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Kiss The Blade

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 17:03
by emilystrange
any one know anything about them? have been taping stuff onto minidisk...

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 18:22
by Scardwel
ex-Nightbreed Records "artist". 'nuff said. :wink:

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 18:56
by Quiff Boy
not heard them, or even heard of them, but if they're ex-nightbreed... *shudder*

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 19:42
by James Blast
Nightbreed = Darkwave, NuGoth = crap!

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 22:28
by emilystrange
well that tells me nothing..

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 22:35
by Big Si
emilystrange wrote:well that tells me nothing..
Sounds like a Job for "the Big Man".....


Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 22:36
by emilystrange
thank you sweetie. i like them anyway.

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 22:51
by James Blast
They may look the biz, but they sound 'orrible! Trust me.

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 22:57
by emilystrange
good grief i've been listening since 1986....

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 23:02
by James Blast
Enjoy then Ems, I think it's awful - to each their own and all that.

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 23:03
by emilystrange
so, them and the darkness, how much trouble AM i in?

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 23:13
by James Blast
KTB don't sound too bad at all Ms. Strange.
I sit corrected. :notworthy:

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 23:15
by Scardwel
at least the Darkness have got nice hair and know how to rawk! :wink: shame about the clothes though... :?

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 23:25
by emilystrange
blimey. people dont normally bow to my musical taste. ta.
and scardwel.. its only on stage. justin is just as fine in jeans and tshirt.

Posted: 30 Dec 2003, 00:09
by pikkrong
emilystrange wrote: and scardwel.. its only on stage. justin is just as fine in jeans and tshirt.
when he doesn't sing in his awful voice, right? :wink:

Posted: 31 Dec 2003, 01:16
by Mrs RicheyJames
Oi you ar*e holes......Nightbread are ace

Posted: 31 Dec 2003, 10:01
by Silence is platinum
dont like much of the nightbreed stuff but

suspiria were awesome.

Posted: 31 Dec 2003, 11:21
by CellThree
I have fond memories of wandering into the Nightbreed offices and having a scout through the CDs.

I have less fond memories of Trev telling me all about his ear syringing operation he had just had. I didn't even know the guy and he was giving me all this detail!

More fond memories of my friend asking one of the girls in there about Sopor Aternus and she started spouting off about how fantastic and deep Sopors music is etc etc. My friend held up three cds and said "but which one's the funniest? Which ones does he/she go arrrggghhhheeeeeeeooooooowwwwww on?" The girl wasn't impressed.

(If you don't know who Sopor Aternus is then you are very lucky. Imagine medievel minstrel music played on a Bontempi organ. With screaming and wailing. )

Always brightened up my Nottingham visits did a trip to Nightbreed!

Posted: 31 Dec 2003, 14:53
by Dave R
Did Trev bore you with his "Ghosties Stories"???

ENDG = Nottingham only alternative since the Tindersticks....

Next time u see him, ask him about Dudley JB's.....

Posted: 31 Dec 2003, 15:49
by James Blast
Excellent post C3, FOCL :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Jan 2004, 00:50
by pikkrong
CellThree wrote:If you don't know who Sopor Aternus is then you are very lucky.
Unfortunately I know Sopor Aeternus. A friend of mine was (or is?) a fan or something :oops:
The worst thing about all this: I have seen a nude pics of SA :evil:

(Where in hell I could find a puking emoticon???)

Posted: 03 Jan 2004, 10:04
by Silence is platinum
pikkrong wrote:
CellThree wrote:If you don't know who Sopor Aternus is then you are very lucky.
Unfortunately I know Sopor Aeternus. A friend of mine was (or is?) a fan or something :oops:
The worst thing about all this: I have seen a nude pics of SA :evil:

(Where in hell I could find a puking emoticon???)
i agree, they are the most awfull group around
one for the miserable ones, and their records sell
for high prices on ebay! go figure

Posted: 03 Jan 2004, 10:04
by Silence is platinum
pikkrong wrote:
CellThree wrote:If you don't know who Sopor Aternus is then you are very lucky.
Unfortunately I know Sopor Aeternus. A friend of mine was (or is?) a fan or something :oops:
The worst thing about all this: I have seen a nude pics of SA :evil:

(Where in hell I could find a puking emoticon???)
i agree, they are the most awfull group around
one for the miserable ones, and their records sell
for high prices on ebay! go figure