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Damage Done on EBAY

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 03:18
by Y

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 10:09
by Loki
Oh yes! :lol:

Hope no-one gets really cheeky and emails the seller to tell them it's fake ... :wink:

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 10:33
by markfiend
Oh surely no-one would do that ;)

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 10:40
by markfiend
To be fair, I suppose it's possible that the guy selling it doesn't (well, didn't) know that it's a fake. But I suggest that anyone bidding should be told... :innocent:

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 12:59
by taylor
yes I agree with MF. In the past years lot of dealers sell fakes copies for high ammount and given as original press. Only recently when RC magazine wrote an extensive piece for watch the differents, lots of peoples realised that them had bought a fakes copies.

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 16:43
by Adrenochrome
From a collectors point of view the fake is much as rare as the original

Some people even say that it´s harder to get the bootleg than the original these days.

I dont know how many of the fake "DD" were made. I´ve never seen one but i´ve heard they are from japan...

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 22:44
by Ed Rhombus
I'll happily swap that fake for an original.

In fact I'd swap it for a packet of crisps

Damage Done - Fake

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 00:37
by Reptile
I told her it was a Fake

Cheers Reptile 8)

If Joy Division Drew Blood , Then the Sisters Cut Through To The Bone, It Hurts But Feels So .... oooo Good.

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 06:15
by Y
Looks like the seller now cancelled the auction.

Maybe it should be reposted for 15GBP ??? :)

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 10:25
by markfiend
I also told her it's a fake; she thought it was genuine, so I've directed her to Y's images of the real and fake sleeves.

Posted: 09 Jan 2004, 19:27
by Ed Rhombus
You bastards!!!!!!

Poor lass probably pawned her gran ma for that!

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 11:55
by markfiend
Ed Rhombus wrote:You bastards!!!!!!

Poor lass probably pawned her gran ma for that!
I do feel a bit guilty actually. I thought it was someone trying to do a deliberate rip-off, but she seemed honestly to think it was genuine.

Looks like she was the one ripped off.

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 01:04
by Y ... egory=2265

Just can't believe someone would actually pay 124 GBP for the fake 7" :eek:

I was guessing 50-60 GBP max!! Oh well...

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 10:20
by Ed Rhombus
Now that is daft!

Anyone want to go into business and produce these things?

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 14:26
by taylor
>Just can't believe someone would actually pay 124 GBP for the fake 7"
>I was guessing 50-60 GBP max!! Oh well...

strange to believe but it's more rare the fakes than original :

DD original 1000 copies
DD fakes 500 copies

Posted: 23 Jan 2004, 14:51
by markfiend
Yeah, but most of the originals are still under :von:'s bed because they didn't sell.