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Where is Black Planet?

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 04:20
by Petseri
Does anyone know what is up with BP?

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 10:32
by Loki
Dunno Martin. I've PM'd her but the message hasn't been picked up. :?

I'm sure she'll be in contact soon. :|

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 11:55
by mh
She posted that weird thread and then vanished. I hope it's nothing bad.

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:11
by emilystrange
i'm getting worried now...

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:18
by moonchild
I think she found Eldritch and ran away with him, to a very nice island...

BP.. we miss you....

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:22
by Loki
Seriously though ...any HL members know how to contact Valerie other than via this forum or mailing address? :|

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:30
by ryan
im worried myself now... :(

i hope she comes back.. seems very strange that she left so suddenly...not sure what that thread was implying at all....hope she's ok :? :(

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:37
by Clucking Belle
Track one, side one.

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:41
by emilystrange
and where is rian?

oh, BP, i hope you're alright....please be ok...

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:43
by mh
If anyone hears from her, can you please just at least let us know she's OK.

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:44
by ryan
its amazing how attached we get to people that we will never meet in person.. proves that heartland is so much more then a s.o.m discussion forum....its nice to have a place to get away from it all

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:47
by emilystrange
oh yes... its helped me through a lot.. and there are so many people to thank for that here...

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:51
by Quiff Boy
ryan_w_0000 wrote:heartland is so much more then a s.o.m discussion forum....
is it?!? :eek:

blimey. i'll have to start charging by the hour... ;) :innocent:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:57
by Dave R

If a PM messages has gone from your Outbox, I take it that means the person has read it??

If that is the case, then the Illusive Godess that is BP is reading her messages....

Have i got that wrong?


Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:00
by Loki
No you're right. When did you send it?

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:00
by khepri II
At the end of the great white pier


where's Hal

where's DI

wears you out

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:00
by Quiff Boy
doktor wolf wrote:QB,

If a PM messages has gone from your Outbox, I take it that means the person has read it??

If that is the case, then the Illusive Godess that is BP is reading her messages....

Have i got that wrong?

yep, thats about the size of it.

until its been read by the recipient it sits in your outbox.

once its been read it moves in your sent items.

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:01
by Quiff Boy
glad she's around and ok. i will have the tee shirts back tomorrow... ;) :twisted:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:04
by Loki
Quiff Boy wrote: i will have the tee shirts back tomorrow...
Excellent. I look forward to doing my bit for the third world. :twisted:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:06
by Quiff Boy
Johnny Boy wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote: i will have the tee shirts back tomorrow...
Excellent. I look forward to doing my bit for the third world. :twisted:


Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:13
by Loki
My PM is still sitting in my outbox (15.38 yesterday) so I can only assume:

a) She's been inundated with messages and hasn't got round to it yet, or

b) (Cue pissed Johnny Vegas voice) 'She bloody hates me, everybody hates me, they do ...'

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:22
by ryan
i think your just being paranoid there....

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 15:10
by Dave R
Johnny aint paranoid - its true, we all hate him... :D :D

kidding...dont hit me...

not in the face!!!

damn, that was my one good eye.... :urff: :urff: :urff:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 15:15
by Quiff Boy
doktor wolf wrote:Johnny aint paranoid - its true, we all hate him... :D :D

kidding...dont hit me...

not in the face!!!

damn, that was my one good eye.... :urff: :urff: :urff:
you been "jack white'ed"? ;)


Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 15:19
by Petseri
Johnny Boy wrote:Dunno Martin. I've PM'd her but the message hasn't been picked up. :?

I'm sure she'll be in contact soon. :|
I PMed her as well a few days ago, but the message is still in my outbox. That is why I posted in the forum, to see if anyone had heard from her.

Strange, but I hope overblown.