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The Sisters Of Murphy - Jan 18th - The Limelight, Crewe

Posted: 03 Jan 2004, 12:16
by Padstar
Hi there,

So heres the next one :)

The Sisters Of Murphy - Jan 18th - The Limelight, Crewe

The venue is fantastic, its free in and we have support from the mighty Rhombus!

Hope to see some of you.... and we may ell have a special guest from the states :)


Heres some venue details:

Posted: 03 Jan 2004, 19:14
by Debaser
Do I NOT believe it!! Am in Leds the night before so as a result will have to go back to Lincoln the next day to do worky type stuff.....

Buggery s**t wank

Soz hunn

Posted: 03 Jan 2004, 19:22
by Quiff Boy
theink we'll still be going to both ;)

also, its lars' birthday on the 17th jan too, so i shall be inviting him next time i speak to him :)

Posted: 03 Jan 2004, 19:25
by Debaser
oooh a brace of buffdi's! How spiffing

Posted: 03 Jan 2004, 22:13
by snowey
:D Mrs Snowey and myself will be making the long journey from Birkenhead via St Helens. Come and say hello to the two / three people at the back....

Re: The Sisters Of Murphy - Jan 18th - The Limelight, Crewe

Posted: 04 Jan 2004, 00:37
by CorpPunk
Padstar wrote: Hope to see some of you.... and we may ell have a special guest from the states :)
Yup, barring sudden death or some other unforeseen circumstance, I'll be there. Come say hello! :D

Posted: 04 Jan 2004, 06:44
by CorpPunk
Oh wait...if I'm a special guest, does that mean I get to make a special request? Can I request Good Things? Huh? Can I?! Please!

:innocent: :kiss: :P

Posted: 04 Jan 2004, 10:49
by Padstar
@Debaser - I believe it.....

@Corpunk - Ill see what we can do :)


Posted: 04 Jan 2004, 13:16
by Quiff Boy
and as its our birthdays, play "body & soul" for lars and "heartland" for, well, all of us :D ;)

Posted: 04 Jan 2004, 13:17
by Quiff Boy
actually, now i come to think about it, jan 25th is heartland's birthday too!
Board started Fri 25 Jan, 2002 12:00 am
we will be 2! :D

Posted: 05 Jan 2004, 11:53
by Ed Rhombus
Fantastic venue this one, Smurphs were on top form there last year too.

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 14:47
by Black Biscuit
Quiff Boy wrote:and as its our birthdays, play "body & soul" for lars and "heartland" for, well, all of us :D ;)

---- Body And Soul rocks, but Heartland? (Sort of something wrong with the end of that song, isn't there?)

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 15:01
by Ed Rhombus
Nothing that a Paddy solo couldn't fix!

Come on mate, whip it up!

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 16:04
by Padstar
Next Grinn gig Jan 16th at the Fenton BTW...

And the Lockwood in Hudds on Jan 30th for a full, all out, punktastic guitar noodling, killer song extravanza!


Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 22:21
by Ed Rhombus
hey! We're at the Fenton on the 16th as well!

If you in Manchester on the Tuesday thats the hat trick

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 13:27
by emilystrange
aaaaggggghhhh cant you come a bit nearer here? you wont fall off the edge of the fens, honest

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 16:14
by Padstar
emilystrange wrote:aaaaggggghhhh cant you come a bit nearer here? you wont fall off the edge of the fens, honest
I have to say i dont think there is too much hope of that sadly..... you may have to just get in your car and make that huge effort.... i mean, if you will go to see the Darkness in Paris ;)


Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 16:48
by Scardwel
A Smurphs gig is the closest you're gonna get to the *real thing* (for a while at least) so make the bloody most of it!
If you haven't seen 'em before, trust me - they are a top night out and a f**king good band in their own right!

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 22:26
by emilystrange
Padstar wrote:
emilystrange wrote:aaaaggggghhhh cant you come a bit nearer here? you wont fall off the edge of the fens, honest
I have to say i dont think there is too much hope of that sadly..... you may have to just get in your car and make that huge effort.... i mean, if you will go to see the Darkness in Paris ;)

paris is easier to get to! and i will be at my mums, doing xmas again with her this time.
is your ass as pretty as justin's?

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 22:34
by mugabe
emilystrange wrote:is your ass as pretty as justin's?
The quintessential female music consumer, are we?

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 22:45
by emilystrange
and i'm old enough to know better...
no. i just know a good one when i see it, which adds to the experience. much the same as knowing the offside rule but still appreciating a pretty face on the pitch.

Posted: 08 Jan 2004, 00:05
by Mrs RicheyJames
Shut up about Justins' bum!!!!
I'm not supposed to think of these things...............

Posted: 08 Jan 2004, 22:56
by emilystrange
Sexygoth wrote:Shut up about Justins' bum!!!!
I'm not supposed to think of these things...............
who made that stupid rule up? :twisted:

Posted: 09 Jan 2004, 04:22
by Andy TG
I hate to ask but where is "Crewe" in realtion to Cardiff (Wales) - If its anywhere near Brum I and Mrs Goth may be able to pay the band a visit!

Posted: 09 Jan 2004, 10:14
by Padstar
Crewe is a bit further up the M6......

Paddy. (geographical wizard)