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Just saw this...

Posted: 16 Jan 2004, 12:02
by mh
And thought it was funny.

On the official site:

"We'll try to ignore everything you put out in the last thirteen years"

Seeing as at the present mo that amounts to:
1. A re-recorded version of an old song
2. Another re-recorded version of an even older song
3. A coupla remixes of not so much older songs
4. A compilation of old songs
5. Another compilation of even older songs
6. Under The Gun

I nearly pissed meself laughing.

Posted: 05 May 2004, 21:50
by James Blast
... and still Nowt!

Re: Just saw this...

Posted: 05 May 2004, 21:52
by Almiche V
mh wrote:6. Under The Gun

Re: Just saw this...

Posted: 06 May 2004, 19:56
by Electrochrome
mh wrote:And thought it was funny.

On the official site:

"We'll try to ignore everything you put out in the last thirteen years"

Seeing as at the present mo that amounts to:
1. A re-recorded version of an old song
2. Another re-recorded version of an even older song
3. A coupla remixes of not so much older songs
4. A compilation of old songs
5. Another compilation of even older songs
6. Under The Gun

I nearly pissed meself laughing.

Yeah, I love that one, really. C'mon, Von, you're pissed that you're still considered a 'goth', so we should refer to your recent output which is...nothing. Sure, you still write songs, still perform, but not everyone can book a trip out of the country when you feel like touring, or trek to Poland or whatever other Eastern Bloc country the Sisters might be able to stoke a promoter's interest!