew it was fake when I bought it, I should add!).

Think we must have left before it got interesting, as we were very bored...

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 20:51
by James Blast
looks like an event I'm glad I missed Eru, was at a Neff gig in Glasgow where there wer two Mr. E 'RAH style, hat and all' lookalikes having a chat in the Boys Room, it looked like a mirror, I burst out laughing!

Blast, the Old Goth with the Sense of Humour :D

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 21:12
by Erudite
Consenus of opinion would seem that is was s**t.

Posted: 15 Nov 2003, 17:43
by Dan
There was also one held in Leeds (at the Astoria Ballroom I think). It was crap. No competitions like the London one (not that I recall). It was just like a record fair only with *slightly* more Sisters stuff on offer.