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MUSE .... tonight and tommorrow

Posted: 28 Nov 2003, 17:46
by Padstar

Just wondered if anyone else was going to see any of the UK MUSE dates this week ?

Im off down to Nottingham tonight and then over to Manchester tommorrow.... having seen the current setlist.... should both be belters !

Modern prog rock anybody????


Posted: 28 Nov 2003, 20:53
by Thrash Harry
Junior wanted to go but the only tickets left were seats at the back of the MEN, so I talked him out of it. Hopefully, he doesn't remember.

Posted: 28 Nov 2003, 21:46
by James Blast
I would rather chew a limb off than see that crew.

Posted: 28 Nov 2003, 23:29
by Ed Rhombus
We're going to the Manc show

Give us a wave!

Posted: 28 Nov 2003, 23:37
by allfear
well some of us were at the first ever muse gig you know..........

Actually last time i saw them play was at the parrot in torquay in 1998, play to about 3 men and a dog, they did th back of the old thached inn in Bovey for the carnival but i couldnt be arsed to watch.

In the very early days they WERE something very special, then they got a radiohead CD and decided to go pants.

If you got lots of cash i got the first 2 EPS on ebay at the mo!!!



Posted: 28 Nov 2003, 23:51
by James Blast
would you all please seek advice
a) Ugly
b) Noisy
C) Cr*p

IMO of course ;)

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 00:00
by Big Si
Red Sunsets wrote:would you all please seek advice
a) Ugly
b) Noisy
C) Cr*p

IMO of course ;)
Now, now Fanny Baws! Everyone has the right to like and listen to music that is detested by somebody else. Otherwise, right now every single one of us would be posting on a m*****n Forum, discussing what a b***tard :von: is! ;D :roll:

Paddy and Ed enjoy the show! :)

(And no, I am not a fan of them either!)

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 00:12
by James Blast
Mr.E :von: is a Colin Hunt though, eh, Big Man, yeah?

(damn those apostrophes)

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 00:22
by Big Si
Red Sunsets wrote:Mr.E :von: is a Colin Hunt though, eh, Big Man, yeah?

(damn those apostrophes)
I've never met him, possibly never will, but if I did I'd ask him if he would let me buy him a beer, and have a chat about why he should tour a bit more, and get his phone number for Black Planet! :wink: :twisted:

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 02:08
by Padstar

MUSE were utterly awsome, amazing sound..... cant understand why people went off them when they started writing catchier songs (please dont use the words "out" and "sold"). Im fortunate to love everything from the EPs to the three albums double A side single, live album and covers..... for me they can do no wrong (yet).

Apocalylpse Please
New Born
Sing for absolution
Thoughts of a dying atheist
Citizen Erased
Piano interlude
Space dimetia
Butterflys + Hurricanes
Muscle Museum
Time Is Running Out
Plug in Baby

Stockholm syndrome

@Red Sunsets - Mr E was very nice to me when i met him in problem there.

Cant wait till tommorrow!

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 02:20
by James Blast
Bah! foiled again.

BTW Big Man I would ask him to tour less and... you know what I'm going to say now, so I'll leave it out.

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 11:39
by Debaser
Did he 'breathe' Paddy ;)

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 12:11
by Ginger
Thanks for the set list, Paddy. I'm going to see them tonight in Manchester but not being a huge fan of Muse I'm not familiar with at least two thirds of the songs.

Debaser - he breathes only for you honey :wink:

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 15:04
by Padstar
@Debs... i think he did...... looked well if he didnt.


Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 22:48
by Debaser
Paddy I forgive you Prince...coz I csan sort of 'get' him...but Muse...Muse...

Have we got a shaking head emoticon?

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 22:56
by James Blast
Cheers Deb thought it was just me that couldn't stand them :D

Posted: 29 Nov 2003, 23:22
by Debaser
Yer whelks ;) Paddy understands...he had to put up with me wittering on about how terrible I thought they were at Leeds last year.

I think he suffers me gladly though :D

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 00:06
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:I would rather chew a limb off than see that crew.
Well, I take my hat off to ANYONE who has the balls to get up on stage and do it. And that includes you.

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 00:35
by James Blast

Confused of Glasgow

BTW Uriah Heep were on Scuzz TV last night doing Easy Living and your avatar was on the bass, Not Bad!

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 01:44
by JonnyDelphium

But the bassline on the new single is amazing.............

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 01:48
by Padstar
Just got back from Manchester and you are flippin bonkas Sunsets/Debs (who just doesnt like the vocal style if truth be known!!!).

Better than last night as the crowd were more likely!

You dont like Stickholm Syndrome FFS ????

Paddy :)

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 02:14
by James Blast
Padster, I could probably, after a good drink get into them... if they had a singer and I was on serious medication.

Blast :(

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 02:25
by Gary
Padstar wrote:Just got back from Manchester and you are flippin bonkas Sunsets/Debs (who just doesnt like the vocal stylr if truth be known!!!).

Better than last night as the crowd were more likely!

You dont like Stickholm Syndrome FFS ????

Paddy :)
Just got back to, they were smashing :D

and i have a black baloon :D


Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 03:02
by Carrie
You lucky bugger!

They were judgment is clearly flawed as far as HL is concerned, given that in my Top Ten of gigs this year they're going to have to take 2nd place between the Mish in Madrid & John Otway in Bristol... :twisted:

Posted: 30 Nov 2003, 11:57
by Ed Rhombus
Bloddy great gig!

First thing that impressed me, was taking the old Pink Floyd maxim, if your going to play to 15,000 plus people design a stage and light show that means the gig can be enjoyed no matter where you are seated.

The show looked fantastic.

Also I loved his keyboard with the flashing lights, I shall be building one over the next few weeks!