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Planets Place and Grill Part II

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 00:54
by Black Planet
Tis the Season and Planet is standing under the mistletoe, kissing for money to pay the rent of her new abode. Big Si makes sure the patrons plant a nice kiss to Planet's cheek whilst Barman Blast serves up hot mulled wine and cider to calm the masses. Somewhere HE lurks...would he Scrooge? :wink: Planet looks over her shoulder only to find an elf dressed in green, but he's looking a lot like no not Christmas! Zodiac! :eek: :eek:

Dahlia skates by her arms full of greenery decorating the tables as she passes. :twisted:

Now where's ATG, with his holiday set lists? :notworthy:

Ah in the corner wearing a Santa suit is Andrew, planning the fun and games for the gig he's doing in Black Shuck's living room...on Christmas Eve. :von:


Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 00:58
by Big Si
(Glares at Barman Blast :von: )

"Ho Ho Ho, Fanny Baws! Campari 'n Soda and a Pinta Mince"! ;D

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 01:07
by Big Si
Does a quick double check of the Xmas list.....

"Mince Pies? - Aye!"
"Mistletoe? (Poison Ivy painted to look like Mistletoe) - Och Aye! :wink: :twisted: "
"Haggis? - Whut? Nae Haggis! :x :evil:"
"Fairy for the Xmas Tree? - (looks up to see Tinkerbell bound and gagged on top of the Tree - "mmmph, mmmph!!!) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:"

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 01:11
by Black Planet
LOL and I want Coal for Andrew's stocking cause he's been so bad..not giving us that new album!

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 01:27
by James Blast
Awright, awright! ahm heer noo....
The usual?

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 01:30
by Big Si
Red Sunsets wrote:Awright, awright! ahm heer noo....
The usual?

( :wink: :twisted: )

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 01:32
by James Blast
It's a bit deid, better invite a few Heartlanders in :innocent:
I think emilystrange would be right at home here, and BD will be back from hols on Friday so, we are OPEN fur business! :D :D :D

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 01:34
by James Blast
Mince is aff!

Want a straw wi that Campboy and Soda-my, ya...... Next!

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 01:37
by Black Planet
Yeah, and I think Angelchild needs to start looking for Billy Duffy--relive a few wild moments with him...He's in the kitchen! We do need a cook...think she'll do it?

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 01:46
by James Blast
Angel is a very astute young lady, handle with care...
Yes she will fit in here 100%

<Blast notices the place is deid, so sticks on Shriekback's Care>

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 02:12
by Black Planet
Planet pulls herself away from the mistletoe to pen in the chalkboard

WelCome HeartLanders One and All!

Pull up a bar stool, enjoy a go go dance...Andrew is!

Today's Menu features:

Antipasto Salad
Fried Mozarella with fresh Marinara Sauce
Grilled Lobster (just for Big Si :) )
for Dessert...Chocolate Mousse

:) ;)

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 02:35
by James Blast
....and now! The Sisters Live in Philadelphia 1997!

also since ATG isn't around...

knew you'd be pleased :lol:

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 11:56
by Tinkerbell
Big Si wrote:Does a quick double check of the Xmas list.....

"Mince Pies? - Aye!"
"Mistletoe? (Poison Ivy painted to look like Mistletoe) - Och Aye! :wink: :twisted: "
"Haggis? - Whut? Nae Haggis! :x :evil:"
"Fairy for the Xmas Tree? - (looks up to see Tinkerbell bound and gagged on top of the Tree - "mmmph, mmmph!!!) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:"

*struggles free and pokes the Big man in eye with her wand* :twisted:

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 14:20
by Black Planet
Tinkerbell! I see Peter Pan has let you come visit us again...Andrew's missed his green fairy potion. :wink: Welcome back!

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 15:40
by Tinkerbell
Black Planet wrote:Tinkerbell! I see Peter Pan has let you come visit us again...Andrew's missed his green fairy potion. :wink: Welcome back!
Thanks BP, well you cant beat a Green Fairy (well Big Si probably could ...) :wink:

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 15:49
by MrChris
Are there any crisps? I don't like mince pies, because of the high squidgie content. I can't name them any more specifically, but they used to be something else until they dried up and died, and they're trying to take over the world. I hates them! Crisps?

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 15:52
by Tinkerbell
MrChris wrote:Are there any crisps? I don't like mince pies, because of the high squidgie content. I can't name them any more specifically, but they used to be something else until they dried up and died, and they're trying to take over the world. I hates them! Crisps?
Nah, we've got some dates though seeing as its Xmas (who in the hell eats those revolting things?? - always called "Eat Me" dates and still noone ever does! LOL)

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 16:12
by Big Si
MrChris wrote:Are there any crisps? I don't like mince pies, because of the high squidgie content. I can't name them any more specifically, but they used to be something else until they dried up and died, and they're trying to take over the world. I hates them! Crisps?
"Ye'll huva f***in Cheese Toastie 'n like it!" :x

"£24.99, pliz!" :von:

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 16:15
by Big Si
Tinkerbell wrote:
Big Si wrote:Does a quick double check of the Xmas list.....

"Mince Pies? - Aye!"
"Mistletoe? (Poison Ivy painted to look like Mistletoe) - Och Aye! :wink: :twisted: "
"Haggis? - Whut? Nae Haggis! :x :evil:"
"Fairy for the Xmas Tree? - (looks up to see Tinkerbell bound and gagged on top of the Tree - "mmmph, mmmph!!!) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:"

*struggles free and pokes the Big man in eye with her wand* :twisted:
.....Catches her and drops her in the slops :twisted:

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 19:05
by James Blast
Welcome back Tink, how was your sojourn in sunnier climes :wink: and Mr. Chris(p) we have Monster Munch, Pickled Onion and Flamin' Hot.

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 19:56
by Angelchild
Angel has arrived from the Grim North. After saying her hello's :D to one and all she goes to drag Billy out of the kitchen to give him a temporary respite from slaving over a hot stove,and utterly :eek: confuse him. It's a long time since 1991 and he can't recall every floosie that was trying to get his attention back then....but it's away from the stove at any rate :)

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 20:10
by Black Planet


Should I have gotten a bigger tree? *Planet wonders... as she turns to see....Mr. Duffy...*

OMG!! :eek: :eek: I see Billy is loose. Lock up your daughters! :wink:

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 20:52
by James Blast
Lock up your daughters and Release The Bats!

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 21:30
by Black Planet

I belive the entertainment has started. :twisted:


Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 21:35
by emilystrange
Red Sunsets wrote:It's a bit deid, better invite a few Heartlanders in :innocent:
I think emilystrange would be right at home here, and BD will be back from hols on Friday so, we are OPEN fur business! :D :D :D
i dont know WHAT you mean RS.... but here i am and, as usual, dressed as the bad fairy... someone get me snakebite and black please. with double pernod. mmmmmmmmmmm i feel christmassy-er already.