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FAVORITE THING you like about Richey?

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 16:31
by Loki
Well? I'm still thinking ...

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 16:33
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 16:41
by Black Planet
:eek: :eek: :eek:

God do I have to make list? It'll p*ss him off. So here goes....

Easily wound up.
Curmudgeonly (what will he be like when he's 80? :eek: :eek: )
Ascerbic wit....
Takes no sh*t
Makes me laugh
Devil's Spawn...what a goth!

I'll stop while I'm ahead.


Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 16:49
by Mrs RicheyJames
Black Planet wrote: Devil's Spawn...what a goth!

Told you Richey!!!! :lol:

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 18:27
by James Blast
- - - - -

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 18:30
by Quiff Boy
but he smells soooooo good ;)

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 18:31
by Quiff Boy
i was thinking of making him the official heartland mascot, actually! now that ole buxy wuxy has gone underground... :roll:

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 19:17
by paint it black
he's for real i love pendant's . the world needs more anal people; just to keep dull people in-check :roll:

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 19:30
by CorpPunk
paint it black wrote:i love pendant's .
Now there's something to get our boy's knickers in a twist, unless it's referring to the mascot suggestion. Even so.

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 19:40
by mugabe

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 19:50
by 6FeetOver
LOL! Tsk, tsk. :twisted: :wink: ;D

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 19:52
by Padstar
Hes one of my favourate people in the world full stop.

And i just love the fact that he is sooooo not Richey James.



Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 19:56
by James Blast
You need to get out more and meet real people Paddy <ducks>

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 20:14
by hallucienate
I like the fact that he'll sleep with anyone after a couple of drinks.

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 21:09
by Black Planet
hallucienate wrote:I like the fact that he'll sleep with anyone after a couple of drinks.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 06 Jan 2004, 23:50
by paint it black

thats me told then

from this day forward; i shall be so much, more careful with my apostrophies'

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 00:41
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:i was thinking of making him the official heartland mascot, actually! now that ole buxy wuxy has gone underground... :roll:
awww.. you're so sweet quiffy. but does this mean i get mod powers? :twisted:

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 00:43
by Thea
i like his frilly shirt.

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 00:45
by RicheyJames
Padstar wrote:Hes one of my favourate people in the world full stop.
oh pads, if only you'd spelt favourite correctly. and well done to everyone who's deliberately set out to provoke me on this thread (yes johnny boy, i'm looking at you)...

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 00:46
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:but does this mean i get mod powers? :twisted:
hell no! :eek:

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 00:48
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:but does this mean i get mod powers? :twisted:
hell no! :eek:
awww.... why not? i promise to be good.... :twisted:

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 00:52
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:but does this mean i get mod powers? :twisted:
hell no! :eek:
awww.... why not? i promise to be good.... :twisted:
nah. then you'd have access to our mods-only area where we slag you off constantly ;)

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 00:52
by RicheyJames
hallucienate wrote:I like the fact that he'll sleep with anyone after a couple of drinks.

don't know what you're talking about, guv :innocent:

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 00:54
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:nah. then you'd have access to our mods-only area where we slag you off constantly ;)
but imagine the fun you'd have slagging me off to my face but behind the backs of all (y)our loyal followers...

Posted: 07 Jan 2004, 00:55
by James Blast
Pease accept these winter roses from me.