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Welcome MaTt...

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 17:20
by Thea
bloody curefans get everywhere...

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 17:23
by Quiff Boy
wassup, is there a broken cure forum out there? ;) :twisted:


ah well, welcome anyway :D

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 17:42
by Quiff Boy
ahem ;D

methinks matt may have been a trifle too clever for his own good and entered an invalid email address (presumably in an attempt to prevent spam mail) in teh registration form...

sadly, poor old matt will not therefore get a confirmation email and will NEVER be able to activate his account. :roll:

it says as such on the T&Cs page when you register, but a few people dont seem to follow that ;)

unlucky :lol:

if matt chooses to email me with his correct email address i will amend the database and activate his account.

he can always choose to "hide" his email address in his profile afterwards :roll:

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 17:46
by Thea
i say again - bloody curefans!

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 17:58
by Quiff Boy
d00mw0lf wrote:i say again - bloody curefans!
i say nothing... :innocent:

you know him? wanna point him in the direction of this thread? :)

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 18:00
by Thea
yep and done - he says the addy should work just fine.

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 18:11
by Quiff Boy
d00mw0lf wrote:yep and done - he says the addy should work just fine.
really? then its a very silly email address that no one would ever remember! :lol: :notworthy:

but if its real, then he would have gotten the activation email already... ?!!?

whatever :roll:

welcome matt, if you ever get here! ;D :P

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 18:28
by MAtT
lol... fake email address indeed. :wink:

it's just a unique email address that forwards to my real one for free. visit to find out why i've not received one item of spam for five years ;D

anyway - enough advertising.... hello, i'm new but i do know the d00mster. Also been a Sisters fan since about '88, but only just moved on from exclusively visiting cure forums.

Hello everyone. 8)

*wanders off to sus out sigs*

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 18:35
by Thea
bloody curefans....
bloody geeks....
bloody bloody BLOODY!

*takes advice from SG's sig and sticks paper down toilets*

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 18:49
by MAtT
:eek: u calling me a geek d00mie? 8)

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 18:50
by Thea
i wouldn't even dream of it....


Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 18:56
by MAtT
i'm really more of a geek wannabe :) i'm not dedicated enough to be anything!

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 20:34
by James Blast
ah.... MAtT, we've been expecting you... drink?

Barman Blast

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 20:50
by MAtT
cheers :D

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 21:01
by James Blast
BTW, fantastic chest Miss Jackson!!!

Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 21:16
by Padstar


Posted: 10 Jan 2004, 23:54
by 6FeetOver
Welcome, MAtT! Get it? Ahahahaha!!! :twisted: ;D :roll: :innocent: Erm...sorry. :oops:

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 00:43
by Black Planet
Red Sunsets wrote:BTW, fantastic chest Miss Jackson!!!
YOU would! Those boobs have got me nauseated.

BTW welcome Matt...ah to dream impossible dreams. Absolutely love that song, makes be cry every time. XXX to Mr. Smith, I love him.

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 01:28
by James Blast
<-----still dreaming of 'cleavage'

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 02:51
by Black Planet
Isnt' that what I dream impossible dreams?

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 03:05
by Thea
sure you don't mean "to wish impossible things"?

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 03:59
by Black Planet
I'll give it another listen Doomie....When it comes to me and the Cure....

I just go Off..into another world. And it's only me and my feelings, and of course. Robert..

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 04:01
by Thea
*sigh* i know :)

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 11:43
by MAtT
thx everyone. it's good to see such an active board.

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 14:29
by DirtyAndSweet

'Ello darlin :D