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Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 13:54
by Black Shuck
Obviously, this is down to personal preference

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 14:03
by MrChris
I would like to stand up for 'horrible pram-pushing mums who think they own the pavement'. Since becoming a dad a few weeks ago, I've completely changed my mind on this! It's actually really HARD to get around town with a pram! They're not that hard to steer! Kerbs are a nightmare! And if you have to keep slowing down for everyone, the baby cries!

And yet, people really do look at you like you've announced a fourth Reich, or grown two particularly nasty heads, and are trying to be as difficult as possible. So, in the spirit of peace and goodwill to all men and women, I have voted for Man United fans. Heheh

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 14:17
by khepri II
How come you ain't got blue noses on there :twisted:

bloody whinging "oh, we have no money", "we only have a tiny squad" 3rd team in Liverpool. Accept it that's the way it is :?

or bloody whinging "we hate being the second team in Manchester" "oh, we have no money", "we only have a tiny squad" . Well bloody well win amatch every so often and you won't be!!

or bloody arrogant "Oh i've always been a blue. Yeah sure the money helps, but we were already there" F*cking liars. Accept it, when they find the true origins of the funds, you'll be as bad as Leeds :lol: :lol:

Which reminds me

How come you ain't got the losing side in the War of the Roses on there :twisted:

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 14:39
by Black Shuck
khepri II wrote:How come you ain't got blue noses on there :twisted:

bloody whinging "oh, we have no money", "we only have a tiny squad" 3rd team in Liverpool. Accept it that's the way it is :?

or bloody whinging "we hate being the second team in Manchester" "oh, we have no money", "we only have a tiny squad" . Well bloody well win amatch every so often and you won't be!!

or bloody arrogant "Oh i've always been a blue. Yeah sure the money helps, but we were already there" F*cking liars. Accept it, when they find the true origins of the funds, you'll be as bad as Leeds :lol: :lol:

Which reminds me

How come you ain't got the losing side in the War of the Roses on there :twisted:
THIS is why so many people hate Man United supporters.

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 14:46
by Black Shuck
MrChris wrote:I would like to stand up for 'horrible pram-pushing mums who think they own the pavement'. Since becoming a dad a few weeks ago, I've completely changed my mind on this! It's actually really HARD to get around town with a pram! They're not that hard to steer! Kerbs are a nightmare! And if you have to keep slowing down for everyone, the baby cries!

And yet, people really do look at you like you've announced a fourth Reich, or grown two particularly nasty heads, and are trying to be as difficult as possible. So, in the spirit of peace and goodwill to all men and women, I have voted for Man United fans. Heheh
I didn't say I hated ALL pram-pushing mums (and dads!), just the horrid ones. i.e. 90% of them.
I live a stones throw from two massive primary schools, and every afternoon from 3 - 4 o'clock every inch of pavement is taken up by dispicable mothers who look at me like I'm out to mug them or something, just cos I'm a bit of a goth. they expect you to DIVE out of the way to let them past, and never apologise when you aren't quick enough to avoid having your shins shattered by their iron buggies of death.

and sometimes I encounter a pair of these animals, pushing prams SIDE BY SIDE, forcing you to WALK ON THE ROAD!!! it's outrageous! this scum should have been STERILISED AT BIRTH.

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 14:56
by Thrash Harry
elitist music fans who liked your favourite band "before they were famous" - I really hate those sons of bitches almost as much as those young whippersnappers who try and teach their grandmas to suck eggs.

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:00
by mh
The GFs a Man Utd fan, so I can't say them. Pram-pushers are definitely up there though. Now, I'm not saying they are all bad, but I'd like to mention those who use prams as weapons in supermarkets and crowded streets. Many's the time I've had someone deliberately shove a pram in my way, despite there being ample space in other directions. That's annoying enough, but the apparent lack of concern for the poor child inside (if there was an accident) is worse.

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:18
by MrChris
Hmmmm, I'm still not sure, since I've now found out that the turning circle of some of those things is about the size of Quebec...and they are not things you can just nip out and in of swarms of people with, and to turn them you have to push down hard on them to raise the front wheels, and if you've had a caesarean, for example, you can't DO this for two months...and my baby weighs a ton anyway, etc etc etc...but I concede that certain mumzillas out there do treat them like stock-cars or offensive weapons - I'd just say 10 %, not 90...

Gor, I never thought I'd be saying these things as a man...

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:29
by Thrash Harry
Black Shuck wrote:I live a stones throw from two massive primary schools, and every afternoon from 3 - 4 o'clock every inch of pavement is taken up by dispicable mothers who look at me like I'm out to mug them or something, just cos I'm a bit of a goth.
Would you like salt and vinegar on that chip, son?

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:30
by Big Si
Thrash Harry wrote:elitist music fans who liked your favourite band "before they were famous" - I really hate those sons of bitches almost as much as those young whippersnappers who try and teach their grandmas to suck eggs.
The majority of whom I found to be Goths :evil:

But there's none of those bastards on this forum :D

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:41
by rian
I have stoped drinking beer. I hate to go up in the middle of the night to pee.

Wine and wiskey for me :D

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:42
by rian
I have stoped drinking beer. I hate to go up in the middle of the night to pee.

Wine and wiskey for me :D

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:44
by mayhem
MrChris wrote:Hmmmm, I'm still not sure, since I've now found out that the turning circle of some of those things is about the size of Quebec...and they are not things you can just nip out and in of swarms of people with, and to turn them you have to push down hard on them to raise the front wheels, and if you've had a caesarean, for example, you can't DO this for two months...and my baby weighs a ton anyway, etc etc etc...but I concede that certain mumzillas out there do treat them like stock-cars or offensive weapons - I'd just say 10 %, not 90...

Gor, I never thought I'd be saying these things as a man...
Especially not the bit about the caesarean!

There is a choice when it comes to having a baby but there is no choice in my poor old bones being crap. So why do these ****s think I should stand on the bus to make room for their 'size of six people' buggies? AND THEN THEY TUT AT MY CRUTCHES!!!

Sorry. Deep breaths.


Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:49
by randdebiel²
about the talking in the cinema;....I had a very annoying one when seeing "kill bill"....some woman started laughing, kept laughing, laughed some more, then some more (she really wouldn't stop)...after 5-10minutes, people started to sk her to calm down....then she started talking...."I don't have to shut up if I don't want too" ""try to make me"....whole the time that went on for 10 more minutes (really becoming a monologue after a while, people weren't reacting anymore but she kept on to all the silent people saying things like "all you who don't react, I hope you realise it means your approval with these nazi's ( :eek: ) and so on....this until almost the end of the this was one of the most annoying experiences ever, especially since it was a great movie, and she ruined it for everyone.....

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:54
by khepri II
why haven't you got a choice of bitter, whinging, scouse blue noses with no sense of irony, or humour :evil:

@ Mr Chris

leave the f*cking pram at home. The only reason you drag it about, chopping peoples legs at the knees is because you've realised it's a handy way of carrying far too much shopping around. Which is why they become a b*stard to navigate.
They're not designed for a payload the size of the space shuttle.

Just wait 'till the first time 'lil Chris is whinging and you pick him up without removing all the sh*t hanging off the back :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:58
by Black Shuck
randdebiel² wrote:about the talking in the cinema;....I had a very annoying one when seeing "kill bill"....some woman started laughing, kept laughing, laughed some more, then some more (she really wouldn't stop)...after 5-10minutes, people started to sk her to calm down....then she started talking...."I don't have to shut up if I don't want too" ""try to make me"....whole the time that went on for 10 more minutes (really becoming a monologue after a while, people weren't reacting anymore but she kept on to all the silent people saying things like "all you who don't react, I hope you realise it means your approval with these nazi's ( :eek: ) and so on....this until almost the end of the this was one of the most annoying experiences ever, especially since it was a great movie, and she ruined it for everyone.....
I sympathise, because this has happened to me, twice (although one of those times was when I was watching Rob Schneider in 'The Animal', so I probably deserved it!)

I'm a liberal, but I think the death penalty should be brought back and given to ANYONE who talks in a cinema.
And Man United fans.

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:59
by khepri II
khepri II wrote:why haven't you got a choice of bitter, whinging, scouse blue noses with no sense of irony, or humour :evil:

You've got a very f*cking highly developed sense of humour. You support Everton :P


Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 15:59
by Big Si
You also missed off Insomnia - 41 hours straight without sleep since 9am friday morning, then just 4 hrs sleep last night. :roll:

I do feel f***ing great though! :twisted:

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 16:01
by Black Shuck
khepri II wrote:
khepri II wrote:why haven't you got a choice of bitter, whinging, scouse blue noses with no sense of irony, or humour :evil:

You've got a very f*cking highly developed sense of humour. You support Everton :P

:notworthy: I have to admit, that's quite funny! :kiss:

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 16:03
by MrChris
Blimey, a lot of people hate prams, don't they? I'd use the papoose more, but at 16 pounds, the little blighter's already making me stoop!

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 16:06
by CorpPunk
Big Si wrote:You also missed off Insomnia
I agree with my esteemed colleague--if insomnia were on the list, it would have been my first choice hands down. Luckily, it hasn't ruined my looks...yet. :wink:

As it is, I chose idiots in the cinema. I went to see 28 Days Later a few months ago, and some moron actually brought a baby into the theater. Needless to say, within about five minutes the little tyke was screeming his head off, and when one of the other (adult) movie-watchers asked the parents to take the kid outside, the father acquiesced, but shouted obscenities at the audience in general the whole way down the aisle. And he walked slowly. Three cheers for traumatic childhood experiences!

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 16:09
by mh
MrChris wrote:Blimey, a lot of people hate prams, don't they? I'd use the papoose more, but at 16 pounds, the little blighter's already making me stoop!
16 pounds? Jaysus!!! And after a few weeks too - fair play to Mrs Chris for that! Respect where it's due.

Nah, I appreciate that it's half 'n' half, but what has happened is that people have gone to the effort you describe to turn the pram into someone's way. That's just evil.

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 16:11
by Big Si
CorpPunk wrote:
Big Si wrote:You also missed off Insomnia
Luckily, it hasn't ruined my looks...yet. :wink:
Damn right! :P

:oops: sorry!

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 16:15
by CorpPunk
Big Si wrote:
CorpPunk wrote:
Big Si wrote:You also missed off Insomnia
Luckily, it hasn't ruined my looks...yet. :wink:
Damn right! :P

:oops: sorry!
:D :oops:

Posted: 24 Nov 2003, 16:16
by snowey
:D Great.... Blue nose baiting... Where do I sign up for that. :innocent: