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Saw the Bunnies last night

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 11:17
by mh
Don't wanna give too much away for anyone else who may be going, but there were a few pleasant surprises in the set list. Hampered a little by sound quality problems at the start, but when they got going they were pretty smashing. Best Back Of Love I've ever heard, Mac's looking very well, he's lost a lot of weight, but unfortunately most of it seems to have migrated over to Will.

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 11:18
by snowey
:D Can't wait till Saturday..... nice home coming gig at the sold out Royal Court.


Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 11:41
by Quiff Boy
cool 8)

i saw the coral last night and they were like a cross betwewen the la's, the bunnymen and some oddball 60s garage/psyche band. quite cool, but i would have preferred the bunnymen ;)

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 11:59
by snowey
Remember seeing The Coral supporting the Bunnymen :notworthy: the other year at Cream. Not to bad.

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 19:17
by Silver_Owl
Aren't The Coral just The Stairs younger brothers?
They're a blatant rip off of everything they ever did. Arse.

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 19:27
by Quiff Boy
Steve303 wrote:Aren't The Coral just The Stairs younger brothers?
They're a blatant rip off of everything they ever did. Arse.
quite possibly yes. i dont know much stairs stuff, apart from one 7" mrs qb has... i still like them though ;D

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 19:31
by Silver_Owl
Quiff Boy wrote:
Steve303 wrote:Aren't The Coral just The Stairs younger brothers?
They're a blatant rip off of everything they ever did. Arse.
quite possibly yes. i dont know much stairs stuff, apart from one 7" mrs qb has... i still like them though ;D
Quiff - if the album is still available it's well worth checking out 'Russian RnB' I think it's called. Every time I hear The Coral I think 'Stairs'.

Posted: 27 Nov 2003, 20:57
by James Blast
It depresses me that people like The Coral, they sound like a pub band playing selections from their Mum's & Dad's Roger Whittiker albums. :(

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 18:17
by DerekR
I caught the Bunnymen last night at the Barras....

Absolutely feckin amazing gig! A real return to form, they rocked the roof off the place! Sounded and looked a lot leaner than recently, a mile away from that p*ss poor Live in Liverpool DVD they brought out recently.

Was talking to a group of lads on the train home about how great "the gig" was, took a good 10 minutes before I realized they were talking about the Bowie gig down the road :) Apparently that was a bit good too!

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 18:22
by DerekR
Incidentally, can anyone reach I get this:

You are not authorized to view this page
You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.


If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please try to contact the Web site by using any e-mail address or phone number that may be listed on the home page.

Used to work fine :(

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 19:12
by James Blast
Congrats on a good gig Derek, beginning to wish I had went now. Ye missed nowt on Roundtable, I'm 'Forbidden' from The Bunneymen website too :(

Liverpool DVD

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 20:24
by snowey
I can honestly say that the DVD sounds just like the actual gig's that they did for this recording but the DVD does not do them justice. Why play the old video's over the performance??

Well looking forward to tonight....

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 22:20
by JonnyDelphium
BTW, what everyone really wants to know is wther the bunnies played that awful football anthem they did, y'know, the s**t one with the spicegirls singin on it ?

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 23:00
by James Blast
OMG! JD, I had erased that one from my memory.


Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 23:03
by JonnyDelphium

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 14:01
by Erudite
DerekR wrote:I caught the Bunnymen last night at the Barras....

Absolutely feckin amazing gig! A real return to form, they rocked the roof off the place! Sounded and looked a lot leaner than recently, a mile away from that p*ss poor Live in Liverpool DVD they brought out recently.

Was talking to a group of lads on the train home about how great "the gig" was, took a good 10 minutes before I realized they were talking about the Bowie gig down the road :) Apparently that was a bit good too!
Yeah, the Barras gig was very good. Excellent version of Zimbo, plus really everything else you'd want to hear.
Sound quality was damn near perfect and Mac is looking very fit.

AE should take some notes, principally - there is no sin in pleasing your fanbase once in a while!

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 14:05
by Erudite
DerekR wrote:Incidentally, can anyone reach I get this:

You are not authorized to view this page
You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.

I think it may be something to do with the security settings on your PC - I get the same style of message when I try and vist the Nephs' site.
Haven't checked the Bunnymen for a while, suspect it's probably the same
for me as well.
Could also be something to do with some of the recent patches for XP.

Help anybody :?: :?: :!: :(

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 14:08
by Quiff Boy
nah, looks like they havent got a defaultpage set for their homepage - ie: a file called "index.html" or similar - and the "browse directory" feature that would normally just list the folder contents in the absence of a default document has been turned off for security reasons.


the neph site was a different thing - that was because they made the directory password protected, using something called a ".htaccess" file... presumably for testing purposes and to keep joe public out. :roll:

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 14:35
by Erudite
Cheers for the info Quiffy.

Mind you, I'm still being asked for a bloody password for the Neph site!

Oh well, I'm given to understand that there was only a flash intro on view anyway...

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 15:16
by DerekR
JonnyDelphium wrote:BTW, what everyone really wants to know is wther the bunnies played that awful football anthem they did, y'know, the **** one with the spicegirls singin on it ?
"How does it feel, to be on top of the world...."

Hehe, thankfully no, they didn't play it (nor The Game, which I was a little disappointed in).

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 15:20
by DerekR
Erudite wrote:AE should take some notes, principally - there is no sin in pleasing your fanbase once in a while!
Ah but he did, on 24-04-03 at the very same venue :)

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 15:40
by Erudite
DerekR wrote: Ah but he did, on 24-04-03 at the very same venue :)
I wasn't too impressed by that one. The 02/09/00 gig IMHO was far better.
Had a lot of time to ponder this one since April and I've come to the conclusion that I've just seen the present line up too often of late - eleven times between August 00 and April 03.
For me the setlist hasn't changed enough, nor has the sound developed in any way.

Don't think I'm gonna bother next time. Not unless Marx and/or Adams returns, or there is some new product.

Like either of those is going to happen! :wink:

Having seen Motorhead at the Barras last month it was again hammered home that they and the Bunnymen do exactly as it says on the tin - and still release records.
Something both the Neph and the Sisters are guilty of not doing, which is a shame as they really are two of my favourite bands.

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 15:46
by DerekR
Erudite wrote:Having seen Motorhead at the Barras last month....
Whoa there just one second, some of these are in order :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Erudite wrote:Something both the Neph and the Sisters are guilty of not doing, which is a shame as they really are two of my favourite bands.
Agreed. And I thought the gap between Floodland and Vision Thing was a long wait :roll:

Posted: 01 Dec 2003, 10:52
by mh
So hands up who else got Show Of Strength as the opener. "WOW!!!" is pretty much all I can say.

Posted: 01 Dec 2003, 17:38
by Black Shuck
I think I might like the Bunnymen, but I can't bring myself to listen to their stuff as Ian Mchulloch is a sad, bitchy old slag.
Or at least thats how he comes across in interviews.