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The TRUE Goff quiz!!!

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 18:37
by Izzy HaveMercy
Get it while it's fresh! ... th%20pics)

Seems I have 'a real understanding about Goth Culture'.
I'm sooooooo happy........


Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 19:22
by Black Planet
Me too.


Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 19:36
by 6FeetOver

Congratulations! You have an understanding of the goth culture!

Welll...whaddaya know... :twisted: :wink: :roll: :von:

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 20:25
by emilystrange
i passed. should i be glad?

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 20:40
by James Blast
I think we all score

<img src=" ... lexmax.jpg" border="0" alt="lexmax"><br>Congratulations! You have an understanding of the<br>goth culture!
<br><br><a href=" ... h%20pics)/"> <font size="-1">A True Goth Quiz (now with pics)</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="">Quizilla</a></font>

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 21:35
by Andy TG
I was told

"Congratulations! You have an understanding of the goth culture!"

ANY other result I would have been round to that website with a stake, a cross and a shotgun! ;-)

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 21:39
by James Blast
me too ATG :( see what I mean?

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 21:47
by Erudite
And me....

Kinda makes you wonder.

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 22:00
by Angelchild
And me.

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 23:01
by Black Planet
Wonder about what? Whether we admit it or not, we're just a bunch of bloody goffs!

Hmmm, and I think it was Ziggy who told me I was in denial...but that's a river in Egypt, right?


Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 23:35
by Justj0hn
Me as well:"Congratulations! You have an understanding of the goth culture!"

Well it's not f'in rocket science!


Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 01:52
by Andy TG
Following the results of those 'Like Minded' people who took this test I feel that Andrew "Bloody" Eldritch has a lot to answer for! ;-)

I say we boycott the release of the next Sisters Album and then HE (Von) will know what he has done to decent people ! ;-)

Knew I'd Be Pleased......

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 01:59
by Black Planet
What? Andy have you lost it? I will purchase 10 copies and give them as gifts.

As for what He's done....good god....LOL he's entranced me and a few other women as well.


Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 02:26
by Andy TG
Black Planet wrote:What? Andy have you lost it? I will purchase 10 copies and give them as gifts.

As for what He's done....good god....LOL he's entranced me and a few other women as well.

"Entranced" - you have been be-witched and possessed ! - Repent now - before its to late. - To do this you must buy the new Britney Spears album, and all the Singles as soon as possible, - only then wil your soul be cleansed and you will be free! ;-)

BTW - "Gift" was The Sisterhood and should be available from :-)

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 03:42
by dead stars
Hre's another piece of stolen bandwidth to annoy Quiff


Congratulations! You have an understanding of the goth culture!

Now shove it in the trash bin! :evil:

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 11:44
by moonchild
I think we all have an understanding of the goth culture..

:roll: :roll: :roll:

But how many of us is goth???

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 13:39
by Black Planet
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Black Planet wrote:What? Andy have you lost it? I will purchase 10 copies and give them as gifts.

As for what He's done....good god....LOL he's entranced me and a few other women as well.

"Entranced" - you have been be-witched and possessed ! - Repent now - before its to late. - To do this you must buy the new Britney Spears album, and all the Singles as soon as possible, - only then wil your soul be cleansed and you will be free! ;-)

BTW - "Gift" was The Sisterhood and should be available from :-)
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I think it's too late for any soul cleansing.

:innocent: :von:

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 14:03
by Loki
'Commiserations. You have little understanding of the Goth culture as you don't really give a flying fcuk. You fail to be influenced by stereo typed imagery or music and find it all very tedious. You are extremely likely to punch the lights out of anyone who uses the word in your presence. Especially music journos. You are Elderly Bastard Groovy. Or Andrew Eldritch.' :von:

Who cheated? :innocent:

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 14:34
by hallucienate
it took me a few tries but:

You don't know what goth is.

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 14:45
by Quiff Boy
bag o's**t quiz :roll:

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 15:31
by Silver_Owl
What a load of old w*nk.

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 16:59
by dee902
I guess I have an understanding, too. Roll out the red carpet for me. LOL. :p

Posted: 17 Nov 2003, 18:23
by Izzy HaveMercy
So we all agree this is just a stoopid quiz?
Obviously made by someone that read his elder brother's copies of Goth Illustrated and Heartland?
Ok, then... Dump it! ;-)