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Eat Healthy, Take Regular Exercise & Still Die!

Posted: 20 Dec 2003, 11:50
by Erudite
I got a free health screen last week courtesy of my work and I’ve just got the results back. Apparently, I’m showing marginally elevated cholesterol. I’m thirty-one years old, take regular exercise, haven’t eaten red meat since 91, try to eat plenty of vegetables, have never smoked and don’t even drink that much now.
To put it in proportion – my blood pressure is fine, my resting heartbeat is also good - 52 bpm and my ECG was normal, so I’m not about to keel over, which kind of makes me wonder how I can be heading towards clogged arteries so soon in life.
Guess it’s time to cut back on the full fat cheeses and the home made garlic bread packed full of butter, or maybe I should just go out and have a Big Mac and be done with it?
That said, I’m at least 11 lbs. under weight as it is, guess I’m gonna have to have that extra helping of (plain) pasta. :roll: :(

Re: Eat Healthy, Take Regular Exercise & Still Die!

Posted: 20 Dec 2003, 18:18
by Angelchild
Erudite wrote:I got a free health screen last week courtesy of my work and I’ve just got the results back. Apparently, I’m showing marginally elevated cholesterol. I’m thirty-one years old, take regular exercise, haven’t eaten red meat since 91, try to eat plenty of vegetables, have never smoked and don’t even drink that much now.
To put it in proportion – my blood pressure is fine, my resting heartbeat is also good - 52 bpm and my ECG was normal, so I’m not about to keel over, which kind of makes me wonder how I can be heading towards clogged arteries so soon in life.
Guess it’s time to cut back on the full fat cheeses and the home made garlic bread packed full of butter, or maybe I should just go out and have a Big Mac and be done with it?
That said, I’m at least 11 lbs. under weight as it is, guess I’m gonna have to have that extra helping of (plain) pasta. :roll: :(
Enjoy the odd Big Mac,hin :)
You're lucky.I don't think I've ever been 11lbs underweight in my life!!!!!!
I've never had any of these kind of tests done and judging by your current
fitness & lifestyle you'll probably outlive me! :eek: :) :wink:

Posted: 20 Dec 2003, 22:05
by Debaser
This may sound crass...but HA...makes me feel so much better about my idle/slothlike state, irregular and lard eating antics, over weight and a secret smoker...but a cholestrol level that's hunky dory!

Bad for you E...but it made me feel so much better

Bet I die first though...if it make you feel better ;)

Posted: 21 Dec 2003, 13:23
by The Green Lantern
Luckily my cholesterol looked good in the one test I took last year. I don't eat vegetables or fruit, I never work out and I usually drink a little something every day. But on the other hand I only use olive oil when I cook and I rarely make cream sauces. I'm slim and I feel good, but something tells me I may have been lucky this far.

How is the writing business going Erudite?

Posted: 21 Dec 2003, 19:28
by Erudite
The Green Lantern wrote: How is the writing business going Erudite?
If I had to be perfectly honest I'd have to say it's not going at the moment.
But it's been a good learning experience. The main problem with Print On Demand is that I don't have a marketing budget, any distribution and the only promotion is what I sort out myself.
I've drafted in some assistance to jazz up the web site, which may help to spread the word.
Other than that, I'm still looking for an agent.

But thanks for asking.

Posted: 21 Dec 2003, 19:49
by Mrs RicheyJames
<puts on uniform> f**k off it's my day off
<takes uniform back off again>

Just get some Pro-active or summit!!

Posted: 21 Dec 2003, 22:32
by RicheyJames
aaah - but is it the right sort of exercise :wink:

Posted: 21 Dec 2003, 23:40
by James Blast
40 a day, several bottles of merlot and Death still comes to slowly with RJ types around. :(

Posted: 21 Dec 2003, 23:43
by RicheyJames
err.. you could just log-off.... :twisted:

Posted: 21 Dec 2003, 23:58
by Padstar
Your not listening to the right kind of music to live forever Don! ;)


Posted: 22 Dec 2003, 14:53
by mayhem
Why go looking for trouble?

I don't want extra years in my seventies & eighties. If there had been a way of getting them before I hit 30 that would have been fine.

But I'd rather my vices got me than I live to 90 in nappies, believing I am the Empress Josephine.

Just my point of view.


Posted: 22 Dec 2003, 16:00
by mh
It's not when you go but how you go. I'm on 40 a day too, been cutting back on the beer lately, eat reasonably healthy and get loadsa exercise, so it looks like lung cancer before a heart attack for me. Nice to think I'll probably die screaming.

God, what a morbid subject.

Posted: 22 Dec 2003, 19:57
by Erudite
Padstar wrote:Your not listening to the right kind of music to live forever Don! ;)

I still expect my "three score and ten".
If I don't get it I'm gonna sue God for telling porkies in the Bible
(looks furtively round for a lightning bolt).