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Who else is still around? Nostalgia

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 21:17
by cocoamix
From the ancient tome of knowledge:

Of all the people on this list, all are gone from Dominion except me (the one person listed without any address), and my friend Trevor.

Laura Lemay, who used to run the Dominion list back in 1990 went on to better and brighter things. I hadn't seen her since a KMFDM show in 1994.

Anyone else here been a part of the Sisters 'net community since the stone age?

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 21:26
by 6FeetOver
*Whoa*. :eek: :notworthy: :von:

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 22:22
by James Blast
It was all Ian Grimstead round here in my day folks (7 years ago). Then the Black Planet, then Dominion, now here. :D

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 09:35
by mh
I'm on that list. Long long time since I seen it, but I have happy memories of helping to compile it with fellow Dominionites back in 90/91 ish.

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 10:25
by Quiff Boy
mh wrote:I'm on that list. Long long time since I seen it, but I have happy memories of helping to compile it with fellow Dominionites back in 90/91 ish.

what does the f.a. stand for? ;)

also, is that mugabe i see on there too?


Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 10:50
by Karst
From that list I'm pretty sure the Dentist is still around. Btw. anybody know what ever happened to Wim de Nooyer - he used to be quite active in the Dominion hey day.

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 11:55
by mh
Quiff Boy wrote:what does the f.a. stand for? ;)

also, is that mugabe i see on there too?

Smart assed reply: f--- all.

Actual factually correct reply: my middle initials, Francis Augustine. It's an Irish thing.

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 12:13
by Black Shuck
Karst wrote:Btw. anybody know what ever happened to Wim de Nooyer - he used to be quite active in the Dominion hey day.
I'm guessing that he had his name legally changed to a more sensible one.

I'm too ickle to have been a Sisters fan since 1990 (I was into the likes of NKOTB back then!), but RESPECT to the hardcore few who've kept the faith for so long.
bet you had no idea back in 1990 that 13 years later, you'd still be waiting for a new record!

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 12:28
by MrChris
You're not serious about NKOTB, are you?
We could do a survey of most dramatic musical conversions: I used to listen to A-ha and the Pet Shop Boys. Do we have any former Donny Osmond fans out there? Anyone have fond memories of Kajagoogoo?

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 13:50
by Black Shuck
MrChris wrote:You're not serious about NKOTB, are you?
We could do a survey of most dramatic musical conversions: I used to listen to A-ha and the Pet Shop Boys. Do we have any former Donny Osmond fans out there? Anyone have fond memories of Kajagoogoo?
be careful what you say about Kajagoogoo...

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 15:22
by cocoamix
It's interesting to see how many of us had ridiculous .edu e-mail addresses back then.

I hadn't seen much out of Wim in about 5 years, but I used to trade with him. He used to have a Siouxsie/Sisters page that was pretty good.

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 15:39
by Karst
cocoamix wrote:I hadn't seen much out of Wim in about 5 years, but I used to trade with him. He used to have a Siouxsie/Sisters page that was pretty good.
Think he still has one. Btw. the Dentist is Clif Duhn. He has the best knowledge of Sisters boots going. Well, used to. Anybody seen Wim Vandeputte about lately?


Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 15:47
by Petseri
cocoamix wrote:It's interesting to see how many of us had ridiculous .edu e-mail addresses back then.
.edu makes sense as most of us had internet cnnections through our universities. Private email accounts like hotmail or yahoo were not as common. -bat used to give the demographics of the list periodically, but after a while it was overwhelmingly .com, so we could no longer tell too well the countries in which the members lived (although there always were plenty of .be addresses :wink: ).

I am not on the list. I first joined dominion in the fall of 1992, I think. It was about the time of Some Girls, but definitely before Under the Gun.


Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 16:11
by mh
There really was no such thing as the WWW in those days. It was all email and stuff, some really horrible protocols. I remember my email addy was all screwy cos I couldn't email direct to Dominion and had to relay through another host - they actually allowed that kinda stuff back then. More innocent times.

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 17:06
by cocoamix
Karst wrote: Think he still has one. Btw. the Dentist is Clif Duhn. He has the best knowledge of Sisters boots going. Well, used to. Anybody seen Wim Vandeputte about lately?


I'm not a dentist, but I work in the field of dental research.

You must, of course, be Karst De Jong from the Sisters/m*****n lists.
Nice to see that some of us still remember each other. :)

Wim Vandeputte. I just remember his sig strangely: "Jack of all trades, master of none."

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 17:07
by Scardwel
Karst wrote: Anybody seen Wim Vandeputte about lately?
Wim was spotted at a few gigs on the last tour (Deinze and Amsterdam spring to mind).

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 17:43
by Karst
cocoamix wrote:Ahem. I'm not a dentist, but I work in the field of dental research.
Heh. Thought that that was you! Wasn't it Sven Togni who started calling you the Dentist?
cocoamix wrote:You must, of course, be Karst De Jong from the Sisters/m*****n lists.
Most certainly are. Not been around as long as you though. :) Got onto Dominion back in '95/'96 in those bluescreen Telnet days.
cocoamix wrote:Nice to see that some of us still remember each other.
Oh yes. Btw. what about that collection of yours? Checked into the weeding section yet :wink:
cocoamix wrote:Wim Vandeputte. I just remember his sig strangely: "Jack of all trades, master of none."

Wim used to be quite vocal. Certainly when the Tobias Dorf thing was happening around the time of Event Horizon.


Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 17:53
by kafka
It's quite funny, and a little sad, that this is being discussed on here rather than on Dominion.. ;p


Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 18:08
by mh
kafka wrote:It's quite funny, and a little sad, that this is being discussed on here rather than on Dominion.. ;p

Sign o' the changing times mate. Does anyone here still look at Dominion?

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 18:26
by cocoamix
Karst wrote: Heh. Thought that that was you! Wasn't it Sven Togni who started calling you the Dentist?
I'm not sure. It was probably one of those crazy Belgians though. :)
Karst wrote: Wim used to be quite vocal. Certainly when the Tobias Dorf thing was happening around the time of Event Horizon.
Ah, the Tobias Dork fiasco. Such good times. :P

BTW, you can find more names from the past here, down at the bottom of the page. Adam/Nachtgeist, Ewa Zaleska, Nik Froggin (sp?), Ian and Valerie Palmer, Tony Back.

IIRC, you were the one I got Wayne's e-maill address from so I could tell him about the Black Planet photos.

Despite what the page says, I never got my replacement set. :(
I bet THOSE would sell for a pretty penny on ebay.

I wonder whatever happened to my Swedish trading buddies Machael Krammer and Par Svensson.

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 18:31
by cocoamix
kafka wrote:It's quite funny, and a little sad, that this is being discussed on here rather than on Dominion.. ;p

Why? This is the place we can talk s**t about the people on Dominion without it erupting into a flamewar that would fill up my inbox. :twisted:

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 18:36
by mh
I remember Tobias Dorf too. Whatever happened to him? Washing up on some tide somewhere I would imagine.

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 18:50
by Karst
cocoamix wrote:Ah, the Tobias Dork fiasco. Such good times.
Heh. Did you ever get any of his discs (did anybody for that matter). for those who weren't around, Mr. D. decided to sell some of his recordings which he made of soundchecks and concerts to recoup some of his travelling expenses on Dominion. Needless to say that that didn't go down to well.
cocoamix wrote:Adam/Nachtgeist, Ewa Zaleska, Nik Froggin (sp?), Ian and Valerie Palmer, Tony Back.
Jeez. Where have all those people gone, eh. Think Ian Palmer is about, and seem to recall Tony was on the M!sh list. Not sure though. Anybody ever heard from Ian Grimstead after he abandoned his homepage at Cardiff Uni?
cocoamix wrote:IIRC, you were the one I got Wayne's e-maill address from so I could tell him about the Black Planet photos.
Yeah, that isn't working anymore btw. He has moved to Brazil now, where is current wife is from.
cocoamix wrote:I wonder whatever happened to my Swedish trading buddies Machael Krammer and Par Svensson.
Didn't Par do one of the Arkiva discs? The guy from now seems to be the one to business with.

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 21:11
by khepri II
think Par is presently an African dictator :roll: :wink:

No one has heard of Christer for eon's :roll: but there are still some cool people about ask Trev. Mention TT :innocent: :innocent: and you'll be in

btw- is that a relation above your name :roll:

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 22:10
by pikkrong
I fell into Sisters addiction in 1990/91 but for many years I was a Luddite - i. e. escaped from computers, had no e-mail address etc ;D :oops: