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Lunchtime drinking

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 16:37
by mh
Just back, my heads a buzz, and a serious dose of the helicopters.

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 16:57
by Dave R
got the t-shirt mate!

do you ever think "screw it, lets stay in the pub"???

i'm trying to see if our wireless link will stretch, cos i've sorted the phone forwarding out, all i need to do is hit the network and yeh!!!

100% liguid fuelled IT Support...with a pool table to boot!


Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 17:02
by mh
That's what GPRS was invented for. Only it's crap. But yeah, I'm liquid fuelled IT support too, so I'm just "ahhh, turn it off and on again" right now.

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 17:13
by Dave R
I beleive it is what we refer to as "Error 404".....

User is a Tw@t and we are too drunk to care...

God bless the F***** lot of us!!!

:urff: :urff: :urff: :urff: :urff: :urff: :urff: :urff:

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 17:59
by mh
I'm fortunate in that I'm one of those guys who sits in the office managing the backend infrastructure but who doesn't have to deal with users so much.

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 20:51
by James Blast
Last time I strayed into lunchtime imbibery was this time last year before our office party, no one told me there was an hour and a half gap between leaving pub and party kick off. Having just got up a nice head of steam, I had to watch it evaporate in 90 mins whilst attempting to dial a phone, operate a Mac, appear in control of all my bodily functions and not nod off. It was hell. Think I'll take the car this year, that should be fun.

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 00:28
by Dave R
Don't do it Red!

Cars are like fine woman and wine...tempting, warm, and after several Quad Southern Comforts and tequilla Slammers followed by Absinthe Whackbacks you KNOW you can drive, better than the day you passed your test. :D :D

Trust me, last Xmas party I did just that, spent 2 hours driving round wolverhampton ring road, in one long slow circle, the car ran out of petrol, i fell asleep and was woken by the fuzz at 6.00 am.... :urff:

Mircale of miracles, i passed the breath test!!! :lol: :lol: :wink:

Once bitten.....this year, no car for moi!!!!!

Just go drink, leave the driving to the cabbies. And the women. :wink:

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 00:30
by Dave R
and by the way Red, ditch the Mac (unless its OSX) the future is bright...the future is Unix....


ahem...damn i've become a geek.

:oops: :oops: :oops:

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 00:56
by James Blast
It's X Dear Doktor, a G5 in fact and I never drive with drink. :P

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 01:05
by Dave R
Full credit to you on BOTH counts my friend...

As I said, I learnt my lesson!!! :D :D

(heres a sad thing to try, partition your G5 with Yellow Dog Linux - it TOTALLY flies - blows any bench mark you like for Mac OS.... :wink: )

Damn, am I posting on Heartland or some geek Blog Thang....

Getting my coat now....

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 20:27
by James Blast
Cheers Herr Doktor but, I wouldn't know where to start with Unix/Linux, I have been flying Macs since 1985, plus my job is design not geekdom :wink: eh.... I mean IT support. :roll: