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blister in the sun?

Posted: 15 Nov 2003, 17:58
by Quiff Boy
has anyone seen the new "wilkinson's sword quatro" ad on tv? a pseudo-porno styled ad set on board a garishly coloured aeroplane, advertising some new men's razor?!?

the music to it as a very poor and very blatent rip-off of "blister in the sun" by the violent femmes! :o

its as if they couldnt afford to use the original, of couldnt get permission, and so a musicilogist re-wrote the main riff to be ever-so-slightly different. the instruments used and the stop-start shuffling drum pattern are still there EXACTLY as the real version!

thats outrageous! :eek: :urff:

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 02:24
by Andy TG
@ QB - But are YOU going to buy the "Razor"? - If so - the ad has done its job!

If, in this instance, the razor was a "Gillette" - I would have been one of the first to purchase one - Willkinsons razors are blunt in comparision to the mighty "Gillette" :-)

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 13:24
by Black Shuck
I noticed this too! it's such an outrageous rip off!
I sincerely hope the Femmes are getting royalties for the ad (they'd probably earn more from this one advert than from all their album sales combined, a la the Mock Turtles)

However, I sincerely hope this is the start of a trend for using alternative classics to sell inappropriate products continues.

What next? a 'Homebase' advert, with the music of 'Nazi Punks F**k off?

or a bodyform advert to the tune of 'This Corrosion'?

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 11:44
by DomConway
AndyTheGoth wrote:If, in this instance, the razor was a "Gillette" - I would have been one of the first to purchase one - Willkinsons razors are blunt in comparision to the mighty "Gillette" :-)
You can never beat Gillette, it's the best a man can get.
Advertising definitely doesn't work on me, oh no.

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 13:40
by Loki
DomConway wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:If, in this instance, the razor was a "Gillette" - I would have been one of the first to purchase one - Willkinsons razors are blunt in comparision to the mighty "Gillette" :-)
You can never beat Gillette, it's the best a man can get.
Advertising definitely doesn't work on me, oh no.
Agreed. Much as I hate daily shaving and the ridiculous cost for the blades, it has to be done. And if it has to be done, it has to be Gillette.

Think QB's post is turning into an unofficial razor blade poll :P :innocent:

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 13:49
by khepri II
Johnny Boy wrote:
Agreed. Much as I hate daily shaving and the ridiculous cost for the blades, it has to be done. And if it has to be done, it has to be Gillette.
shaving :eek: daily :eek: :eek: :eek:

next you'll be saying washing is a daily task

a four day pant man, that's me :innocent: :innocent:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 01:49
by Andy TG
You may, or may not know that the French have '3 Day Deodorant' - oddly enough I believe that "Gillette" are a French company !

It is indeed a strange world! :-)

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 02:11
by Thea
AndyTheGoth wrote:You may, or may not know that the French have '3 Day Deodorant'

madness - yet genius! :notworthy:

Re: blister in the sun?

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 14:35
by Big Si
Quiff Boy wrote:has anyone seen the new "wilkinson's sword quatro" ad on tv? a pseudo-porno styled ad set on board a garishly coloured aeroplane, advertising some new men's razor?!?

the music to it as a very poor and very blatent rip-off of "blister in the sun" by the violent femmes! :o

its as if they couldnt afford to use the original, of couldnt get permission, and so a musicilogist re-wrote the main riff to be ever-so-slightly different. the instruments used and the stop-start shuffling drum pattern are still there EXACTLY as the real version!

thats outrageous! :eek: :urff:
And version 2 is a catwalk model at a fashion show (it was on last night!) :urff:

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 15:14
by mh
Funny, I always find Wilkinsons to be sharper.

But the whole "novelty razor" thing has completely worn off for me, I'm happiest with a one-blade disposable.

(Edited to remove superfluous apostrophe)

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 15:33
by Dreamweapon
i am also a gillette kind of guy, but i don't know why... i just started using them and have continued, wouldn't shave at all though if it wasn't for work.

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 15:56
by markfiend
I use a Gillette contour plus... about once a week (if I can be bothered)

On the subject of ads using "alternative" music, has anyone seen the one for a mobile phone company (T-Mobile I think) that uses a muzak version of "Motorcycle Emptiness"? Richey will be spinning in his grave! (Not that he's actually got a grave per se, but you get my drift.)

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 15:58
by ryan
the worst one ive seen in david bowie 'heroes' while advertising some sort of rally car. :?

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 16:05
by markfiend
"Heroes" has been in quite a few ads now you mention it. Does Bowie really need the money?

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 16:06
by randdebiel²
mh wrote:Funny, I always find Wilkinsons to be sharper.

But the whole "novelty razor" thing has completely worn off for me, I'm happiest with a one-blade disposable.

(Edited to remove superfluous apostrophe)
I think it depends of your type of beard....mine is very hard...and with wilkinson I don't get the job done...I need mach 3.....the only one that's sharp enough for me....

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 16:59
by MrChris
Okay, it seems we're starting another conversation about bathroom habits. I don't know you, so I shall spill the very dull beans on this one too. I use Gillette Sensor Excel 2. But I'm such a shaving wooss, and so far from being hirsute (and being blond helps, let's face it), that I only shave once a week. Has to be in the bath, to open the pores. So I have six semi-bristly days a week, and one cleanshaven one. Last one of those was two days ago. So, who wants to know my national insurance number, and how many moles I have?

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 17:23
by markfiend
Hehe when I haven't shaved for a while my stubble looks very much like Jay Kay's in this picture:

That's the equivalent of roughly 5 days growth for me.

*Edit to add: You can tell it's a slow day in work today, can't you :D

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 17:33
by randdebiel²
if I don't shave for 5 days I'd also look like Von in Dominion.....

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 17:34
by randdebiel²
markfiend wrote:
*Edit to add: You can tell it's a slow day in work today, can't you :D
and the you haven't seen the 5 othere fora I post on :eek:

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 17:42
by mh
My beard is bright red, so shaving regularly is very much a necessity. Plus it itches like absolute buggery after a few days without.

I still stand by the old single-blade, cos all my bristles get stuck in between the blades on yer fancy razors, no amount of rinsing can get them out, which makes them worse than useless. Even the ones with the pushie-in-bits don't help at all.

Back on-topic: Spiritualized have been on Toffee Crisp and Vauxhall.

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 18:16
by Izzy HaveMercy
Shaving with Gilette Mach 3 here, twice a week.
Certainly a day before each The Avatar-gig, too ;-)
And I found out that, after taking a shower, the shaving goes much smoother.
Shaving yourself in the bath is GROSS, ladies and gents.
Just gross *shudder*


Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 20:08
by Debaser
Gillette/Wilkinson....dunno I just use Gaz's, give it a rinse and he's none the wiser ;)

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 20:46
by James Blast
mh wrote:My beard is bright red, so shaving regularly is very much a necessity. Plus it itches like absolute buggery after a few days without.
Me too mh, mind you, I'm down to once on a Sunday with a mach 3 and once on a wednesday with an electric. Was a very hirsute young man at 19, ah the memories, the laydeez didn't like my ginger frontage mind, it looked great in B+W photos though. :)

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 22:55
by F*ck*As*Goth
If I don't shave for 5 days I look much like Chewbacca....

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 22:56
by F*ck*As*Goth
Me thinks Gilette should sponsor an add for Wilkinson... their new blade.. accompanied by TSOM.... This Corrosion.... no further comment required.... heheh